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Brain, Brain Go Away

by AbolethLasher

Tags: #bimbofication #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #iq_drop #sub:female

Hypnosis helps Jennifer send her brain on a much needed vacation.

Jennifer needed a vacation. Badly.

In theory, she was living her dream life. Her ambitions had landed her a job at the ground floor of a tech start up that was oozing venture capital, and which she was sure would be the next big thing. But Jennifer was bad as saying “no” to more jobs and responsibilities.

Part of her felt like she needed to work twice as hard for half the respect. She was a very attractive woman, with a very complicated relationship to her appearance. Her hair was long and blonde, and her breasts were positively massive, and it had made it difficult for her to be taken seriously all through her adult life. She had considered cutting and dyeing her hair, and getting a breast reduction surgery but there was never any time for anything but work!

She was regularly pulling 60 or more hour weeks, and was running herself ragged.

She barely saw her boyfriend Robert these days. And when she did, she was just too stressed and tired to really be there with him.

Jennifer had three weeks of vacation each year, in theory, but she hadn’t taken a single day off, even sick days, for the last two years.

But finally, Robert had convinced her that she needed to slow down. That she needed to take a break - for her own good.

The thing that finally convinced her was getting a FitBit and realizing that you could see the hours she was at work on the heart monitor graph. Her stress and anxiety were putting her heart rate at high levels, and then when she got home you could see her return to an almost normal level, except for the bumps here and there when she was reminded at work while at home.

So it was agreed. Jennifer was going to take a break. Her and Robert would go to somewhere tropical and hang out by the beach.

But as they were doing some final packing the day before, Jennifer admitted that her brain just wouldn’t slow down.

“I just can’t stop thinking about the project!” Jennifer said. “I’m one of the most essential parts of the whole start up - if I’m not there, if I’m not doing things, they’re not being done.”

“Calm down, calm down,” Robert said softly. “Look at your FitBit, what is your heart rate right now?”

Jennifer took a breath and looked down. 190 BPM.

“You’re right, but I just can’t turn my brain off!” Jennifer said. “I know I’m going to spend the whole vacation thinking about work, and what might be going wrong.”

Robert pulled her into a hug, and ran his hand over her back. “Sh… sh, I know how hard you work. And I think it’s time you take a break. Do you want me to try the hypnosis?”

Jennifer gulped. She had always said “no” until now. She was afraid of someone rooting around in her brain. But Jennifer wanted to enjoy her vacation so badly!

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

* * *

Jenny fluttered her eyes and woke up. She felt so happy and relaxed. It was like the weight of the world had just *poof* vanished from her empty little head.

“Oh, guess I totes fell asleep,” she giggled. “What were we doing?”

Robert smiled at her. “We were about to go on vacation.”

Jenny jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “Yay! I love vacations. Where are we going?”

“Hawaii,” he said. “Remember?”

Jenny smiled. “I totally forgot! Good thing I’ve got a super smarty pants guy like you to remember hard things for me.”

“I’ll always be here for you,” Robert said, hugging her.

Jenny felt so warm and safe in Robert’s arms. She knew she wasn’t very smart, but she was glad that Robert was there to worry about hard things for her. Her thoughts were all simple, and silly.

“Ah, I’ve still got to pack my outfits,” Jenny said.

“We pretty much all packed,” Robert said. “You don’t need to worry.”

Jenny shook her head, shuffling through the luggage. “Look at these clothes, they’re so boring! I want to show the world the awesome boobies you bought me babe!”

Robert smiled. “Do you like them?”

Jenny cupped her massive breasts, and smiled. “Of course! I remember when my titties were tiny and it totally sucked! Dresses and tops looked so totally boring on me. Now, my boobies are big and I can wear all sorts of sexy things for my boyfriend.”

Jenny blinked, realizing what she said sounded a bit wrong for a second. Weren’t her boobs just naturally big? Didn’t she actually hate how big they were? But she shook those thoughts away. They were ridiculous. She had always wanted big boobies, and thanks to her boyfriends money she had them. And she was happy with the way her body looked!

Jenny started pulling outfits from her closet. She had so many sexy outfits that looked amazing on her body, why wasn’t she bringing any of those with on the trip? She could even bring some costumes so that Robert and her could do a little sexy roleplaying in the hotel room.

Jenny stopped in the middle of repacking, and admired herself in the mirror.

“You know, Robert, I totes love everything you’ve done to turn me into a wet dream,” she said. “I was so, like, sad with my itty bitty titties, my barely there ass, my huge nose and my boring brown hair. I look so much better as a bleach blonde bimbo,” she gushed.

