But I don't have a twin sister...

by AbolethLasher

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #hypnosis #personality_change #slutification #dom:male #intelligence_loss #iq_drop #personality_split #slut_transformation #Sluttification #sub:female

Lydia is an only child. So why does her husband keep bringing up her slutty twin sister?

Lydia turned off the lights, put on bluetooth headband and snuggled up to her husband in the bed. It had taken a long time for her to perfect every step of her routine, and lately she got enough sleep as often as not. Unless-

“Hey, babe,” her husband Steve said.

Lydia tried to pretend she couldn’t hear him. This was always the problem with Steve. He’d be silent all through the evening as they ate dinner together and watched whatever was good on streaming, and then he always wanted to have these long rambling conversations as she was trying to go to sleep!

“Babe,” Steve repeated.

Well, it was no use pretending now. She was going to have trouble falling asleep whether she wanted to or not.

“What is it?” she said, turning off her white noise, and glaring at him. “Why do you always get so chatty right as I’m falling asleep?”

“I’m sorry, alright. I just remembered something you might want to know,” he said. “I saw your twin sister at the supermarket the other day. Apparently she just moved into town.”

Lydia blinked at her husband incredulously. She was used to pointless rants about the news or politics or the last film they saw, but there were a few problems with what he just said, chief among them-

“I don’t have a twin sister, Steve. I’m sure you would have met any siblings I had at the last few Thanksgivings,” she said. Why was he keeping her awake with this nonsense?

Steve smiled, “Weren’t you the one who said that Kimmy is super flakey?”

“I’ve never said anything about Kimmy,” she said. “Because I don’t-” She caught herself. She was about to argue back with him, but realized it was pointless. Whatever practical joke this was, it wasn’t funny! She had enough stressors in her life that she didn't want to start arguing about a non-existent twin sister.

Lydia made a dismissive sound, put on her bluetooth headband and curled up to her side of the bed. Then she started her white noise to ease herself into sleep.

Thankfully, Steve didn’t say anything else, and after a few sleepless hours laying there listening to the white noise, Lydia finally got to sleep.

* * *

Lydia was a bit of a zombie at work the next day. She just downed an extra cup of coffee, and did her best to stay focused and not snap at her micromanaging boss.

Thankfully, that night Steve didn’t have anything to add. Lydia was able to listen to her white noise and drift off to sleep.

This continued the next day, and the day after that. Lydia felt more well-rested than she ever had.

But on the third night, Steve had to open his big mouth after the lights went off!

“Hey, babe,” Steve said.

Lydia rolled her eyes, but paused her white noise.

“What is it, Steve?” she snapped a little louder than she intended.

“I ran into Kimmy again at the supermarket,” Steve said.

Lydia wondered why this was worth spoiling her sleep over. “So? Didn’t you say last week that she was living in the area?”

“Yeah, it just surprised me,” Steve said. “She looks just like you, I tried asking her about your work and she looked at me like I was an alien.”

“I keep forgetting that you two never really met before this week,” Lydia yawned. “I’m used to it by now. Welcome to being a twin.”

“Do you think it’s true what she said?” Steve asked.

“What did she say?” Lydia asked, closing her eyes ready to get back to sleep.

“That she’s working as a stripper now,” Steve asked.

Lydia’s eyes shot wide open. “Of course not!” she said indignantly. “She’s always been a wild child, but I’m sure my mom would have told me if Kimmy was doing something like that! At the very least, I would have heard about her being disowned or something.”

“Well, that’s what she said,” Steve replied.

“She’s pulling your leg,” Lydia said sleepily. “Now go to bed.”

She put on her white noise, and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Two weeks later, on a Friday night, Lydia was about to drift off, when Steve interrupted her.

“Nice try,” he said.

Lydia turned off her white noise and glared at him. “What?”

“Nice try, Kimmy,” he said. “But my wife already said she’d be away on a business trip this weekend. I know you’ve mentioned how cute you thought I was, but I’m a married man. I can’t sleep with you, even if you are my wife’s sister.”

Lydia looked at him like he had grown a second head. “What the fuck are you talking about, Steve?”

“You’re welcome to crash on the couch, but I’d never dream of cheating,” Steve said.

Lydia only slept on the couch if Steve’s snoring was particularly bad. But she was just offended enough to want to put him in the dog house for the night. She grabbed a pillow and went off to the couch.

