Chore Wheel

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #dom:male #furry #m/m #pov:bottom #sub:male #tech_control #chores #CW:dubious_consent #foot_fetish #spiral #spiral_eyes

An anthro wolf named Aaron builds a hypnotic chore wheel to motivate his lazy roommate into doing more work around their house.

An anthro wolf named Aaron and an anthro fox named Frank had been living together as roommates for a couple of years. Although they had both gotten along pretty well at first, later on Aaron found himself increasingly annoyed over Frank half-assing his share of the work in and around the house, often leaving him to clean up after his messes without Frank bothering to help him out further.

What really frustrated the wolf was that Frank would always kindly offer to work on various chores to help loosen up his workload, only to leave these chores unfinished in the middle of the day to go play video games or watch TV. It got to the point where Aaron would’ve preferred it if Frank didn’t even bother working on any chores at all, so that he could just get it all done at once instead of hoping that the fox might finish his chores.

One day while Aaron was browsing the internet on his phone, he came across an article on an arts and crafts-themed website that explained how to build your own chore wheel, complete with writing down a different chore on every spoke of the wheel. Aaron thought for a moment that even this would never help motivate his roommate into helping out more around the house, until he grew a wicked smile on his face when he thought of how he could use a chore wheel to force Frank into working more.

Aaron toiled away building a unique chore wheel over the next several weeks, his mind racing with ideas of what he could make the fox do with the wheel. After he had finished constructing the wheel on top of a large square base that had four wheels on the bottom, the wolf rolled out his homemade chore wheel into the living room right in front of the TV.

Frank was sitting on the couch eating from a bowl of chips, though he stopped when he noticed that his view of the TV screen had been blocked by Aaron and his strange new contraption. “Hey man, what’s this?” Frank asked with a slightly curious as well as an annoyed tone. “I was kind of watching my favorite show before you blocked my view.”

Aaron patted the side of his giant chore wheel with his hand a few times with a proud smile on his face. “This baby is gonna assign you a chore to complete for today. See how every spoke on this wheel has a different chore written on it that needs getting done?” Aaron rhetorically asked the fox. “Whatever spoke the arrow on the top of the wheel lands on will be your new chore for the day!”

Frank looked a little closer at the wheel and noticed that all of the spokes were alternately colored in a repeating pattern of black and white, and every spoke ended with a curve that pointed to the center of the wheel. A different chore had been scrawled in bright red ink in the middle of every spoke.

“Oh, you don’t need to go to all of that trouble, dude. Just tell me what needs to be done, and I’d be more than happy to-“

Aaron pulled out a remote control that could be used to spin the electronic chore wheel he had built, and turned the knob in the middle of the remote to begin spinning the wheel. As the wheel began to turn around faster and faster, Frank noticed that all of the black and white spokes were blending into one another until they eventually formed the shape of a spinning spiral.

Aaron chuckled to himself when he noticed Frank’s face drooping as he began falling under a deep trance while tracing the movement of the spiral with his eyes. Soon, the fox’s eyes became filled with spinning spirals that looked just like the one on the chore wheel.

“I’m sick and tired of you never finishing your chores and leaving me to finish them for you.” Aaron was glaring towards Frank. “If you’re gonna offer, I’m gonna make sure you finish what you started, got it? No wondering off to watch TV anymore.”

“Yes Master…” The spirals in Frank’s eyes were spinning faster. “I will finish whatever chore the wheel chooses for me. I will not abandon my work for whatever reason ever again.”

Aaron walked over to the couch to sit down right next to his roommate, and reached out a hand to gently run his fingers through the fox’s brown hair. “Feel the spinning spiral whirl throughout your brain like a tornado, constantly twisting and rearranging all of your thoughts, until the only thoughts you have remaining in your head are of subservience to me.” Aaron soothed while petting Frank’s head.

