Thumbs Up

by ARandomGuy

Tags: #dom:male #f/f #f/m #fantasy #multiple_partners #sub:female #exhibitionism #pov:top

Evan picks up a few hitchhikers

Thumbs Up

It has been a long week for me, and I intend to sleep for a long time once I get home. You see, I'm an electrician with a major company, and they have me working on the western slop of my great state, yet I live on the eastern slope, in the City. I make a very good wage for the work, and I enjoy the work, so I can afford to work out here, and get hotels, or sleep on site in my camper for the week, and then go home for the weekend.

I'm a pretty built guy, without much fat on me, at 6'1” and sandy blonde hair, and wide shoulders, not many people try to pick fights with me at the bars.

I only started this job a few years ago, at 23 years old since I graduated college with a masters in hypnotherapy, but when I went out into the world to get a job, the city was so over saturated with hypnotherapists, I doubted I'd find a place to work, so I picked up classes on the trade of electrician, and it's gotten me farther along in life than I think I would have treating people quitting smoking or some such.

So, it's Friday night, and we're scheduled to leave in an hour, but after 12 hr days all week, I plan on quitting early, and start my drive right now. It's already 7:30, and almost a 4 hr drive home. So I pack up my tools, talk to the boss about where we'll be working next week, and when to meet up again, before loading my tools in my work truck.

Work truck is a misnomer as it's my personal truck with a camper on the back. It's stocked with a few days of fresh food, fishing gear, and a weeks worth of clothes for my week away from home.

I finally exit the job site, and wind my way around the town I'm working in, and finally get to the highway to get through the mountains and home. The sun is still up for another hour in town, but as soon as I hit the hills, sunset is much earlier. I set out, jumping into some evening traffic on the highway, and get flipped off by some jerk in a porsche as he flies past me with horn blaring. It's not very easy to get my old truck up to speed with the camper, but I do it.

I get up to the other end of town, a few miles down the road, at the small town's last off/on ramps, and see a few figures at the road side, of the on ramp, and almost as soon as I'm about to pass them, I decide to pull over for the hitchhikers. See, I always try to help out others in need, and know that I was the one in need through some of my college time, so it's time to pay forward for the help that was given to me.

These two are running up to the truck, hauling suitcases on wheels, and with the sun barely over the horizon, all I see are two figures. No telling who I'm picking up this time.

They finally get to the passenger door as I'm winding down the manual window, and see a couple of very cute young ladies breathing heavy, and flashing bright smiles my way.

“Well hello there. Where are you headed?” I ask

“How far are you going?” the brunette asks.

“All the way to Denver.” I answer.

“Great! That's where we're headed, too.” she says.

“OK, that works. Why don't you put your bags on the floor of the camper in back, and hop in the cab here.” I say to them both.

“Thank you, sir! We really appreciate the ride.” the dark blonde says, before heading to the rear of the truck.

Seconds later, and I hear the door to the camper slam shut, and the girls are shortly back at the door. I unlock it after rolling the window back up, and open it for them. The brunette climbs in first, onto the bench seat, then the blonde follows her in, and slams the door closed, which makes the sound in the cabin seem to rattle everything.

“So, what puts you two into the position you're in, hitchhiking?” I ask them.

“I came up here by bus, to visit Tammy here for the week, and today, she and her boyfriend had a big fight, and I didn't want to be around it, so I packed up. She didn't want me to go alone, and left the boyfriend behind to cool off for a while.” the brunette said.

“I decided to go back to Justine's house with her, so I can have a little time apart from the boyfriend, and make sure she was safe on her way home again.” Tammy said.

“Well, it's nice to meet both of you. I'm Evan.” I said to them.

“Good to meet you, too! It's been such a long day. I'm glad we got a ride so quickly tonight.” Tammy said.

“Yeah, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed. I'm tired just thinking about being home.” Justine said with a yawn she attempted to cover up.

