
Surrender, Part 26

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #hypno #office #sub:female #degradation #demotion_fetish #exec2sec

Surrender, Part 26
Story by All These Roadworks (2025).
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Melons became the favourite new after-work hangout of Lachlan and his male work colleagues - particularly Vivaan, Trent, and Armin.  Lachlan arranged for them to always have Sarah as their waitress, and they delighted in the complete free reign that the restaurant gave them to molest and humiliate her.
When she approached their table they would reach out and grab her tits through her tight top, pulling her violently down and closer to them.  Whoever was sitting nearest to her would work their fingers under her booty shorts and into her pussy, and fingerfuck her while she took their order.
They never got tired of calling her “Tits”, and instead of giving their orders they would ask her crude questions as to whether her cunt was clean, whether she liked having her tits squeezed, and when she had last masturbated, and watch her blush and try to come up with an answer that was polite and which respected them as customers - because Melons allowed no disrespect from its waitresses, no matter the circumstances.
They would loudly tell work stories about their “bimbo bitch boss”, and how stupid and slutty she was - loud enough for Sarah to hear, and the rest of the restaurant.  They would share a mixture of stories both true - such as the party that Sarah had invited them to at her house where she had fucked all the guests - and false - that she always put a butt-plug into her ass after having anal sex with an employee so she could keep his cum inside her for longer.
He let Sarah go for a full week at Melons before bringing up the matter of her next surrender.  Clearly it hadn’t occurred to her that she had done something wrong, or else her conditioning would have forced her to raise it with him.  Lachlan was enjoying himself, content to wait.
But then one morning in the office, Sarah came to him in tears.  After closing his blinds and locking his door, Lachlan turned to the pretty, crying woman.
“Take off your blouse, Kitten,” he told her.  “You look pretty crying, but whatever you tell me is going to be boring and pointless, so I want to look at your tits while you talk.”
Sarah didn’t even complain.  She just undressed, and made no effort to hide her breasts.
“What’s the matter, Kitten?” he asked.
“I’m such a slut,” she moaned.  “I’m a stupid bitch.”
“That’s right,” said Lachlan.  “But what’s making you cry?”
“Y-yesterday,” Sarah stuttered.  “At Melons.  One of the other waitresses - Christine - got raped in the alley behind the restaurant by a customer.  I was there and I saw it, although he didn’t see me.  He just ripped off her shirt and her shorts, and pushed her up against a wall, tits-first, and then stuck his cock into her.  He told her if she made any noise, he’d kill her.”
Lachlan’s eyes widened.  “Fuck,” he said.  “What did you do?”
“I…” sobbed Sarah.  “I masturbated.  I put my hand down my shorts and stroked my pussy as I watched.  Part of me… part of me wanted to say something.  Or shout.  Or scare him off.  But… standing up for the rights or dignity of another woman is the bitchiest thing a woman can do.  As soon as I thought of doing anything to protect her, I just… cringed.  I didn’t want to be that person - the type of woman that stops a man having fun.  The sort of bitch that protects women from being used for… what they’re made for.”
She gazed at him with big eyes, and Lachlan could hear the unspoken accusations.  She thought those things because he had made her think them.  They weren’t her real thoughts, they were the thoughts he had given her - but with every day they became more real to her.
“Good girl,” said Lachlan, and stroked Sarah’s hair.  “You did the right thing.”
“And then when it was done she found me, and she asked for a replacement uniform to cover herself,” said Sarah.  “And I lied and told her there weren’t any, and then I called the manager so that he could see her completely nude.  And when the manager asked her what had happened, she said she had been raped.”
“Go on,” said Lachlan.
“And the manager…. asked me if I saw anything,” said Sarah.  “And I said… I said…”
She had to stop, she was sobbing so heavily.
Lachlan took out his cock and began to masturbate, aiming it at her face, as he waited for her to recover.
“I said… that I had seen her propositioning the customer,” said Sarah.  “Offering him sex for money.  And she had willingly fucked him for money, and then had second thoughts afterwards.”
“Good girl,” said Lachlan approvingly, still masturbating.
“So the manager fired her, and she had to walk home nude after being raped,” said Sarah.  “And then he asked me to phone the customer - because he was a regular - and apologise for her.  And I did.  And I also offered the customer her name and her home address… just in case he wanted them for any reason.”
“You were *such a good woman* yesterday,” said Lachlan.  He stroked Sarah’s hair - and then pulled her closer, so her face was near the tip of his cock, and he began masturbating faster.
“But… I violated the Code of Conduct,” said Sarah.  “I lied about a crime.  I didn’t respect the values of the workplace - which include combating sexual assault, not encouraging it.”
“That’s right,” said Lachlan, still pumping his cock.  “You were a good girl, but you were also a stupid slut, and now you have to be punished.  What are you going to surrender, Kitten?”
She moaned, her mind considering the relatively short list of things she had left to surrender.  And once again, she didn’t pick an easy option.  Perhaps her guilt was driving her to punish herself.
“My history and life story,” she whispered.