She put on her white noise, and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Kimmy pulled off her bluetooth headband and looked around the nice house she found herself in. It was better than the places she usually crashed, that was for sure! She felt a little bummed out that Steve had caught on to her little trick last night, but she knew she’d have plenty of more opportunities to seduce her sister’s hot husband.

Steve came up, and said he had made breakfast for them.

Kimmy let the thin blanket she had on slip to the floor, and made a big show about being embarrassed to be seen in her lacy undergarments with Steve.

Seemingly in spite of himself, Steve let his eyes linger on her sexy body.

“Oopsie,” Kimmy said, grabbing the blanket and covering herself. “No harm done I’m sure. You’ve seen my twin sister naked, after all.”

Steve gave a rueful smile. “Lately, Lydia has been so stressed with work, she never seems to be in the mood.”

“Woah, too much information!” Kimmy giggled. “But I’m sad to hear that. A big, strong sexy man like you shouldn’t be stuck with a frigid bitch.”

“Hey, that’s my wife you’re talking about,” he said. “Come on, breakfast is getting cold.”

Kimmy realized what a dunce she was when he walked downstairs. She had completely forgotten to bring any clothes for her stay here! But luckily, Lydia and her were the same size, and she was sure she could dig into her closet like she used to when they were teenagers and find something to wear.

Kimmy went back to Lydia’s closet, and was disappointed with what she found there.

Gosh, her sister was *so* boring. Didn’t she have anything sexy?

She started checking boxes, and was delighted to find a lacy nightgown that she was sure her sister had never worn. Sure, it was the start of the day, but the thought of lounging around the house in this, teasing Steve with peeks of her skin all day was too much fun.

She threw it on, leaving it untied with a gap at the front so that anyone who looked at her would have a clear view from her neck down to her cleavage hanging braless inside the night gown which barely concealed her nipples, and down to her bare belly button and flat stomach, finishing in the lacy panties she was wearing.

She also did applied some sexy make up that emphasized her eyes, and highlighted her lips in a tantalizing ruby red.

When she bounced downstairs, Steve was mesmerized.

She giggled. “You like?” She twirled for him, loving the way he looked greedily at her.

“You look incredible,” he said. Then he seemed to catch himself, and pointed to the plate that was hers.

They sat down, and Steve just stared at her, like he had never seen someone so captivating.

Eventually, Kimmy broke the silence. “Thanks again, for, like, letting me crash here.”

“O-of course, any time!” Steve said. “You’re family after all.”

Kimmy’s eyes sparkled as she looked at him. “I still don’t feel right about being here rent free though, you know. Are you totes sure that there isn’t *something* I could do for you?” She leaned forward over the table, giving him a delicious view of her cleavage.

Steve shifted uncomfortably. He had a guilty look about him.

“I, uh, it doesn’t feel right,” Steve said. “If Lydia ever found out…”

Kimmy giggled. “Is that what you’re worried about? My sister never has to find out! It’s like you said - she’s on a work trip all weekend, so it’s just you and me here.”

Steve looked at his coffe. Then he took a deep breath and nodded.

“Look, Kimmy, I think this whole thing might have been a mistake. I think it would be best if you left, and Lydia came back. I have to- have to tell her everything. Hopefully she’ll forgive me,” he said putting his head in his hands.

Kimmy rushed to his side.

“No, don’t make me go yet,” she poughted. “I’m sorry for trying to, like, seduce you. You’re just so cute. I can’t control myself around you. But if you let me stay, I’ll be a good girl. Forget about the sex, just let me give you a massage. Lydia could hardly be angry at you about that, right?”

Steve seemed to melt having Kimmy so close to him, her skin against his, her need so obvious.

“Okay,” he said reluctantly. “A massage, and that’s it. After that, I’m bringing back Lydia, and I’m going to tell her everything.”

Kimmy smiled at him, and stroked his hair tenderly. “There won’t be anything worth telling. Will there?”

Kimmy couldn’t understand Steve’s face, which seemed to play a variety of emotions. She couldn’t understand what he was so worried about. He had turned down every advance she had made admirably, even refusing to sleep in the same bed as her last night! How could her sister Lydia possibly be angry at an amazing, faithful man like this?