“I have an idea for you both if you're tired. It always helps me focus on driving when I just watch the stripes go by. I try to count them all. At this time in the evening, there won't be anything worth seeing in the mountains anyway. Too dark.” I told them.

They both nodded, but kept quiet. I took a chance to really look them over then, before it got too dark. Tammy had her blonde hair about to the middle of her back, and covering over her swollen chest. She was wearing black leggings, with flats on her feet, and a red and blue flannel shirt on top. Justine wore her hair to mid back as well. She had on a white shirt, and a thin blue jacket over top, covering her breasts, but not hiding the prominent swell of them. She had on a pleated skirt, and tennis shoes on her feet. They both seemed just a few years younger than I was.

I let them both just look out the windshield, watching as the sunlight slowly faded to nothing. We hadn't gotten to the mountains yet, so not much else to see on the high planes. I just assumed that they were watching the lines. I didn't say anything for a time, hoping they'd be paying attention to the stripes on the highway. They were shining with the reflective dust they throw on the wet paint, when the striping was done.

When I looked over at them once we got to the mountainous part of the trip, they both had sagging eyelids, and barely keeping their heads straight up.

“Very good. Counting the stripes. What number are you on?” I asked.

“247” said Justine a little tired sounding.

“251” said Tammy near the same time.

I knew they would be on different numbers, depending on when they started counting stripes.

“Good girls. Keeping focused on the stripes. Listening to my voice.” I said.

“So wonderful and warm in the cab here. Ready to obey. So comfortable.” I said.

“Huh.....?” Tammy whispered.

I quickly change tactics once I was questioned with the obey suggestion. It was just too soon.

“So warm in the cab, ready to listen, and trust. Counting stripes. Listening to my voice.” I said.

“Warm.... listen.” Justine mumbles.

“That's right. It's really warm in here” I said in a controlled low tone.

“Mmmm” Justine moans.

“You trust Evan completely. Listening to voice. Trusting his voice.” I said in a quiet voice, forcing them to try to listen to me in the noisy cab.

“Trusssst.” Justine answers.

“Good girls.” I said to them both. “Listening so well. Accepting my words as truth.” I said as quiet as before.

Both girls moaned after being called good girls. It seemed as though things were being absorbed subconsciously. There was hope anyway. I kept up talking to them in a quiet tone with my voice deep and raspy.

I look over at them again in whatever light was left in the sky, and they still had their eyes open, but barely.

“You're both good girls. Listening to my voice, trusting in me, ready to obey,” I continued.

The light was gone in the sky, and there was barely any light from the dash, as it was an old truck, and few lights. I almost couldn't see them other than as shadows now.

“It's sooo warm in the cab. Too warm.” I tested them.

“Waaarm” a groan from Justine, I think.

I started over with commands, trying to get things deep into their heads. They were still slightly awake, but probably not for long.

“What number are you on?” I asked again.

“452” the brunette said next to me.

“459” Tammy said.

“Good girls for continuing to count as you listen. Ready to go deep for me. Trusting in Evan.” I kept at it.

“Deeeep” Tammy said slowly.

“Tammy, you need to lock your door so it doesn't open up. You want to be safe.” I suggested.

“Safe” Tammy said in a mumble, but her right hand reached back and fingered the locking post, and pushed it down, locking them in the cab.

“Keep counting the stripes. Dropping deeper into trance with each number you reach. You want to be good girls and drop for me.” I said.

“You have to keep your tired eyes open to continue counting the stripes. Your tired eyes must stay open, so you can drop deeply for me.” I said.

“Deeep.” Justine said.

“You're both doing so well. Keeping your sleepy eyes open and counting, while listening to me.” I said.

I saw a bunch of lights coming up, and knew we were about to go through the next town, and the road will start to have more curves in it, tracing it's way through the mountains. We'd already been driving for a half hour, and they were really fighting to keep their eyes open now.

I just let them continue to count, while throwing out a few commands here and there, letting them drop as deep as they could go.

