
by sleepingirl

Tags: #cw:incest #consensual_kink #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis_specific_fetish #slow_burn #alcohol #drug_use #hypnosis

There are all sorts of things people say about twins, and what they do and don’t share.

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Violently possessed to write this without breaks/readbacks in one 6hr sitting (don't do this), edited minimally the next day. I'd like to """thank""" Vox Machina for putting me on an incest kick. 

I don't think it really needs to be said but what I write about doesn't reflect a) IRL desires or b) condoning things that are obviously bad. 

There’s that cliche about twins -- that they share everything: hobbies, friends, tastes in food and clothing. Mostly, cultural pushback on all of those “twin telepathy” movies from the 90s made it so that folks didn’t presume that kind of thing as much, nowadays. For Jack and Amber, it of course helped that they were fraternal twins -- if someone didn’t know them, they mostly just looked like a regular pair of siblings, so they avoided a lot of the weird assumptions.

But there was some truth to the stereotypes. Jack remembered his childhood as being part of an inseparable duo. If Amber was doing something, he’d wanted to do it too, and vice versa. It had led to him being the only boy in her short-lived ballet classes, and her ultimately being better at soccer than he was despite it being his idea to join the kid’s league.

(Jack was still a bit bitter about that.)

Predictably, when they reached the end of middle school -- and puberty -- there was more tension and distance between them than there ever had been. Amber was moody and spent a lot of time behind the closed door of her newly-separated bedroom, and Jack -- well, he was busy discovering feelings in his body that were alien to him (and often annoying), so he was kind of grateful for the space.

They still shared a lot with each other, especially going more into their teens. Amber grew braver about coming into his room to bitch about her friends or teachers, and even boys in her classes that she claimed to hate but cried about when they didn’t invite her to dances. Of course they fought as well -- any two high schoolers under the same roof were bound to get on each other's nerves about household chores, or being up too late and talking too loud, or being bothered in the middle of a video game. But Jack liked to think that they’d got along better than most siblings, and he was perfectly fine to ascribe that to their twinliness.

However, while Amber became keen to share her dramas with him, there was something that Jack discovered about himself that made him realize how they could never really go back to total transparency with each other.

Once, when they were watching a movie together, the villain revealed that he had magical mind control powers -- which he promptly used on the heroine. The heroine’s eyes had rolled back and glowed, and her body had gone totally stiff and taut while the villain laughed at her helplessness. And Jack -- well. The way that he reacted to that, with a desire that shocked and confused him at the time… It became a secret that he swore to only even think about when he was alone.

That, of all things, was what became his fixation through his teen years, and when he finally allowed himself to look to the internet for answers, he discovered that he was very much not alone.

Still weird -- but not alone. There were a ton of people who shared the same fetish, and to his surprise, even people like him who fantasized about being the one to make a pretty girl go limp and powerless.

But this, of course, was something that he could never share with Amber, and that made Jack feel a little bit cut off.

Maybe she sensed it -- in some twin telepathy kind of way -- because by the time they started thinking about college, she’d become established in a different friend group than him, and the question of what university to attend became an obvious assumption of two different schools for each of them.

Which was probably normal. They were 18, well past their stuck-at-the-hip phase, and going off to college alone would give him some room to breathe.

Besides -- both because of having his sister around all the time and his bizarre sexual fixation with mind control, Jack had gone through high school without really pursuing girls. But his body was beginning to insist that he find someone to deal with the tension brewing inside of it.

Around the same time, he let himself indulge more and more in his fetish -- even though he had less privacy living in a dorm room, finally being out of the house (and being an adult) made him braver about looking at porn. And when he wasn’t looking at drawings of spiral-eyed women… he was starting to discover the rabbit-hole of actual hypnosis.

He’d assumed for a long time that mind control was the stuff of fantasies. And it was, of course. But scattered around all the porn were forums about people sharing videos and resources of how to do real-life hypnosis. Hypnosis that claimed to be able to make a person orgasm at a snap, or collapsing into a crumpled heap at a whispered word.

Jack’s fantasies became more refined as he learned. He still could get off wildly quick in the showers by thinking about wielding a magical staff that sucked out a girl’s will, but he found himself idly thinking more and more about walking up to a girl after class and saying the right combination of words to make her eyes go wide and glazed.

He fantasized even more about doing this and discovering a girl who, like him, had kept this as a secret desire, as unlikely as that was.