“Spinning… whirling… twisting… rearranging…” Frank repeated as the ever-rotating wheel took up his entire vision. “My only thoughts will be of obeying you, master…”

Aaron brought his lips closer to one of Frank’s ears to whisper in it. “Round and round the chore wheel goes. Where it stops, nobody knows.”

For reasons that the fox couldn’t properly explain to himself, Frank felt several shivers shoot down his spine over Aaron’s whispering in his ear. He even started moaning a little when he felt Aaron move his hand from his hair to behind one of his ears to begin lightly scratching it.

“Who’s my good little hypno’d boy? You are! You are!” Aaron laughed when he saw that Frank was leaning his head closer and was really enjoying his ear scratches.

“I am! I am! I’m your good little hypno’d boy!” The fox stuck his tongue out while making a pleasured sound.

Aaron grabbed the remote again to turn the knob back to the middle, causing the chore wheel to start spinning more slowly until it eventually crawled to a stop. The arrow situated above the wheel was pointing at a spike that had the chore “Put away the clean dishes” written on it.

Aaron was delighted by this choice, as it was Frank’s turn to put away the clean dishes that were in the dishwasher. Though Frank had started this chore and promised he would eventually finish it, the fox wound up abandoning the dishes and never completed his task like he almost always did. “Well, looks like it’s dish duty for you! Time to get off of your ass and finish this chore you started forever ago! Chop chop!” Aaron clapped his hands together.

The spirals in Frank’s eyes had completely disappeared, leaving his eyes entirely blank and empty. “Yes Master… I will finish the dishes… I will obey you… I will only obey you…”

Frank robotically rose off of the couch before turning his body in the direction of the kitchen, and began marching towards the dishwasher with his arms stretched out in front of his body like a hypnotized zombie. “I must obey my master… I am under his control…” The fox repeated in a robotic monotone voice.

Aaron grabbed the TV remote to look for a show he liked on a streaming service. He happily sighed to himself as he heard the sound of clattering dishes being put away in their cabinets. “Now I can finally relax and do what I like for a change.”

When Frank was done putting away the dishes, he was lured back to the couch when he saw the spiraling chore wheel spinning again. The spirals had returned in his eyes when he stood right in front of Aaron, who was standing right next to the wheel.

When the wheel stopped spinning again, Frank saw that the arrow was pointing to a spoke with the chore “Kiss Aaron’s feet” written on it in dark red ink.

Frank immediately collapsed onto the floor on his hands and knees in a worshipful pose and began repeatedly kissing the tops of Aaron’s feet. “I will kiss your feet for however long you desire, master.” Frank obediently stated in between kisses. “I will even kiss all of your toes, master.” The fox planted a kiss on each of the wolf’s toes.

Mmm I could get used to this level of groveling…” Aaron let out a small evil laugh as he felt Frank repeatedly kissing his toes over and over again in an increasingly feverish pitch.

The following morning, Frank stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower. As he was rubbing body wash throughout the fur on his body, the fox’s mind began flashing back to his unusual dreams he experienced throughout the night.

Though Frank didn’t consciously remember what his roommate Aaron had hypnotized him to do, his subconscious had certainly remembered the previous day’s commands and used them to fuel his dreams. The fox had dreamt of putting away more clean dishes just as he did in real life, except in his dream he was being forced to wear a frilly and revealing french maid outfit while the wolf kept a close eye on him at all times, circling around him while groping his ass if Aaron felt Frank was doing a good enough job.

Frank also dreamt of Aaron hypnotizing him to get down on his hands and knees, feeling the weight of one of Aaron’s feet pushing on his back to force him to kneel closer to the ground. Aaron kept shoving his foot harder onto Frank’s back until he forced his tongue out and began eagerly lapping over Aaron’s toes.

Frank’s eyes were closed as he reminisced over his dreams of kissing, licking, and worshipping Aaron’s feet, as he enjoyed the soothing sensation of the shower’s hot water running down his back. When he opened his eyes again, the fox was shocked to find out that he had splattered the entire glass wall of the shower with his semen. He looked down at his crotch to see that he had taken a tight hold of his increasingly-flaccid cock while he remembered his wonderful dreams.