“It's really uncomfortably warm in the cab. Keep counting, and listening to my voice. Ready to obey, and trust in me.” I said.

“Obeying Evan makes you horny. You love to listen to my voice. Wanting to repay Evan for the ride. Keeping your drooping eyes open wide.” I continued.

“Obey... listning” Tammy slurred in a small voice.

“My touch makes you more horny. So much more horny. Keep your tired eyes on the stripes, watching them slip by the truck, as you slip into trance for me.” I said.

I test out these new commands by sliding my right hand over, and onto Justine's knee. She didn't react at all, or try to brush me off. I started to slide my hand up her thigh to the bottom of her pleated skirt. Still no movement of her hands to stop me. She did moan a bit, as I moved my hand though.

“Are you still counting for me?” I asked.

“Counting” Justine said, and Tammy echoed her friend.

“Good girls. Keep counting. Continue to keep your eyes open and count. When you count to one thousand, you can close your eyes, and enter your trance for me. Only when you get to one thousand can you close your tired eyes.” I told them.

“You're both getting so warm in here. You should take off a layer of clothing to not sweat. Obeying Evan feels good. You should keep counting while you shed your warm clothes.” I suggested.

As I squeezed Justine's leg, and slid my hand up a little more, pushing her skirt up with it. She finally registered getting so warm, and started fingering her thin jacket for a few minutes. It took a few more prompts from me before she started to take off the offending clothing. First, one shoulder was exposed, and then the next, as she leaned forward so as to use both hands to pull her arms through the sleeves behind herself. Then the jacket was off, and she was left in a bra and her white shirt, pushed out by her firm breasts.

“You can throw your clothes through the rear window of the cab, into the camper. No need to keep them with you.” I said.

Tammy began to unbutton her flannel as well, as her friend turned my way, and threw her jacket behind her through the window into the camper, trying to keep counting the stripes before turning quickly back to the front. As she did that, I slid my hand up her thigh a little more, feeling the heat from her center. A moan escapes her mouth as I squeezed her thigh there.

Tammy pulled her flannel off the same way, but she didn't have a shirt underneath it. Just a plain beige bra. I saw this with the lights of the city we were driving through. She reached behind Justine with the flannel wrapped up like a ball, and tossed it into the back of the truck.

“So horny now. Still very warm. So warm. Keep counting. Obeying me makes you so horny.” I told them.

“You won't notice how undressed you are when you wake. Everything happening on this trip is normal. You want to return the favor of a ride.” I said moments later.

We made it out of the picturesque canyon that we couldn't see, and on into a great valley where you could see headlights miles away. My eyes could stray just a little bit, and not worry about going off the highway into the river we're beside.

“Remember, when you hit one thousand, you'll drop into trance for me. Your mind blank, and ready to receive my words as truth.” I told them.

Glancing over at them both, I had a decent view of Tammy's light skin, and swell of her chest behind the bra, and again, Justine's chest held tightly by her too small white shirt. My hand traveled just a bit further up Justine's thigh, until my pinkie was touching her panties. I wiggled it a few times, to try and get a reaction out of her. Her hips moved slightly, but she was still focused on the stripes. I had to pay attention to the road, or I would be in the river, so I tore my eyes from them for a little bit.

When I looked again, with the little light from the Moon, I saw that their eyes were closed, and chins resting on their chests. They had fallen into trance, and finished their counts.

“You both are my sluts for the evening. You will obey me, as though the commands are your own thoughts. You're both very horny, and want to repay me for the ride somehow.”

“Sluts... obey. Repay.” Justine and Tammy say.

“Good girls.” I say, and they both shiver hearing that.

“You will willingly play with each other's bodies tonight. You both crave my cock, and my seed.” I say.

“Mmm.. cock.” Tammy mumbles.

“When I wake both of you sluts up, you'll be wide awake, and rested from counting the stripes. You won't notice the missing time in trance. You're still very hot, and horny, in the cab, but want to repay me for giving you a ride.” I told them.

