Brainwashing Brain Freeze

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #chloroform #pain #spiral #spiral_eyes #temperature_play

Jade gets hired to work at a frozen beverage stand named Slushy Spirals at her local mall.

A young woman named Jade had just recently been hired to work at a frozen beverage stand named Slushy Spirals in the food court inside her local mall. It was tough trying to find a new job, so she had to settle for this. Though she knew it wasn’t going to be an exactly glamorous job, Jade felt that getting to sip on some free frozen slushies during her breaks was a worthwhile perk.

As Jade drove her car closer to the mall, she reminisced about all of the times she had hung out in the food court with all of her friends when she was a teenager. They all enjoyed drinking the slushies from Slushy Spirals, and laughing at each other whenever they got brain freezes from the cold drinks.

Jade was hoping that the new owner of the place didn’t mess around with the recipe too much since she had last drank it all those years ago. Though seeing as many of the food spots in the court had come and gone throughout the years, while Slushy Spirals had remained such a strong staple at the mall this entire time, she figured she didn’t have to worry much about the slushies tasting too different from what she remembered.

Jade drove into the lot and parked her car in a spot that was near the front entrance of the mall where the food court was located. She entered through the large doors and walked straight over to the Slushy Spirals booth that was sandwiched between a small burger restaurant, and a spot that served Asian-American fusion foods. She saw the new owner of the booth, a tall blond woman named Tanya, and cheerfully greeted her.

Thinking back to her job interview the previous week, Jade felt like she had aced it pretty well, though at first she was a little unsure of herself as she had been very distracted by how attractive Tanya was. It took a massive amount of willpower on her end to keep her eyes focused on the interviewee’s face, and to not have them drift down to lovingly stare at her massive breasts that were tightly packed away behind the woman’s job uniform.

Jade thought she must’ve hidden how horny she was for her new boss really well, as she had gotten the job and was ready to start her first day. A small amount of customers had trickled through the front entrance of the mall, but they either headed to other food booths to eat something a little more savory for lunch, or just continued walking past the food court and closer towards the stores to start shopping.

Jade turned her attention over to her new boss after watching the customers filter through the court. “Is business around here normally this slow?” She asked Tanya.

“Well, attendance at this mall has generally been going downhill over the last few years.” Tanya began honestly explaining to Jade. “Though we usually get more customers during the hot summer days. Since it’s the middle of October now, we’re not gonna be selling as many slushies.”

Beginning to feel bored, Jade turned herself around to look at one of the two slushy machines, which had two windows showing the classic cherry and blue raspberry flavors getting quickly churned around in a constant loop. She shifted her gaze a little to the right to look at the second slushy machine, which was churning a couple of more unconventional seasonal flavors for Halloween such as green apple and black cherry.

Finally, her first customer had gotten Jade’s attention, so she pulled a nozzle to squirt out some cherry slushy into a large cup at the customer’s request. After the guy had left, Jade turned back around to stare a little longer at the spinning tubs of frozen carbonated juice out of boredom, waiting for the next customer to approach the booth, hopefully within the next hour.

While Jade was staring a little more deeply towards the slushy machine, she sensed her new boss slowly creeping up behind her. Jade was startled when Tanya suddenly placed a hand over one of her shoulders. “Don’t these little windows on this machine look positively hypnotic?” Tanya gently whispered in one of Jade’s ears. “Just look at how these slushy spirals whirl and twirl before your very eyes.” She mischievously chuckled while twirling a finger throughout the top of Jade’s black hair.

“I… I guess…” Jade awkwardly agreed. “But I don’t really believe in hypnosis. It’s really nothing more than a glorified party trick.”

Tanya had considered arguing with her new worker about the validity of hypnosis, but decided to drop it when the second customer of the day approached the slushy booth and asked for one of the seasonal Halloween-themed flavors. After squirting out the customer’s order into a large drinking cup, Jade stood around waiting for another customer while being bored out of her mind, watching more and more customers walking past the food court without so much as a single passing glance towards the slushy booth.

They didn’t receive a single customer within the next hour, and aside from Jade enjoying a blue raspberry slushy during her break, her first day was getting increasingly monotonous. Though she tried to look at the bright side and considered that at least her new job wasn’t stressful.

Tanya looked over at Jade and noticed her tired face was drooping a bit from the long wait for customers. “You know, I’ve got just the thing to perk you right up for the rest of your shift.” Tanya suggested.

Jade looked back over to her boss. “What are you talkin’ about? I don’t need anything to perk me up.” Jade answered in a bit of a slurred voice.