He’d made fast friends with the people in his dorm, and there certainly were a few cute girls who hung out and played games with everyone. It’d become a nightly ritual to get drunk, stoned, and lay out on the floor of someone’s room. Within a couple months, it was pretty clear that everyone was going to hook up with everyone -- various combinations of couples giggling as they were dared to go make out in the dorm stairway, or slinking back to a room to “go to bed” early.

Jack finally got his chance on a night where he and the red-headed sorority girl, Anne, were the only two left alone after a particularly rowdy drinking game. They were in her room and she kept scootching closer to him as they laughed and chatted, and eventually she kissed him, tasting of cheap vodka and Coke.

She climbed on top of him on the bed, pulling her shirt off, taking his hands to place on her breasts and smiling. He was unbelievably hard despite being liquored up, his body pumping pure physical desire into him as she undid his pants, grabbed a condom, spread her legs…

The sex was good -- really good, better than he’d imagined it would be -- but through it, watching Anne’s face screw up with pleasure, he couldn’t stop himself from imagining that she was being controlled to feel this, that the sex itself was making her mind weak, or that his cock was mesmerizing her by slamming into her deep inside.

Ultimately, it was one of those thoughts that made him cum.

He sighed away the shame of that later, drunk and sated in his bed. Jack was well aware that he’d just lost his virginity and to him, that was a big deal that he wanted to talk about for the sheer novelty of having done it. There wasn’t anyone at school that he’d gotten close enough with yet, though, and he felt weird about texting his friends from high school out of the blue just to be like, “Dude, guess what -- I had sex!”

Honestly -- it made him miss Amber. Not that he really wanted to share sexual exploits with his sister, but for the simple yearning to have someone that he was so close to and could share most anything with.

She hadn’t really talked to him much since they each got to their respective schools. Well -- they texted almost every day, but it had died down from almost a constant conversation at the beginning of the semester to the odd meme and excitement or bitching over what the dining hall was serving. Neither of them were really interested in Greek life, which was something of a relief -- but as far as Jack knew, they were both just studying and partying, every single day. (They had both, of course, gotten into drinking pretty much immediately.)

While Amber had decided early to go for a physics degree, Jack had been putting off his declaration for as long as he could to see what called to him. At the latest, he’d have to decide the coming year, but ideally he’d have something by the start of next semester, the end of winter break -- which was fast approaching.

Laying there, still tipsy at 2am and remembering the way Anne’s eyes had rolled back when she came, he had an idle thought that maybe he’d go for psychology.

Luckily, Anne wasn’t under any impression that they were an item, now, and the group revelry continued all the way up to the end of the semester until everyone realized they needed to crunch to get ready for exams. Jack felt like he was doing well, especially in his 101 psych class -- there was a lot of stuff that felt intuitive since his hobby-learning about hypnosis online.

But at the end, when winter break brought him home, he was as exhausted as all the stereotypes claimed he would be, ready to sleep the two weeks away.

His house seemed different since he’d been at college, nothing really changed except for his absence, but as Jack collapsed on the couch, moaning theatrically, Amber came downstairs to greet him.

She looked different too -- she’d bleached a section of her hair, and she was wearing an oversized sweatshirt with her school logo. She was smiling.

“Are you dead?” she asked.

“How are you not?” Jack grumbled.

“I actually paced myself,” Amber grinned wryly, smugly. “Unlike a certain brother, apparently.”

…The pre-finals binge drinking was probably a mistake. He hadn’t pinned Amber to be the more responsible one of the two of them.

Unceremoniously, she shoved his legs up to make room for herself on the couch. They talked for a bit about school, and it pleased Jack way too much to feel how easy it was to talk to her -- text just wasn’t the same as being in the same place. Amber had similarly forged fast bonds with her dorm floor, and it surprised Jack to know that they were basically doing the same things -- playing video games and getting high. Although Amber was in one of the STEM specific dorms at her school, so she and her friends did perhaps just a few more actual study parties than Jack’s dorm.

“Did you decide on a major?” she asked. “For the record, I don’t recommend physics.”

Jack grinned. “Yeah, I am completely done with math. Actually… I was thinking about psych.”

Amber’s brows furrowed in confusion. “...Really? I mean -- I guess I just never pegged you as being into that kind of thing.”

“I dunno,” Jack said, and stared up at the ceiling. “I guess I’m just enjoying the 101 lectures, and like -- learning about how people think.”

It was a good enough lie to cover that he was basically thinking of choosing his major with his dick. Amber shrugged.

“If it makes you happy,” she said. “And motivated. Actually -- that’s the part that matters. We’re stuck with this shit for 3 more years.”

“Let’s be realistic,” Jack said, grimacing, “if you’re doing physics and I’m doing psych, we’ve got a lot more than 3 years ahead of us.”