My hand was now pressing on the gusset of Justine's panties, rubbing side to side on her clit. She would involuntarily moan once in a while, with my manipulation of her sex. Her panties were really getting soaked.

“You're both good girls, and will obey what I tell you. You want to please me.” I told them.

It had been about an hour into our 4 hr trip, and we were headed to a few neighboring towns, and then the pass after, which had a rest stop. I was looking forward to the rest stop, as the girls would probably want to stop as well.

“Girls, it's time to wake up on a count of 3.” I said.

“One. You're waking from a wet dream.”

“Two. You're feeling extra horny where everything is normal.”

I remove my hand from caressing Justine's pussy, and place it just above her knee.

“Three. You're awake, feeling great, and refreshed.”

They both lifted their heads, and looked around at each other, and myself. A quick yawn from Tammy, and they were all smiles.

“How are you both feeling?” I asked them.

“Surprisingly good.” Said Justine. “Counting those stripes was a good thing to focus on, to stay awake.”

“How about you, Tammy?” I asked.

“I feel the same. Feeling so good.” she responded.

“Good to hear. I apologize for how hot it is in here. The heater is broken in the on position.” I tell them.

“That's ok, we can just take off some clothes.” Tammy said.

“Sounds great to me.” I said, and moved my hand a bit up Justine's leg.

She turns to me, puts her left hand behind my head, plays with the tiny curls I have in my short hair on the back of my head, and lays her right hand on my thigh, not far from a raging hard on. Then she strokes it back and forth, up and down my leg. Each stroke brings her closer to my hard on.

“You know, you didn't really have to do this. Picking us up like you did, but I appreciate that you did. What can we do to pay you back for taking us all the way home?” she asked, as her hand finally landed on my cock, and began to massage it.

“I could think of a few things. Why don't you start with giving me your panties?” I requested.

The hand immediately left my shaft, and my hand slipped from her thigh, as she reached under her skirt, and down came her purple and white striped panties. I saw movement from Tammy as well, but when I looked back up at Justine, she had her panties hanging by a finger in front of my face. I grabbed them, and brought them to my nose to sniff her scent. Then I took the gusset in my mouth to taste her.

“Mmmm” she moaned, and returned to stroking me through my pants.

Seconds later, there's a balled up pair of leggings being tossed into the back, and shortly after that, a pare of pale blue panties are handed over to me, as I still sucked on the other pair in my mouth. I took the new pair, and sniffed them, before hanging them on the rear view mirror.

“Tammy, why don't you masturbate for me over there, and you're not allowed to cum until I say.” I told her as I removed the panties from my mouth, and hung them on the other side of the mirror.

I placed my hand back on Justine's thigh, and let it travel up until I felt the heat from her core, and began rubbing her again, without any cloth between us. My finger slipped between her lower lips with ease, as she spread her legs, granting me access to her center.

Somehow, I kept my eyes on the road for most of the trip through the towns, and finally got to the mountain pass, and slowed down to get off the highway, and go to the rest stop ahead of us. Of course, at this time of year, and this high up in the mountains, it was snowing, and snowing hard. I could still see where I was going, but it was getting difficult. We picked the perfect time to rest a bit.

Once we pulled into the lot, at a spot away from others, I turned off the truck, and looked over at both the girls. Tammy almost immediately said that she was going to go lay down in the camper. She started to shift around Justine, and maneuvered herself between us, and through the window, into the camper behind. I think she acted stuck for a second or two, to keep her bare ass in between us. I slapped her ass once, my hand lingering with fingers parting her lips, and she finished climbing through to the back, and Justine and I were alone.

“You know, we really wanted to pay you back for taking us all the way to Denver somehow.” she said, and her left hand was suddenly on my thigh, rubbing and squeezing me.

“Oh? And how would you pay me back, now that you've thought about it some?” I asked, keeping a straight face.