Tanya laughed over Jade’s response, before walking over to a miniature fridge that was wedged into one of the corners of the booth out of the customers’ view, that Jade hadn’t even noticed at all before. She opened the fridge and pulled out a single white-colored slushy she had been saving in there.

Tanya walked back over to where Jade was standing with the frozen drink in hand. “Hey, why is that slushy colored white? Is it a mystery flavor?” Jade curiously asked.

Tanya shoved the slushy just under Jade’s nose. “It sure is! Why don’t you just give a little whiff, and then tell me what you think the flavor is?” Tanya suggested.

Jade leaned over and took an inquisitive sniff of the frozen drink with her nose, and allowed the scent of the slushy to linger in her nostrils as she deeply thought what the mystery flavor might be. “Hmm… it kind of… smells like…” Jade breathed in the scent a little bit more. “…chloroform…”

The realization suddenly hit Jade like a ton of bricks as she started fainting right away into Tanya’s arms. Tanya pressed a button that caused a large metal gate to close down around the slushy booth so no customers could see what was going on, and then held onto Jade’s increasingly sleepy body tightly in her arms.

“Sweet dreams, Jade.” Tanya mischievously chuckled right before she planted a small kiss on Jade’s crescent moon-shaped beauty mark near the corner of one of her eyes. Right after the dazed woman closed her eyes and began dozing off into her dreams, she faintly heard Tanya maniacally laughing from a distance.

When Jade came to several moments later and opened her eyes again, she noticed that she was sitting in a small chair, with her arms tied up with rope to the arms of the chair, and her legs tied up to the chair’s legs as well. Beginning to panic, Jade was desperately trying to hop up and down to try and loosen up the rope that was keeping her bound to the chair, though she wasn’t able to budge a single inch.

After trying and failing to free herself, Jade looked up and saw that she was seated directly in front of a slushy-churning machine, and the bright colors of the swirling cherry and the whirling blue raspberry frosty drinks were the only lights that were penetrating through the now-darkened booth.

Jade was nervously wondering where the hell Tanya had disappeared to, until her thoughts were answered when her boss suddenly stepped into view and stood right next to the slushy machine. “Perhaps now you finally understand what I mean when I say these slushy machines can be hypnotic.” Tanya let out a low, dark laugh.

“I already looked at your stupid machine earlier today, and it didn’t hypnotize me at all! Hypnosis doesn’t even exist!” Jade angrily glared towards Tanya. “Not that any of this even matters at all, because as soon as I free myself from this chair, I’m gonna call the cops and have them arrest your ass!”

Tanya grabbed an empty drink cup out of a dispenser and set it underneath the spout for the blue raspberry flavor, pulling back the nozzle until the entire cup was filled to the brim with blue slushy. She grabbed a nearby straw and stuck it into the cup. “I know you’ve already looked at my spirals before, but…”

Tanya crept behind the chair that her new captive was currently tied to, and then suddenly used two fingers on her free hand to harshly pull up Jade’s eyelids. “…I don’t think you’ve truly looked at my spirals, my dear.”

Jade was shouting at her boss to let her go, and was desperately trying to force her face away from Tanya’s grip so she could blink again. Instead of listening to her, Tanya simply pulled up even harder on Jade’s eyelids, forcing her to be able to do nothing but stare more closely into the spinning spirals, allowing their hypnotic powers to penetrate her weakening mind.

The longer her gaze rested upon the centers of the spinning slushy spirals, the more Jade felt her own mind spiraling out of control into a sleepy spell. “Hypnosis is real after all…” Jade gasped out loud.

“Of course it is, dear.” While still holding Jade’s eyelids up with her fingers, Tanya used her other hand to hold the blue raspberry slushy closer to Jade’s waiting mouth. “Drink up…”

Jade quickly took a few sips of the slushy through the straw, until she felt a massive brain freeze overtaking her entire mind and giving her a splitting headache. Just as soon as Jade was groaning out in pain, Tanya removed her fingers from her captive’s eyes and set aside the slushy.

Tanya then grasped onto both sides of Jade’s head to begin gently massaging her temples using her fingers. Tanya was rubbing her fingers in little spiral-like patterns alleviating the pain in Jade’s head, attentively listening to the little mewls of pleasure that Jade was making in response to getting her head lovingly rubbed by her boss.

“You like how I make you feel, don’t you?” Tanya seductively asked her captive, leaning down to kiss over Jade’s crescent moon-shaped beauty mark.