Amber groaned and threw her head back against the couch, and he laughed.

“I was doing fine, and now I’m depressed,” she whined. “You killed me.”

“I was dead first!” Jack said.

“You killed your sister.” Amber continued without acknowledging him. “Also, I’m so dead and I left my bag upstairs and I’m too dead to go get it.”

Jack rolled his eyes, but he was smiling.

“...Dead!” she exclaimed, and looked at him expectantly.

He sighed and moved to get off the couch, all the while Amber groaned dramatically.

Her room was emptier than he remembered it -- she’d brought most of her posters and plushies to school with her. Her purse was haphazardly thrown on the bed next to her laptop, and he grabbed it.

The laptop was still on, screen bright, and he wasn’t snooping -- he wasn’t -- but something caught his eye.

She was just -- she was on Twitter, of course, but there was another tab open --

…It was one of the mind control porn sites that he knew all-too-well.

Oh, God. Oh, God. 

Jack’s heart was instantly pounding, and he wished he hadn’t seen it, but he couldn’t give that knowledge back.

…It didn’t mean that they shared the same secret. It didn’t. This could be some fleeting curiosity of hers, or something that she looked at on a whim -- a coincidence --

There was at once a horrific gnawing to see what she was looking at, as though the fact that she was his sister was partially muted by the sheer intensity that there was someone who potentially shared his interest --

He didn’t, and he wouldn’t. Jack’s hands were shaking now as he held Amber’s purse, working to stop the flood of emotions, to steady himself to go downstairs and try to forget the whole thing.

“...You look like shit,” Amber said as he came down the stairs, and Jack cursed the weird twinly perceptiveness.

“You don’t look like a dead person,” Jack said, tossed the purse onto her lap, and lay back down. Amber ignored him and happily started typing away on her phone that she dug out of the bag.

…Should he bring it up? God, of course he shouldn’t bring it up. But it was just -- it was just too fucking weird that they both might -- be into -- he wanted to know --

Since when -- and -- which parts did she like --

No. No.

Watching her staring at her phone screen, thumbs moving fast, he looked at her, and she looked different, and he was hit with just a flash of an intrusive image of her fixated eyes lidding further --

His cock began to stir, just sheer physiological response, and Jack wanted to die.

“Jack?” Amber looked up at him, concerned.

“I’m dead!” he exclaimed, and then in an effort to return to normalcy, he kicked her gently and feigned death-twitching.

That made her laugh.

Break began to pass by too quickly. Jack slept in to a glorious noon every day and spent almost each day doing absolutely nothing except playing video games. There was less drinking at home -- he and Amber had silently agreed not to tell their parents that they’d started drinking yet -- but Amber had smuggled an eighth of weed back to share with him.

She was always the smarter one.

They’d never smoked together before, and she showed him her bowl like it was a little glass treasure -- small and speckled with black and white, barely holding enough for two people. On a night that their parents were in bed early, they set up her room -- towel under the door, tape over the smoke detector, and window open with a fan.

Amber coughed a lot when she smoked.

“Haven’t you done this enough to stop that?” Jack grinned, and she shot him a glare.

“Show-off,” she said, surly.

When the bowl stopped cherrying, Amber flopped out on her bed and stared at the ceiling, and Jack sat down on the floor. They were quiet for a few minutes, the high starting to peak, and it reminded Jack of the times at college when he and his friends would do the same thing. It was really comfortable, in a way, to get to share this with his sister.

“Why does weed feel so good?” Amber wondered aloud, and then started giggling. “It’s a plant!”

“Brain stuff,” Jack said. “Plant… brain stuff.”

“Very smart, mister psych major,” she said.

“They’re not teaching us about weed,” Jack shot back, but he was laughing.

“What are they teaching you about?”

“I dunno…” He leaned back so he was flat on the ground. “Like, stuff about the cones in your eyes?”

“And you’re into that?” Amber asked.

“I mean, it’s a 101 lecture,” Jack said. “They’re not getting into, like… big stuff.”

Amber was quiet for a moment, and then she asked, “Why are you really going for psychology?”

If he was being honest with himself, he hated the twin telepathy trope not because it was far-fetched, but because there were too many moments where it felt too pointed, and too plausible.

He didn’t know what to say. He was pretty stoned, but even through the weirdly sharp haze he knew that he couldn’t talk about hypnosis with his sister. It was just -- he was worse at lying when high.

His brain, inundated with chemicals, fed him a vision of him confessing, of asking her about what he saw on her computer, of her blushing demurely in a way he’d never seen before, of asking if he knew how to do hypnosis --

“Jack?” She’d sat up in her bed to look at him.