After he washed off any excess cum off of his cock and turned the shower off, Frank dried himself off with a nearby towel he had set aside, and then quickly cleaned up the sticky mess he had made all over the glass wall. Once he put on his clothes and stepped out of the bathroom, Frank shook his head to try to forget all about the odd (if pleasant) dreams he had been having so he could focus on the rest of the day instead.

When Frank walked down the stairs and entered the living room, he noticed that Aaron was already standing next to the new chore wheel, posing with one of his hands lightly pushing against the side of the wheel.

“Hey dude.” Frank spoke up. “Listen, I don’t wanna seem like I’m too lazy to work on any chores today, but I kinda made a big… mess in the shower that I had to clean up, so I’ve already used up a lot of my energy today, so I’d rather-“

Without tearing his gaze from his roommate, the wolf took his hand off of the wheel to grab the remote off of a small nearby table and turned the knob, sending a signal to the electronic wheel to begin turning around once again.

Frank was slowly tilting his head around to match up with the slow movement of the wheel, rolling his head around faster as the wheel increased its speed. When he felt a deep, sleepy trance wash over his brain, Frank collapsed onto his hands and knees, obediently craning his head up so he could continue staring into the center of the spinning spiral.

“I will complete whatever chore you assign to me, master.” Frank spoke in an obedient monotone. Aaron then turned the knob back in its standard position, causing the wheel to begin slowing down once again. Once it finally came to a stop, the fox noticed the arrow pointing to a spoke with the chore “Gather up Aaron’s used socks and put them in the washing machine.”

Aaron watched Frank robotically stand up on his feet, so the wolf went to quickly grab an empty laundry basket and shoved it into the fox’s arms. “Alright, just take this basket up into my room and fill it with all of my used socks I’ve strewn about so you can wash them in the laundry room.” Aaron used his hands to turn Frank around on his feet and pointed towards the staircase, snapping his fingers before Frank began obediently marching towards his destination.

Frank pushed the door open to Aaron’s bedroom and began picking up all of his dirty socks and throwing them into the basket. There were a ton of used socks all over the floor and even on top of Aaron’s mattress. However, the more socks Frank was tossing into the basket, the more the stink of the socks was beginning to get to him and make him feel lightheaded.

Instead of being grossed out by the foul odor, the fox was surprised that the smell was actually beginning to make him feel horny. It was even reminding him of the smell of Aaron’s feet from last night’s dream that he was beating off to in the shower.

Frank was running around picking up the socks faster as the smell was making his cock swell harder in his pants. He was getting so turned on that he tossed the basket to the side and leapt down onto the floor, crawling on his hands and knees across the ground sniffing out loud every time he approached a sock he hadn’t picked up yet.

The smell was making Frank so mindless, that he leapt on all fours towards a stray sock that he grabbed with his mouth, and began shaking the sock furiously by shaking his head like a dog. When Frank accidentally flung the sock halfway across the room, he started to come a bit back to his senses and blushed over how he had just acted. He walked over to where he had thrown the sock, picked it up, and tossed it into the basket before exiting Aaron’s bedroom to walk back down the stairs.

Once he ran past Aaron and headed into the laundry room, Frank began quickly tossing each sock one after the other into the washing machine, but he was getting so distracted by the alluring scent, that he started taking his time deeply sniffing every sock he threw.

The fox’s cock was swelling so hard from sniffing so many stinky socks, that he instantly came in his pants from the constant barrage of smelly sock fumes that were quickly filling his nostrils and pumping straight into his brain, sapping away all of his thoughts. Frank silently stood there with his arms resting at his sides without a single thought running throughout his now-empty head, until the wet sensation of his soiled pants woke him up from his trance.