Oh yeahh…” Jade happily moaned out in pleasure. “Don’t ever stop rubbing me right there, please…”

“As long as you continue acting extra obedient towards me, I won’t stop. But if you were ever to stop disobeying me…” Tanya stopped rubbing little spirals around and around the sides of Jade’s forehead, in favor of tracing the outlines of frowns across her temples. She stuck the straw of the cup into Jade’s mouth again and commanded her to take a few more sips.

“Feel the splitting pain return to your head… feel the coldness of the slushy freeze up your brain once more…” Tanya whispered in Jade’s ear. Jade began groaning out in pain again from the ache overtaking her entire brain, until she felt Tanya bring her fingers back to her temples to lovingly stroke them some more.

Tanya was tracing heart shapes along the sides of Jade’s forehead, which was making Jade’s heart beat faster and faster. Soon, Jade was starting to feel incredibly horny from her boss’ loving administrations on her head. When Tanya caught a whiff of Jade’s growing arousal, she continued stroking her fingers harder into the sides of Jade’s forehead.

“I caught you taking a quick peek of my tits during our job interview.” Tanya seductively laughed as Jade blushed bright red, who moaned in response to Tanya rubbing the pain right out of her head. “You don’t need to be so embarrassed, sweetie. I don’t mind you checking me out at all.”

Th-Thank you…” Jade gasped out in delight as she felt Tanya’s magic fingers reduce her brain into a delicious pile of mindless mush. After letting Jade simmer in her own pleasure for a few moments, Tanya removed her fingers so she could step in front of the chair that Jade was still tied to.

Tanya looked right at Jade’s face, and chuckled when she saw that Jade’s eyes had become filled with spirals that resembled the spinning slushy spirals she was still being made to watch. One of her eyes was filled with a red spiral, and her other eye was filled with a blue spiral, perfectly matching the flavors of the frozen drinks that were being churned.

Tanya commanded Jade to drink from the slushy cup again, who instantly obeyed and groaned out when the painful freeze overtook her entire brain again. This time, Tanya removed the cup and used one of her hands to firmly yet gently tilt Jade’s head back against the headrest of the chair, then commanded Jade to open up her mouth again.

When Jade did as she was told, she felt Tanya suddenly stick one of her thumbs in her mouth to lovingly stroke up and down the roof of her mouth. The warmth of Tanya’s thumb was already relieving and stroking away Jade’s headache as she began moaning uncontrollably around her boss’ thumb. She even closed her mouth around Tanya’s thumb so she could start gently sucking on it.

Tanya pulled her thumb out of Jade’s mouth with a loud audible pop, and then grabbed a nearby plastic spoon so she could shovel out a couple spoonfuls of blue raspberry slushy out of the cup. She tore off her shirt and her bra, and used the spoon to pour a couple dollops of slushy right onto her nipples. Tanya leaned down right in front of Jade’s chair and commanded her to envelop her mouth over her slushy-coated nipples and start sucking.

Jade was feeling yet another brain freeze permeate throughout her entire head as she was rapidly sucking on Tanya’s nipples. Tanya hissed out in pleasure as her nipples stiffened in response to Jade swirling her tongue around them. Tanya then pulled her tits away from Jade’s mouth so she could whisper in her ear.

You’re mine…” Tanya’s soothing hot breath was flowing directly into Jade’s ear, instantly melting away the icy pain that had punctured her brain. Tanya stepped behind the chair again to begin rubbing the sides of Jade’s forehead once more to remove what little pain remained in her head.

“You’ve been such a good little subject for me.” Tanya smiled when she noticed her captive beaming with pride. “Unfortunately, it’s nearing the end of your shift.” Tanya quickly tried to bring up a bright side when she saw Jade begin to frown. “Hey, you’ll be back tomorrow for your second day of work, and I’ll subject you more to some wonderful head rubs and hypnosis sessions!”

Tanya loosened up all of Jade’s rope restraints so she could robotically rise off of the chair, and then used her hands to forcibly turn her body around on her feet until she was facing the front entrance of the mall she had come through. Tanya pressed the button that brought the metal gate surrounding the slushy booth back up, and then lightly swatted Jade on her butt with her hand to signal to her slave to start marching towards the exit.

Jade was mindlessly marching towards the exit with her arms stretched out in front of her body like a hypnotized zombie, and was listening to her boss’s voice calling out from all the way back at the slushy booth. “See you tomorrow, sweetie.” Tanya blew her a kiss and then licked her own lips in anticipation.

As she made her way through the exit and out towards the parking lot, Jade smiled in response, her mind racing with hundreds of ideas on how her new boss would play around with her head in the coming shifts.


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