“So you like the way you look?” Robert said.

“I do!” she said happily. “Thanks to all of those proc-, uh, procee-, because of all those things you had the doctors do to me, I’m so pretty I never need to think again! I can just be your sexy arm candy and enjoy life.”

Robert smiled. “Would you ever consider working?”

Jenny laughed at the absurd question. “Of course not, silly! You bring in all the bacon, and all I have to do is make sure the house is nice and clean when you get back. I’d much rather have fun going to parties, and clothes shopping than get a boring ol’ job.”

Robert kissed her on the forehead. “Well, sounds like you’re ready for our vacation then.”

Jenny smiled. Her whole life was already a vacation, but she was so looking forward to the real thing.

They got to the airport, and lines weren’t too bad, so they were on their plane in no time. Jenny loved all the attention she was getting for the outfit she had chosen to wear. It was totally skimpy and slutty, and it showed off her cleavage, and she smiled whenever she heard someone comment about it.

She didn’t care - Jenny knew that Robert was the only guy for her, so all the other male attention was just for her own self esteem. It felt good to be wanted.

When they got on the plane, Robert helped Jenny pull up an in flight movie. Jenny was so glad he was here to help her - she was no good with technology (except her phone’s camera and social media apps!) and it would have taken her forever to figure out how to navigate the menus and pick out the movie she wanted.

The movie was a chick flick aimed at teenage girls, but Jenny found herself really identifying with the protagonist. She was so fashionable, and flirty and fun!

It was so funny, Jenny couldn’t remember having ever watched movies like this before. She briefly thought that she’d usually watch a documentary or a serious drama, but she brushed that idea away. Why would she want to watch boring things like that?

The hostess came over handing out cookies and asking for drink orders, and Jenny asked for some wine. Jenny had the strange sense that she hadn’t used to drink much, but she was on vacation and figured it would be nice to relax a bit with some wine!

While she munched on her cookies, she paused her movie and asked Robert a question.

“Wine is so yummy!” she said. “I can’t believe I, like, never tried it before. What is it made out of?”

Robert looked at her, smiling. “It’s made out of grapes.”

“Grapes!” she said, excitedly. “Wow, babe, you’re so smart!”

Jenny was so happy she didn’t have to know anything about how the world worked. Knowing and understanding things was hard, it took so much thinking! It was easier to float around with a fluffy pink cloud in your head, and let other people do the thinking for you!

When the plane finally touched down, they stepped off and Jenny was so excited. She could feel the delicious heat of the sun on her skin, and feel the perfect humidity.

“Where are we going first?” she asked.

“Well, first we’ll check in to the hotel, and then I thought we’d drop off most of our stuff and hit the beach,” he said.

Jenny was eagerly awaiting the beach. They changed into their swimsuits in the hotel room, and she did a little show for Robert.

“You likey?” she said, stretching the fabric on the tiny bikini.

“Very much,” Robert said. “Your body is amazing.”

Jenny smiled down at her body. She loved being so sexy. She loved not having to think about her appearance - she just looked good now. She had evolved into her final form, thanks to the wonders of science and Robert’s deep pockets.

They went to the beach and had an amazing first day. They swam a bit, sunbathed, and just relaxed. Neither of them had to think about anything.

Jenny asked Robert to do her sunscreen, and she loved how worked up he seemed to get touching her body.

When they got back to the hotel room, it was a short trip from the hotel door to their bed, with all their clothes on the ground.

Robert fucked Jenny, and she loved every minute of it. She didn’t have anything else in her head, except pleasing and being pleased by her awesome boyfriend.

After they had finished, her only thoughts were about how good it felt to have him inside of her, and how much she wanted to do this every day of the trip. Multiple times a day if possible.

Jenny bit her lip.

The rest of the week was amazing. They went around some tourist attractions, ate at tasty restaurants and partied at the funnest night clubs ever.

Robert had planned everything, and Jenny was always delighted by what he had planend for the two of them. It was so relaxing, not having to worry about where she would be next. She just rolled with the information as it rolled in, and lived in the present moment.

Robert was also so kind and caring. When Jenny had trouble reading menus, he would read them aloud for her. And he answered all of the questions that popped into her mind. Like when they got some boba tea.

Jenny giggled, looking at the little balls settling to the bottom of the cup. “Boba tea is so, like, fun you know! It’s like a bunch of pretty bubbles that you can drink. I wonder what it’s made out of?”

Robert had rubbed her hand, and said, “Well, it’s tapioca. It’s a plant.”