Frank looked down at himself with a bit of a shocked expression on his own face, before he removed his pants and tore off his boxers. He grabbed a nearby absorbent sponge stick that he used to soak up the excess cum off of his clothes. He figured that since he was already throwing dirty clothes into the washing machine, he might as well toss in his pants and boxers into the mix as well.

After adding some detergent and fiddling with the settings before pressing a button to begin the wash, Frank sat down near the little window on the front of the washing machine to make sure it was properly working. However, the more he saw all of his master’s socks swirling around and around in the water, the Fox felt himself plunging straight into another trance again, as the spinning spiral of socks was reminding him of the hypnotic chore wheel that Aaron had spun for him.

Frank scooted himself closer so he could be further hypnotized by the display before him. After several uninterrupted minutes of following the movement of the swirling socks with his eyes, a growing sensation over his crotch broke him free of yet another trance. He awkwardly looked down at himself and saw that despite having already came hard twice earlier in the morning, he was already sporting another massive hard-on.

Frank quickly rose back onto his feet and grasped the laundry basket tightly over his crotch, running out of the laundry room and towards his own bedroom to look for some more clothes, hoping that Aaron wouldn’t notice how hard completing his chore had made him. The residual scents that the stinky socks had left behind in the empty basket were rising up towards Frank’s nose and further turning him on, so he was mentally praying to himself that he wouldn’t cum over himself for the third time in a row.

Over the next several days, Aaron started spinning his hypnotic chore wheel near Frank’s face more often, assigning more and more chores for the hypnotized fox to complete. Soon, Frank began pulling his weight around the house as more and more chores were getting done at a faster rate, causing the house to become much tidier in no time at all.

After enjoying a nice dinner that Aaron had hypnotized Frank into cooking for them, Aaron spun the wheel once again until the arrow pointed to a spoke that read “Rub Aaron’s feet.” Both Aaron and Frank hopped onto their couch with the wolf leaning against one arm and stretching his legs out across the cushions, and the fox sitting near the couch’s other arm holding out his hands so he could take hold of Aaron’s feet and begin tenderly rubbing them.

Frank was stroking his thumbs in little circles over Aaron’s soles, which earned him a few moans of appreciation from the wolf. When Frank moved his thumbs to Aaron’s toes to begin individually rubbing them one by one, the potent scent of the wolf’s feet began making its way over to Frank’s nostrils, who took a deep whiff and shuddered in pleasure.

Frank was making some moans of his own as he continued rubbing Aaron’s toes, though his moaning was a bit more erotically-charged than Aaron’s moans. The fox looked down at himself when he felt his hardening cock stretching out the fabric of his shorts, so he briefly removed his hands from Aaron’s feet to quickly grab a nearby pillow so he could try to hide his erection behind it. Frank immediately grasped onto Aaron’s feet again hoping he didn’t notice anything.

Aaron was staring back at Frank with a playful smirk on his face. He removed the foot that Frank was currently rubbing, and used his big toe to flip over the pillow and expose Frank’s huge hard-on. The wolf chuckled when he saw Frank’s nervous look playing out across his face.

“Uh… umm…” Frank was practically sweating bullets getting caught red-handed by his roommate. “Th-this isn’t what it looks like… I was just-“

Aaron immediately cut him off by shoving his foot over the fox’s crotch, and began repeatedly rubbing up and down the entire length of Frank’s shaft through his shorts. Frank hissed out in pleasure as he leaned back against the arm of the chair and shut his eyes tight to savor the sensation of his roommate’s impromptu footjob.

Within mere moments, Frank came hard in his shorts and left a hot, sticky stain. Some of the fox’s cream had coated the wolf’s toenails, so Aaron took his foot off of Frank’s crotch and moved it closer towards his mouth, commanding the fox to lick his own cum off of his toes, relishing in Frank’s worship of him.

In the days following Aaron’s sexual encounter with his roommate, their relationship took on a far more sensuous tone, which was reflected by more of the chores that Aaron was hypnotizing Frank into performing for him. On one morning, Aaron hypnotized the fox into waiting for him just outside of the shower as he rubbed body wash throughout his furry body.