“How about a blow job to start?” she said, and returned to rubbing my growing cock through my pants.

“I couldn't say no to a beautiful girl like you.” I said.

She quickly used both hands to undo my pants, and I helped her by raising my hips so she could drop my pants down my thighs to my knees. My boxers were next, as they were tented from within. When they were pulled down, my cock, standing proud and tall, slapped my shirt covered belly once before settling in a vertical stand.

She took no time in reaching for my girthy rod, trying to wrap her hand all around it, but failed there, and decided to just lean down and kiss the head. I tossed my head back, and ran a hand up her back to her head. At first, I didn't force her head down. I let her create the pace of her mouthing me. I just lightly held her head, running my fingers through her hair.

She popped off my cock once, and licked from my balls to the tip, before once again taking me into her mouth. Then she pushed herself a little farther in, brushing my head up against her throat, and that was when I decided to push her a little bit, and my head forced it's way deep into her throat, choking her at first. I held her there, with her nose down against my upper left thigh, and then let her up.

She coughed for a few moments, but smiled at me.

“That's the first time I've gotten a cock down my throat.” She said before coughing again, wiping the drool off of her mouth.

“Good girl” I told her. “Try it again.”

She leaned over again, squatting on the bench seat, with her ass sticking out, and took my down to her throat again. I slid my right hand down to her ass, and flipped up her skirt onto her back, and began to finger her wet hole, while my left hand moved to her head, and suddenly pushed her down on my cock again.

She took it like a champ, and whimpered when she came back up for air. No coughing this time. I never removed my 2 fingers from her sodden hole, and kept pushing them in, and back out again. I didn't let her stay off my cock for long, and resumed pushing her head down onto me. She was starting to take me like a champ, but I didn't want her to swallow me. I wanted more from her.

I pulled her head off of my cock, and up to a sitting position.

“I want that tight cunt of yours. Straddle me.” I told her, and she crawled over me, and swung one leg over mine, sitting on my thighs.

She looked at me, lust in her eyes, with her neck held at an angle so her head could still fit in the cab. She reached down, taking a hold of my shaft, and holding her skirt up, before lining me up with her, and she paused there. When she did that, I pulled her tight shirt, and her bra up over her chest, and leaned in to take a nipple in my mouth. She still didn't move. I had to grab her hips and force her down onto me.

“Ung!” she said, as my thick cock entered her drenched channel.

“Mmmmm” I moaned into her right tit, as I manipulated her nipple in my mouth.

Then she began to slowly rotate her hips, forcing my cock to slide around inside her, gliding along her walls. I lifted her up, almost off my cock, and slammed her down again, burying myself inside her. She groaned again, taking all of me inside her. Then she began to rise on her own, and drop slowly back down, over and over again.

Meanwhile, from the front seat, I could hear moaning coming from the camper. Tammy had to have a few fingers buried inside herself, masturbating to Justine's and my coupling noises. It turned me on even more, and I picked up the pace of lifting and forcing down Justine on my pole. She has to duck to fit in the cab while riding my cock, so her head was buried in my shoulder, while I continued to nibble on her hard nipple.

Her groans, and moans spurred me on even more. I loved how tight she was, and I'm sure she enjoyed how thick I was, stretching her out a little bit. The heat in the cab didn't dwindle at all, with our fucking, and even felt hotter than the Chevy heater going full blast. I should just keep these two girls with me all the time, to keep my heater off, and they can warm my bones all day while driving. One bone was very warm at the moment, in a tight, soft embrace.

Justine was working very hard in keeping up with my thrusts, and sweat was dripping off her chin, and onto her shirt. Below the shirt, her breasts were starting to drip as well, and I released her right nipple, only to lick the saltiness from her breasts, before taking her left nipple in my mouth.

“YESSSSSS” she cried out, as our fucking was creating squelchy noises now, ensuring that she was very wet, and willing.