Steve lead Kimmy upstairs, and she was surprised that he was leading her to the bedroom.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” he said. “This is just the best place for a massage.”

Kimmy nodded.

Steve handed her some oil, and took his shirt off.

Kimmy had to admit, Steve took good care of himself. His arms and stomach were toned and muscly, but not overly so. She bit her lip. Controlling herself around a hunk like this was going be hard, but she would do it. Not because she cared about her sister’s feelings of betrayal, but because she admired Steve’s resolve.

“Okay,” he said. “Shall we get started?”

Kimmy stepped forward, and said, “You should also take your pants off.” Catching herself, she added. “So I can massage your leg muscles more easily.”

Steve raised an eyebrow, but nodded. He lay face down on the bed.

Kimmy covered her hands in oil, and got to work.

“Ooh, wow, you back is so tense,” Kimmy said. “How stressed have you been lately?”

Steve sighed. “It’s been really hard. Lydia’s around, but her mind is always preoccupied. She’s not like you, she-”

Kimmy giggled. “I know, I know! I’m the dumb twin, right? My mind isn’t preoccupied with anything.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Steve said.

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Kimmy said, her hands now working the knotted muscles on Steves back. “I’d much rather be me, than Lydia. My days are totally carefree, and all I have to worry about is looking sexy and having fun. But Lydia’s life is hell. Her boss is always getting on her case, and she really hasn’t been enjoying life lately. I’d take my life over hers any day.”

Kimmy felt Steve shift slightly at her words. He turned his head to the side, to try to better look at her.

“Is that true?” he said, thoughtfully.

“Totally,” Kimmy said, her hands continuing their work. “The only thing she has that I want is her hunky husband, but I know you’d never let that happen.”

Steve looked at Kimmy. “Lydia…” he said. Then he seemed to correct himself. “Kimmy, thanks for telling me about this. I didn’t know Lydia was hating her life so much. Maybe she doesn’t need to come back from her business trip so soon.”

Kimmy giggled. “That suits me just fine. More time for the two of us to hang out.”

Kimmy loved giving the massage, almost as much as Steve seemed to enjoy recieving it. She loved working his muscles, rubbing his oiled up skin, and relaxing him bit by bit. She felt like it was the least she could do - she just felt so thankful to Steve.

However, being so close to such a sexy man was definitely sending her mind straight to the gutter. As she started massaging his legs and thighs, she could help but realize how close she was to him. She got up onto the bed, and pressed her body against him, emphasizing her motions.

She looked back, and Steve just seemed so relaxed. How far could she go?

She went back up to his shoulders, and started kissing his neck lightly.

“Steve, why don’t you turn around so I can do the front,” she said.

Steve looked back at her, and he saw the look in her eye. She loved how cute he looked, clearly smitten by her, but also conflicted and unwilling to take the next move.

“I think that’s enough massaging for now,” he said, getting Kimmy of him. “Thank you so much, but I don’t think it’s right.”

Kimmy just beamed at him. She had been so close, and she could feel his resolve fading. With each refusal, he seemed less and less able to help himself. At this rate…

“I’m sorry, Stevie,” she said. “But your body is just so yummy. I honestly don’t understand how my sister controls herself around you.”

Steve looked to the side. “I guess she just lost interest,” he said softly.

Kimmy crawled towards him and smiled. “I’m sure that’s not true! I bet she hates the way things have become between you two just as much as you do.” She smiled at him.

“Well,” he said. “If that’s the case, I wish she had told me before all of this. I-, I tried to give her space, and not force the issue, but I’m weak, Kimmy. I’m just a man, and I’m already not sure if she’ll forgive me when she comes back from her trip.”

Kimmy giggled. “You’re being so silly. Why would she be angry at you? You’re being a perfect gentleman.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Steve said. “The only reason you’re here is because of me. I should have asked her first, but all I was thinking about was myself. I didn’t give her a choice in the matter.”

Kimmy didn’t like seeing Steve looking so sad. She crawled closer, and hugged him.

“It’s okay, Steve,” she said. “If I know one thing about Lydia, it’s that she loves you. She might not be as head over heels for you as I am, but she’d forgive you for almost anything.”

Steve looked at her, clearly wanting to believe what she was saying.

“But what if I did something to her?” he said. “What if I made her more like you? Turned her brain off, and made her into a sexy plaything for myself? Do you honestly think she’d be okay with that? Or would she hate me for not asking her first?”