Lachlan gasped.  He hadn’t expected this.  It was too good.  And too perfect.  It was so erotic that he felt himself cumming immediately, spurting his semen across Sarah’s pretty face and her perfect tits.  After expending his spunk, he immediately brought Sarah in close, pushing his cock into her mouth so she could suck it clean.
“Oh, I’m going to have fun with this,” Lachlan purred.  “All your memories are mine to play with now, Kitten.  And you deserve to have your memories rewritten, don’t you?”
She nodded miserably, with a mouthful of cock.
“Let’s take this one slowly,” said Lachlan.  “But start it with something nice and big.  You know your education, Kitten?  And your career?”
Sarah nodded.
“I know you think you worked really hard to get all those things,” said Lachlan.  “That you were smart and motivated.  But that’s not the truth, Kitten.”
Sarah started to cry again, even as she sucked his cock.  She had a good sense of what he was about to say.
“You never learned a thing in any educational institution.  You pretended to be a feminist but you spent all your time in class thinking about how to please boys so they’d put their cock inside you.  Every class you passed, you got your pass by fucking your teacher.  Every grade of B or A on your report cards, every test result of 90% or higher, represents a load of cum that you let a teacher ejaculate into your cunt, or your ass, or your mouth, or splatter over your face and tits.”
Sarah made a pathetic sobbing noise, as these new thoughts began to take hold in her brain.
“And that’s the same for all of your jobs and all of your promotions, Kitten,” Lachlan went on.  “No merit.  No talent.  Just a willingness to bounce on men’s cocks like a good little slut.  You fucked your way to the top, and you can lie about it to other people, but you can’t lie to yourself.”
Lachlan watched Sarah’s face as her monumental and well-deserved pride in her rapid ascent to the top of the public service leaked out of her - forever.  Her expression as she came to understand that all of her achievements represented nothing more than a talent for prostitution was so broken, so desperate, so pathetic that Lachlan felt his dick hardening once more in her mouth.
“Do you remember how you got this job, Kitten?” he said.  “How you heard the Minister had a fetish for impregnating silly little feminists, so you went off your contraception for an entire month before the interview?  And then you sat nude in his office and rubbed your cunt in front of him, and told him you’d be a good little sex-pet and betray your fellow whores, if only he’d give you the job of Secretary?”
“Yes,” moaned Sarah as she sucked.  She remembered, now that Lachlan had told her what to remember.
“You risked it all,” he told her.  “He bent you over his desk and fucked you from behind, and if you’d gotten pregnant from that, you wouldn’t have been Secretary of the Department of Women, you would have been an unwed, unemployed single pregnant slut with a rape baby growing in your belly.  You knew that, and you took the risk anyway.”
“Yes,” moaned Sarah.
“And you know what?” said Lachlan.  “When you took that pregnancy test afterwards, and it came up negative, part of you was disappointed.  Because you knew you were a slut.  You knew you didn’t deserve this job.  And part of you *wanted* to be forced to live as a pregnant whore, fucking men for money….”
“Yes,” moaned Sarah again.
Lachlan was cumming again, already, right into Sarah’s mouth.  He let her swallow it.
“That was probably why you bought the Securo-System for this department, isn’t it?” he said.  “Why you went looking for a device that could mind-control women into humiliating themselves.  That’s why you came to me and begged me to use it on you.  Because you knew you deserved punishment.”
Sarah’s eyes glazed as she processed this new understanding - that it was *her* who had first bought the hated “discipline” device, that putting herself in its control had been her own idea, and that she had *wanted* all this to happen to her.
“You blackmailed me, remember?” he told her.  “You said you’d get me fired if I didn’t do this to you.  You told me to be merciless to you, to completely humiliate and degrade you, to turn you into the worthless slut that you knew you were.  I didn’t want to - I’m a good guy.  I hated the idea of being disrespectful to you.  But I didn’t want to get fired.  You forced me.”
He pulled his cock out of her mouth and wiped it clean on her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” gasped Sarah.  “I’m so sorry.”
“You deserve all this, for what you did to me,” said Lachlan.
‘Yes,” said Sarah.  “I know.  God, I’m such a bitch.”
He smiled at her.
“There’s one thing I probably should say,” he said.  “Any time you look at a photo of yourself, what you’re seeing in that photo is you being a slut.  If you’re in a photo with other people, you will immediately understand that you were cockteasing those people, hoping they would rape you.  If it’s only you in the photo, then you were cockteasing the cameraman, and possibly the audience you knew would eventually see the photo.  Every photo is a photo of you trying to get men to rape you.  Do you understand, Kitten?”
She nodded.
Lachlan thought about bringing up the matter of her working at Melons - yet another Code violation, and another thing for her to surrender - but he thought he shouldn’t rush things.  He should let these ideas settle into Sarah’s head, and see how she responded, before taking something else from her.
And besides, her next surrender would be her third since he had put the idea of big fake tits in her head.  Once she offered him one more thing, he would have to reward her by letting her get a boob job.
God, she was going to look so hot with giant humiliating porn-star tits.

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