I reached around, under her skirt, and slid a finger down her ass crack until it found her puckered hole. I rubbed around her anus a few times, and then without warning on one of her down thrusts, I pressed my middle finger into her ass, and she went wild, bucking on me at a high pace, and drenching my cock and balls in her girl cum.

I held my finger in her ass and kept her riding me until I shot my first load of the day, deep inside her center. As she came down from her massive orgasm, I was still shooting off loads inside of her, and she ended up collapsing on my shoulder, with my cock buried inside her.

Being only 23 has it's rewards, and while still buried in Justine's juicy cunt, my rigidity didn't go down at all. I savored the feeling of her cunt squeezing me off and on, and she actually started gyrating on me again, but that was enough for her. I had another girl that wanted to repay me as well.

Being built the way I am, I couldn't fit through the rear window, to get to the camper, so I pulled Justine off of me, and placed her on the bench seat beside me, before pulling up my boxers, and pants. Then, fully dressed, I opened the door, and stepped out into the blizzard. Dragging my hand along the side of the camper to the back door, where I stepped inside once again, and barely kept upright after stumbling over their packs.

I felt my way through the camper, and the items on the floor, brushing my hand on the table to my left, and stove top to my right, before my hands went to reach for the mattress above the cab, and grabbed instead, a smooth healthy thigh. I reached up with my right hand, and found a matching pair of smooth thighs. It was dark in there, but I knew what I wanted now.

I slowly leaned forward, until I was close to one thigh, and kissed it, then moved over to the other thigh to do the same. When she reacted with a groan, I moved between my kissing spots, and found first, her knuckles pistoning in and out of her juicy little cunt, and then her fingers moved, and I found my target with my mouth. I covered the whole of her shaved pussy with my mouth, letting my tongue slip back and forth and around her hole, and then I licked up to her clit.

Her hips bucked into my head as I made contact with her little nub, and forced my head back momentarily. I dove back in, taking her lips in my mouth, and sucking on them, before switching sides, and doing the same. Her hand was now in my hair, and pulling me into her delicious cunt a bit harder. My nose smashed up against her clit as I licked her inviting hole below, eliciting deep groans, and was that a growl?

“You may cum any time now, slut.” I said, pulling back from drilling her hole with my tongue.

About the same time, I felt hands on my pants again, and realized that Justine was trying to get me naked from the waist down again. Then I felt warm lips helping with my refractory period, as I had shrunk just a little bit from the cold outside. She didn't push me out of the way, so she must barely be hanging through the window with her bare ass facing the windshield right now.

I kept up my licking, and sucking of Tammy's little cunny, hearing louder moans and groans from her now. I pressed my hands into her thighs, pushing them back more, and opening her pussy in the process, stretching her legs. Then I licked from anus to clit a few times, and that set her off.

She began to shake, and her legs tried to clamp around my head, but I held her strong on both thighs, cut her toes did curl for a moment.

“Iiiieeeeee! Ohfuck! Fuckyesss!” Tammy cried out, mid orgasm.

Then I grabbed her legs, and pulled her half way off the bed, and then switched to her arm pits to pull her the rest of the way out, and held her close while turning her towards the table on my left. There, I set her ass down at the end of the table, and pressed her down to her back. When my body turned, so did Justine's hand stroking me, and she helped guide my shaft to her friend's pussy where she slapped it down between her sodden lips a few times.

While she toyed with her friend, and my rod, I reached up, and pushed Tammy's bra up and over her tits, giving me better access to her nipples, that I pulled relatively hard. Enough for her to arch her back and cry out. Then my cock was lined up with her hole, and I put her legs over my shoulders, then slowly slipped into her even tighter tunnel. I twisted her nipples then, and without warning, slammed my hips into her ass, burying myself inside her.

“OHFUCKYES! Gimme COCK!!” she cried out, and I did.

Her hands went above her head to protect her head from hitting the inner wall of the camper, as I began thrusting hard into her tight little pussy. She made the journey inside her much more pleasurable by squeezing her cunt tightly on every thrust. Her groans filled the small camper. Justine, meanwhile, finished crawling through the window, and sat herself down on the padded chair at the table, and started to kiss her friend on the lips.

