Clicker Couch

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #dom:female #f/m #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #pov:top #sub:male #clicker #conditioning #femdom_hypnosis #fetish_training #furry #human_furniture #mass_hypnosis #objectification

An anthro cat clicker trains her anthro dog slaves into acting as a living couch for her to sit on, in preparation for their performance in an upcoming kink parade.

A group of several anthro canines, consisting of a wolf, a golden retriever, a coyote, an arctic fox, a husky dog, a red fox, and a jackal, were all sitting on a couch in deep yet casual conversation with each other, until they were interrupted by a woman who entered through the doorway to the living room.

The woman was an anthro cat who wore a tuft of fluffy pink hair. She had just put on a very sexy costume consisting of a vinyl bodysuit of red and black that heavily emphasized her large breasts, complete with a flowing cape that trailed behind her, making her look like a regal evil queen just about to rule over her subjects. Her feet were adorned by a pair of long shiny black boots that traveled up the lower part of her legs, and all of the canine men gasped in delight when the cat struck a sexy pose with her legs.

The cat, who went by the stage name KittyQueen, reached her hand deep into her own cleavage to pull out a small purple clicker training device that had a button situated in its middle. KittyQueen was absolutely delighted to see her partners look excitedly towards her direction as she aimed the clicker towards them all.

KittyQueen and her group of canine slaves had signed up to be a part of a unique kink parade that was rolling throughout their city, and the cat was greatly looking forward to further training her men to perform some special stunts on their parade float. “Ready for rehearsal, boys?” KittyQueen seductively asked them, who sweetly giggled when she saw them all excitedly nod their heads up and down.

KittyQueen then clamped down her thumb over the button, listening to the loud click reverberate throughout the entire room, and flashed a sweetly sinister grin when she watched the dogs’ ears all simultaneously perk up in attention, who were all patiently waiting for their queen to issue her first command. The cat was fondly reminiscing over all of the previous times she had used clicker training to control all of her men into performing erotic sex acts for her in the past.

“All of those clothes you are currently wearing just simply won’t do. I only accept half-naked men in my presence!” KittyQueen cackled wildly when she saw the dogs immediately grasp onto the bottoms of their shirts, eager to pull them off of their bodies. “Strip! Strip now for your queen!”

KittyQueen excitedly pressed down on the clicker, prompting all of the men to quickly tear off their shirts in one fell swoop, robotically tossing their shirts off to the side of the couch all with blank expressions on their faces. KittyQueen casually strolled up to the couch, leaning down to stare at the coyote named Chase before reaching out her hands towards his chest, lightly tweaking both of his nipples between her fingers.

The cat mischievously giggled when she heard Chase’s pleasured yelps of pain, before moving her mouth closer to his chest so she could swirl her tongue around the coyote’s nipples to lap away the pain. Chase hissed and moaned in joy from his queen’s loving administrations on his body.

KittyQueen turned her attention over to a gray-furred wolf named David, gently pulling back on the waistline of his pants with a single finger while lovingly caressing his penis through his boxers with her other hand. “Now you sweet boys must remove your pants for your queen.” The cat lightly snapped the waistline back in its place, earning a squeal of pleasure from the wolf.

KittyQueen aimed her clicker right towards the faces of all of her men and clicked down hard, firing the noise through all of the canines’ brains. After holding their dizzy heads in their hands for a few brief moments, the men all simultaneously gripped onto the waistlines of their pants and pulled down, revealing black and gray-colored boxers that were concealing their semi-erect cocks.

KittyQueen licked her luscious lips over the deliciously erotic display occurring before her. “Now you must all come together to form a royal seat for me to sit upon.” As soon as the cat clicked the button, all the men suddenly sprang up to their feet off of the couch, working together to shove the couch out of the way.

All of the men attempted to contort their bodies in such a way that they could join their bodies together to form the shape of a couch for their queen to sit down on. Unfortunately, since all of the dogs were out of practice, they all started accidentally bumping and knocking into each other and kept falling onto the floor. After several tries, all of the men tried crawling back up on their feet until they heard KittyQueen’s voice yell out “freeze!”

Upon hearing the click of the button, all of the men suddenly stopped moving as if they were completely frozen in time, stuck in various poses from attempting to get themselves off of the floor. KittyQueen let out a sweet giggle over her slaves’ attempts to obediently follow her commands.

“Well, looks like my sweet little cutiepups are struggling a bit to follow my living couch command.” KittyQueen noticed the golden retriever, named Louis, sadly droop his face a bit from failing to be perfectly obedient towards his queen. The cat immediately took pity on her loyal servant by quickly leaning down to embrace him.