“Oh, so boba is, like, a plant?” she said, impressed. “How do you remember all that stuff? Is it totally exhausting?”

Robert smiled. “No, I’m happy to do all the thinking for you, so you don’t have to be stressed.”

Jenny stood up from her seat, and sat in Robert’s lap. It just felt right in that moment. Like she’d do anything for him.

Jenny shook her head. “I toes don’t understand why anyone would want to be smart,” she said. “Being dumb is so much fun. I get to be silly, and slutty and not have to worry about anything.”

Robert tilted his head. “You really are a lot happier this way, aren’t you.”

Jenny giggled. “What do you mean ‘happier’? I’ve always been your little arm candy girlfriend. I’ve always been so happy with you.”

Robert looked thoughtful for a moment. “You know, we can worry about that later. The important thing is that you’re happy right now.”

Jenny couldn’t agree more. She didn’t know what he meant by ‘worry about that later’, but she was really good about not worrying about things. Besides, she was sure Robert was smart enough to take care of things when ‘later’ finally arrived.

The two of them had an amazing time together, and when their last day arrived they almost didn’t want to go back.

Jenny was a little down, walking through the airport. She wasn’t *that* sad, since focusing on a single thing was very difficult and she kept being distracted by cute things to buy at the airport gift shop, or staring at a beautiful woman in an advertisement or walking by the two of them.

But when they got on the plane, and headed back, Robert noticed her mood.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Jenny shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s like, there’s something on the edge of my brain, tickling me. I think it’s something bad, and I don’t want to let it in. I’m much happier without having to think about it.”

Robert nodded. He said nothing as he set up the in flight movie for Jenny, and she was distracted by the strange feeling.

When they arrived back home, Robert said, “Okay, it’s time to turn you back.”

“Turn me back?” Jenny blinked at him. “What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you just look at this metronome,” he said. “It’ll make everything clear.”

Jenny watched the metronome move back, and forth back and forth.

Robert said a bunch of things that made her so sleepy and relaxed, and then he said something strange to her.

“Jennifer, you can come back now. All of your thoughts and emotions can go back to the way they were. You can remember everything about your work, and how you normally feel about your body.”

Jenny shook her head, and said slowly from far away, “Noooo, I don’t want that.”

Robert frowned. He had wondered if she might resist going back to her old life.

“Come on, Jennifer. You’ve had fun, but you need to remember who you really are. You’re not a bubble-headed bimbo, you’re a genius worker at a tech start up. You’ve never had a bit of work done on your body, you’re 100% natural.”

In the trance state, Jenny could feel that strange tickling on the edge of her consciousness. It was the other girl trying to get in. Jennifer. But Jenny didn’t want this. She could feel the edges of the stress that Jennifer carried, and she didn’t want it. She would rather stay this way.

“I’m not Jennifer,” she said softly. “I’m Jenny, and my brain is an empty plink cloud.”

Robert wondered what to do. He could probably figure out a creative way to bypass her resistance to turn back to normal - find some way to convince her to remember who she used to be.

But Robert realized that she really didn’t want to go back to her old life. She liked being Jenny, trophy girlfriend and empty-headed bimbo. She liked not thinking.

And you couldn’t hypnotize someone to do or be something they didn’t want to be. And she really didn’t want to be smart and stressed like she had been before.

And as Robert was rolling these thoughts over in his head, he realized that he wasn’t horrified by the proposition of Jenny being stuck this way.

A sexy airhead who loved him unconditionally and would do anything for him? Was he supposed to say, ‘Oh no?’ to that?

“Okay, Jenny,” Robert finally said. “You’re going to stay a bimbo for as along as you want. But you’ll understand that if you ever want to turn back, you can do it whenever you want. You just have to want it enough. Now, I want you to wake up on the count of three. One… two… three.”


Jenny’s eyes fluttered open. She looked at Robert, a sizzling look in her eyes.

“Hey, babe,” she said. “I’m feeling super yummy. Do you me to suck your cock?”

Robert’s pants were soon on the floor, and Jenny was looking up at him with her eyes empty of anything but lust. Not a single thought was going on behind them.

Robert wondered if Jennifer would ever resurface. For now, he’d have Jenny quit her job suddenly, and then she could start living the bimbo life 24/7.

Jenny looked so happy with his cock in her mouth. So relaxed.

Jenny knew she could turn back any time she wanted, but what was making her so happy in the moment was the knowledge that she never ever would. Jenny was going to have so much fun in her new life, and she was never going back!


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