My hands cupped both of Tammy's tits, using them as handholds, and feeling her nipples poke into the palms of my hands. I wasn't taking it easy on her pussy. I pounded hard and fast, and she kept up the friction inside herself for our pleasure. Justine grabbed my left hand, lifting it off of Tammy's breast, and I placed it on her shoulder, as she started to suck on her friend's tit. She was also pleasuring herself below the skirt. Her right hand roamed Tammy's tummy, and available tit, before sliding down between our union, and rubbing rapidly on her friend's clit.

It didn't take long for her to orgasm again, but this time, she squirted a little bit on my stomach, and her insides squeezed me like no other.

“Ooooooh! Ohfuck! Fuckfuckfuck!” she cried out.

Her legs tried to pull me into her, and then straightened out, pushing my head farther back from her, but kept her feet hooked around my neck to hold me in place. I then folded her in half, pressing her legs into her tits, as I leaned down to give her a searing kiss. Once she calmed down some from her orgasm, I picked up where I was going, and plowing into her, her hips rising up to meet me on every thrust.

I slid my hand down from Justine's shoulder to her breast. At some point from the cabin of the truck, and now, she had lost her bra and shirt, allowing much easier access to her. When I got a good grip on her nipple, I pinched and pulled it hard.

“Come with us, slut!” I said to her between Tammy's legs.

She mewled at that, and her left hand went faster below her skirt, as I continued to gain momentum on Tammy. I was finally getting ready to peak. Ready to fill this slut up.

When I ended up coming, it came quickly, and I started to fall forward, with Tammy's legs holding me back from total collapse on her body. I finally let go of Justine's nipple when I came, and I think my cum triggered Tammy into another earth shattering orgasm of her own. Her legs tried to strangle me, as I dumped load after load into her tight tunnel.

When I finished pumping her up with fluids, I slowly pulled out of her. I reached up to grab her hand, and placed it over her cunt.

“Clean each other up, and join me in the cab again.” I said to them both, and reached down, pulling up my boxers and pants, before slipping out the back door.

When I closed the door of the cab, I could hear more moans coming from the back. I couldn't really see in the dark yet, so I didn't know if they jumped up into the bed to 69, or taking turns laying on the table top, and eating each other out that way. I just shrugged, and started up the truck again.

After about 20 miles down the pass, Tammy started coming through the window to sit at her end of the bench, and then Justine came in next. Both naked except for Justine's skirt she still had on. I kind of wished that it was light out so I'd be able to watch their breasts bounce with the highway bumps and such, but I can just treat it as though I'm blind, reading braile.

I reached over to Justine's thigh, and let it travel up to her pussy. Her legs parted enough that one leg ended up hooked on Tammy's leg, therefor spreading both girls wide open. I began to manipulate her lips, and clit, getting her worked up again. I'm a terrible tease. I know. She grabbed my wrist with one hand, and joined my fingers with a few of her own, playing with herself.

“Had you both ever played with each other before today?” I asked them.

“Not really. We've changed in front of each other, but never had the nerve to make a move.” Tammy said.

“I dunno. Maybe I am a little bi. I love cock, but she tasted so good, too.” Justine said.

“Are you going to continue to play with each other then?” I inquired.

“I'd like to.” Justine said.

“I'd like that, too.” said Tammy.

“I'd like to fuck the both of you again. Since we all live in Denver, we should get together again.” I said as I pressed my fingers inside of Justine, taking one of her fingers along for the ride, fingering her cunt.

“I want that!” Tammy said.

“Yes, please.” Justine agreed.

“Just no more tonight. I'm a little sore now.” Tammy said.

“That's fine. I'm worn out too. Instead of another round on the drive, how about counting the stripes again, to keep yourselves awake?” I inquired, with a little smile.


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