The wolf had commanded Frank into acting as his towel boy right next to the shower, but instead of having the fox hold onto the towel in his arms, Aaron told him to hold the towel over his own hard cock as if he were a living towel rack. Frank obediently stood by as Aaron took his shower, with the towel draping over his erect member.

When Aaron turned the shower knobs off, he stepped his dripping wet, naked body out of the glass door and quickly yanked the towel off of Frank’s dick. The friction of the towel sliding against the fox’s member made it jump further at attention. After the wolf finished drying himself off with the towel, he shoved his chest closer towards Frank’s mouth so he could envelop his mouth around one of Aaron’s nipples and begin sucking on it.

On one hot summer day, Aaron drove himself and Frank to the beach, bringing with him a large beach towel to lay down upon. Once they found a nice spot on the warm sand underneath the bright hot sun, Aaron laid down face first across the entire length of the towel, allowing his almost entirely naked, ripped body to soak up the sun.

Frank set a smaller towel behind where Aaron was laying down so that he could have a safe spot to get down onto his knees, and grabbed a bottle of lotion out of their nearby beach bag. Prior to leaving their house, Aaron had spun the hypnotic chore wheel in front of Frank’s face, with the arrow landing on a spoke that read “Rub lotion onto Aaron’s back on the beach.”

The fox squirted out a sizable glob of lotion onto one of his palms and rubbed both of his hands together, then brought both of his lotion-covered hands closer towards the wolf’s back to begin rubbing every inch of his body.

Frank was moaning out loud as he was running his fingers across all of Aaron’s thick muscles and the contours of his well-sculpted body. When his trembling hands reached closer towards the wolf’s butt that had been tightly packed away behind a pair of revealing swim trunks, Frank felt an erection stretching out of the front of his own swim suit.

After he was finished rubbing the lotion into the wolf’s sexy back, Frank asked permission to pull back on Aaron’s swim trunks so he could fondle his shapely ass, to which Aaron agreed, resulting in a very excited fox practically dive-bombing towards his ass to repeatedly massage every inch of his butt cheeks.

Frank had even gotten permission to stick his face near Aaron’s ass so he could start huffing its sweaty and musky scent. After the fox had taken several deep whiffs of the wolf’s rear end, he felt his hard, veiny cock squirting out glob after glob of hot sticky cum in constant rhythmic spasms, deeply staining the front of his swim trunks.

On another hot summer day, Aaron had hypnotized Frank into washing his car all day long, except he forced the fox to wear a tight pair of speedos as he performed the chore, which left little to the imagination. The humiliation of being controlled into washing his roommate’s car while in a near-naked state was really turning Frank on.

Aaron stepped out of the house to watch Frank wash his car for a while. After several moments of drinking in his body, Aaron stepped closer to the bucket of soapy water sitting on the ground and grabbed one of the wet rags. The wolf unfurled the rag and then suddenly whipped it towards the fox’s ass.

Frank yelped out in a mix of pain and pleasure, and his growing erection got so massive that it completely stretched out his speedos until they accidentally ripped right off of his body. Aaron had a good laugh over the fox’s humiliation, while Frank quickly grabbed the soapy water bucket and tried to hide his hard cock behind it out of embarrassment.

The next day, Aaron decided to lift some weights in his work out room, and hypnotized Frank into joining him. But instead of having the fox lift weights alongside him, the wolf decided to command Frank into planting a small kiss on his bicep every time he flexed his arm while holding a small weight.

Aaron relaxed into a zen-like state as he enjoyed the sensations of Frank planting sweet little kisses over his big bicep every time he flexed it. Frank closed his eyes to savor every kiss and every lick he was leaving until he was practically making out with the wolf’s bicep as if it were his lover. Frank was hoping he would remain under the wolf’s control, possibly forever.

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