“Oh honey, I would never be upset with you.” KittyQueen was sweetly whispering in his ear to calm him down since she had noticed tears streaming down the dog’s face. “These are just rehearsals meant to improve our coordination for the special show we’re giving the audience of the kink parade.” The cat was gently stroking her hand across the retriever’s fur. “And even if you make a mistake during the parade, remember that I’ll always love you. This is just for fun!” KittyQueen cheerfully exclaimed.

“Just…for…fun…” Louis happily moaned out as he felt the cat leave a small kiss on his cheek before feeling her lips brush against his ear. “Such a good boy…” She sweetly whispered, which started to dry up the dog’s tears.

After she received a satisfied moan from the dog, KittyQueen went to plant kisses on the other canines’ cheeks while whispering in their ears what good boys they were for her. This all boosted their morale in completing their rehearsals, so once they heard the sound of the click play in their ears, they all simultaneously got back up on their feet to try to contort their bodies so they could succeed in forming the shape of a couch for their queen.

After a few more tries with some more mistakes made, all of the men soon started communicating with each other better to see which poses they could make without bumping into one another. They started to get a hang of the rehearsals, and with one final click of KittyQueen’s device, they finally perfectly performed their queen’s command to the letter.

The arctic fox, named Jeffery, sat down on his hands and knees acting like a bench for five of the other men to sit on. The husky dog, named Daniel, sat near Jeffery’s head while the jackal, named Will, sat down near Jeffery’s butt. Daniel and Will both acted as the ‘arms’ of the makeshift couch that was made up of anthro men, with Chase, David and Louis sitting on top of Jeffery’s back in between the husky and the jackal.

The red fox, who was named Roger, had the easiest job of the group, as all he simply had to do was get down on his hands and knees in front of the furry couch to act as an ottoman. Roger lifted up his face and started happily wagging his bushy tail when he saw KittyQueen getting closer to him and the rest of the men.

When KittyQueen approached the new man-made couch, she reached out her hand to gently stroke all of the men’s boxer-covered crotches that made up the ‘couch seats.’

Mmm excellent craftsmanship…” KittyQueen was moaning so much that she was nearly drooling in lust, as she continued repeatedly rubbing her hand back and forth across all of the canines’ cocks to their absolute delight. “Normally, I don’t like lumpy couches.” The cat giggled when she saw all of the dogs’ hardening cocks stretching out the fabric of their boxers. “But just this once I’ll make an exception.”

KittyQueen turned her body around so she could sit down upon her new royal throne, and lifted up her legs so she could place her paws against Roger’s back. The cat was sitting directly on David’s lap, constantly re-adjusting her ass to make herself more comfortable. The repeated friction of her ass grinding against David’s crotch caused him to instantly cum, leaving a massive wet spot on the front of his boxers.

KittyQueen briefly climbed off of her couch so she could wipe David’s semen off of her ass, and then preceded to lay down across the entire length of her canine couch while rubbing the husky’s crotch using her sexy boots. She quickly changed positions so she was laying across the couch in the other direction, now massaging the jackal’s crotch with her boots.

She kept changing positions and poses all across the crotches of the seats of the couch until all of her men came and completely soiled their boxers. The cat even commanded her living ottoman Roger to roll over onto his back so she could shove her booted paws onto his erect cock, alternately rubbing both of her boots up and down until the fox came out loud alongside the rest of the men.

“Well, the lumps in the couch seem to have gone away, but now it seems that all of the seats have gotten mysteriously wet.” KittyQueen brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. Soon afterwards, all of the anthro men collapsed onto the floor in a delicious puddle, all moaning out loud in post-orgasmic bliss.

KittyQueen crawled out of the furry pile and aimed her clicker device towards all the men. “Now you must get back up on your feet and remove your soiled boxers, and march in a single file line towards the laundry room so you may clean up your messes.” KittyQueen clicked her device seven times in a row near every man’s ears.

All seven of the anthro canines robotically rose up on their feet with blank expressions on their faces, all tearing off their boxers in perfect unison before turning their bodies in the direction of the laundry room. They all suddenly started marching towards the room in a single file line just as KittyQueen had commanded.

KittyQueen followed closely behind as all of the men entered the laundry room with sticky boxers in hand. The cat was nonchalantly twirling her clicker training device around her fingers while letting out a low chuckle. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sure as hell excited about our final rehearsal tomorrow before we perform our show during the kink parade in a few days.” The cat cooed to all of her doggie slaves.

KittyQueen groped every anthro man’s ass while clicking her device near all of their ears, which made every man happily moan out in bliss. “Yes, we are all excited for our final rehearsal tomorrow in preparation for the parade, my queen.” The canines all repeated in a simultaneous monotone.

When all of the men lined up next to each other in front of the washing machine, KittyQueen suddenly slapped her ass hard against all of the dogs’ butt cheeks in one fell swoop, causing all of the men to yelp out in a mix of pleasure and pain. “Mmm a queen could get used to this kind of treatment from her loyal subjects.” The cat moaned to herself.

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