Kimmy smiled at him, and lightly stroked his arm. “You’re asking the wrong person, Steve. I’m the selfish one. This whole time, I thought I was the one that was tempting you, seducing you, but that’s not it all, is it? When you look at me, you see her, don’t you?”

Steve seemed flustered by her words. He tried to say something.

Kimmy put a finger lightly on his lips. “Shhhh… It’s okay, it makes perfect sense. I’m her twin sister. We look exactly the same, and she’s been distant lately. I- I know I can’t be your Lydia. Not really.” She gave a sad smile. “But will you let me be selfish? I want you, Steve. I want to pretend that the way you’re looking at me is really for me. I want to pretend that I really could have ended up with a wonderful man like you, instead of my sister.”

Steve looked at her in stunned silence.

“God, you remind me so much of when Lydia and I first started dating,” Steve said, getting off the bed. “I, I wish things hadn’t gone so wrong. I wish I hadn’t betrayed her.”

And with that, he left her on the bed.

Kimmy tried to chase him, but he grabbed his keys and he drove away. A part of her felt a longing for him, but another part of her was confused. How had he betrayed Lydia?

* * *

The next morning, Kimmy grumbled as she woke up on the couch. She hadn’t let herself stay sad for very long after Steve left last night. She had stood up, and realized there were so many ways to make him happy, and had started cleaning up the house. The whole time, she imagined what it would be like if he came back, and saw her cleaning the house in her skimpy outfit. That would get a rise out of him for sure! But she also loved the idea of him coming home to a clean house, with her in something sexy waiting for him. Wouldn’t that be a nice surprise for him when he got back?

As she started dolling herself up for the morning, she wondered if Steve would be coming back. She hoped he would.

And it was as she was wondering this, that she had a brilliant idea.

As far as she knew, Lydia was still gone for the weekend. But Kimmy looked just like Lydia, right? If Steve came home, and thought she was Lydia, maybe he would finally fuck her?

So she went to Lydia’s more conservative, professional clothes, and threw them on over her lingerie.

She smiled. This was such a smart plan!

At 10 o’clock, the doorbell rang.

Kimmy’s heart jumped, and she ran down to to answer. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be pretending to be Lydia. She adjusted her business outfit, tried to stand up a little straighter and look more serious. She didn’t quite manage it, but she hoped it was close enough.

“Hello, Steve. I see you’ve come back,” she said coldly.

“Lydia,” he said surprised, his shoulders sagging. “I was expecting Kimmy…”

Kimmy felt so happy that he had bought it. She was such a good actor.

“Lydia, I have something I need to tell you,” he said.

“I already know everything,” she said sternly.

“Oh,” he said softly. “Oh, and can you forgive me?”

Kimmy was finding it so hard not to break character. Seeing his sad face was making her want to comfort him, but she knew she had to keep acting like Lydia to get what she wanted.

“Steve,” she said. “You know I love you. Of course I forgive you.”

He loooked at her, seeming to be touched by her words.

“I’m so sorry, babe,” Steve said. “I just missed the way things used to be. I wanted to feel your touch again, so badly that I-, I-.”

Kimmy thought she understood now. Steve really had intended to cheat with her, but he had had second thoughts. But maybe this was her chance.

“Steve, I should be the one apologizing,” Kimmy said. God it was so hard not to pepper her speech with ‘like’ and speak in her sister’s deeper, less girlish voice! “I didn’t realize how much I was hurting you every time I told you I had a headache or wasn’t in the mood.”

Steve nodded. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Lydia. Nothing you did justified what I did. I love your mind, and I would never want to be with anyone but you. The real you.”

Kimmy thought that was such a romantic thing to say. She almost felt bad doing this…

“Steve, why don’t we go up to the bedroom?” Kimmy said. “I want to make up for everything.”

Steve followed her up. He looked at her with such desire.

“God, I’ve missed you,” Steve said. “Yesterday, with, uh, Kimmy was so nice, but it wasn’t you. I love you so much.”

Steve kissed her, and Kimmy melted into his arms. She kissed him back.

“I love you too, babe,” she said.

They made out, and Kimmy felt so yummy. It was so nice to be desired, to be loved. And Steve’s touch was like a revelation. The way he held her, the way he caressed her, there was so much care in it. She rubbed her thighs together, eager for what came next.

Kimmy became less concerned about keeping in character.

She could be the empty-headed, giggling vixen. How could anyone think about anything but pleasing Steve when he was around? When he was touching you, and looking at you like that?

When he got her top off, he was surprised to see the sexy lingerie underneath.

“Lydia, I can’t believe you wore this for me,” he said.

Kimmy smiled up at him. “Of course I did, silly. I couldn’t let you think Kimmy was the only fun one, could I?”

He pushed her back onto the bed, and tore off her clothes. His pent up desire was obvious. He needed her like a desert wanderer needed water. There was so much passion, and Kimmy couldn’t help but return it. She loved being his sexy little toy. She didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about stealing this make up sex from her twin sister.

Steve was hers now. And her body belonged to Steve.

When she felt his cock slide into her, she gasped. She hadn’t expected Steve to be so big.

Kimmy squirmed underneath him, moving her hips and clenching her muscles just right.

“Oh, fuck, Lydia. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. Where’d you learn to do this?” he said.

Kimmy giggled. She was just having fun with a lover now, and everything was so wonderful.

“Ooh, I could say the same,” Kimmy said. “Don’t stop, harder, harder!”

They gave in to animal passions. Everything was a whirlwind of moans and sweat and a crescendo of pleasure as they fucked one another.

And soon, Kimmy could feel herself getting close, and she gripped Steve tighter and told him not to stop. And then just as she heard Steve grunt, and felt him fill her with his cum, she felt an orgasm that she had waited so long for rock her body.

It was everything, and she was left fuckdrunk afterwards, the touch of Steve’s skin and his rising and falling chest the only thing anchoring to the world of thought and sense.

It was the best sex Kimmy had ever had, bar none.

She smiled and looked at Steve, feeling a little bad for tricking him like this. If this was the way he felt about Lydia, all she could say was ‘wow.’

Steve played with Kimmy’s hair, and she enjoyed cuddling with him for a time.

After a while of them enjoying each other’s company, Steve looked over to her with loving eyes.

“Lydia, ‘Kimmy’ told me some things you hadn’t told me. Why didn’t you ever tell me how much you were suffering? How intolerable things had become. If you had been more open, I could have helped you relax and turn off your brain without all the deception.”

Kimmy felt trapped. Was he going to realize her deception? “Uh, look, I just needed a vacation. This weekend really helped me relax.”

“So do you think you’d be okay with Kimmy ‘coming around’ every so often?” he said. “Since you have trouble letting go on your own.”

Kimmy giggled. He had no idea he was talking to her! “Honestly, I want Kimmy to be around all the time.” Maybe she have more chances to seduce him, if that was the case?

Steve looked at her with a serious expression. “You can’t mean that. I mean, I’m happy you enjoyed yourself and don’t hate me for doing that to you, but what about all of your ambitions? What about the woman I love?”

Kimmy didn’t know why he was talking like this. But she liked where it seemed to be going. “Forget about me, Steve. Don’t you want to be happy? You and I both know that you’ll be happier with Kimmy. Everyone will be happier that way. Even me. Especially me.”

Steve seemed to consider her words. He looked a little lost, but also strangely happy. “I won’t forget this, you know. I love you, Lydia. But I understand if life has become too much. I mean, I don’t understand it at all, but all I want is for you to be happy. And if you’re happier-, if you’d rather-” his voice broke off. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

He went to the couch and grabbed the bluetooth headband that Kimmy had woken up in.

“Put this on, Lydia,” he said. “I’ll set things up so that Kimmy and I will be happy together forever.”

* * *

The next day, Kimmy was so happy waking up next to Steve. She didn’t have to pretend to be her fuddy duddy sister. She was able to be herself, and Steve wasn’t so reserved around her anymore. His hands were all over her, and he didn’t hold back a bit.

When Steve told her that Lydia had officially quit her job, Kimmy was happy for her. But she was happier for herself. She didn’t know where Lydia was now, but Kimmy was looking forward to her life as Steve’s sexy plaything.

She couldn’t wait to order sexy outfits, and dress up for him, and dance for him, and go to the strip club and make money dancing for horny guys, and have a grand old time. All she wanted to do was be Steve’s sexy trophy wife. She didn’t want to think of anything serious ever again.

And she never would.


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