“Sorry,” he said. “I’m really baked.”

“Lightweight,” she said, and threw a pillow at him.

When he was in bed that night, after they’d taken a couple more hits, he stared into the darkness of his childhood bedroom and his thoughts spiraled into sex, unstoppably. Trying so hard to imagine his formative magical fantasies, but being twisted into curiosity -- fewer inhibitions made a taboo feel more tingly and appealing, and he was imagining with vividness what Amber’s jaw might feel like when slack, how she might play coy, even dropping her into hypnosis with a glance someday, her begging him to control her --

His sister. His sister. His sister. Being high turned it into a vagueness, an extra ingredient in the fantasy that added a horrifyingly delicious curl in his belly down to his cock.

Once. Just once he would let himself think about this, and tomorrow would be the end of it.

He was good on his promise to himself, but he had irrevocably changed something about their relationship. Jack was filled with shame at his lapse in judgment, even to himself, and it was a little harder to be a normal brother, even though he squashed any budding forbidden thoughts of Amber if they rose. He wondered if she noticed that he was being distant -- and of course she did, but she acted much like she did all those years ago and pretended it wasn’t happening.

Going back to school was a welcome distraction, and Jack was able to throw himself into his studies -- taking a page from Amber and even occasionally turning down a late night party to keep a bit of sleep. He did sign up for the 102 level psychology course and other courses involved in the major, but held off on formally declaring -- he still had time, and he figured he’d see how he liked the classes.

Him and Anne hooked up a couple more times, and she even gave him a blowjob, all smiles, which was an utterly mind-bending experience. It was then that his desire to try out hypnosis really burned and broke through -- he couldn’t imagine how much better it would be if she was mindlessly sucking his cock.

One night, drunk, he worked up the courage to ask her about it.

“I wanna try something,” he said, trying to be confident, and putting his arm around her. “Have you ever been hypnotized before?”

Anne giggled and shook her head. Steeling his nerves, he launched into what he thought was a pretty good pretalk -- telling her that it wasn’t mind control, telling her what to expect it to feel like, telling her that she didn’t need to do anything specific to be hypnotized the right way, just for her to listen and feel…

Once he really got going, it was shockingly easy. He’d read so many scripts at this point, listened to so many examples -- it wasn’t perfect, but the way that she stared into his eyes and he got to watch them glaze over was unbelievable. He was absolutely rock hard, cock twitching when he said, “Drop,” and her head slumped over.

When she was in trance, he lamely didn’t know what to do. It felt weird to start suggesting sexual stuff out of the blue, especially when he was already this turned on, so he ended up telling her that her body was frozen and just gently stroking fingers over her collarbone. Even that -- the idea that she was helpless to his touch -- was just so hot.

He woke her up after a few minutes.

“How did that feel?” he asked.

“Really nice,” Anne said, smiling lazily. “It was like being really relaxed and chilled-out.”

For some reason, his heart sank. Jack felt anything but relaxed.

Spring break came, and he headed back home to see his family. Classes were going well, and one of his high school buddies was organizing a party when his parents were out of town. Jack was looking forward to getting to drink outside of school.

“Bill’s having a party?” Amber said, eyes widening in excitement. “With like -- booze?”

“Shh,” Jack hushed her. “Yes. Do you want to come? We can’t tell Mom and Dad.”

Amber brought her fingers to her lips and mimed zipping them shut.

“OK,” he said. “We’ll leave tonight at 8. Say we’re going to Jenny’s.”

Amber nodded, and then made a show of trying to talk with her mouth “zipped closed,” distressedly humming through her nose, gesturing with her hands with increasing feigned alarm.

Jack rolled his eyes and brought his hand up to her face to unzip her lips.

For a moment, the look in her eyes made him pause -- the pretend panic and the wideness, softening when his fingers touched her. If they’d been kids, he would have faked her out, taken his hand away to play along with the game and keep her silent. But right now it was touching on something too close -- suggestive, hypnotically --

He brought his thumb and forefinger together to pull the “zipper” across her lips, and they parted, and there was a second right after that that was too long.

“Thanks,” she said quickly, then brushed her hair back. “See you at 8.”

Bill’s party was loud, and there were a ton of people there that he hadn’t seen since graduating. Jack thought he might catch up with everyone about what they were all doing in college, but mostly it was a lot of dancing, and beer pong, and drinking, and smoking.

Some of Amber’s friends were there too, and it was nice to see his sister getting to party and be uninhibited. Jack was getting drunk off of Mike’s Hard, of all things, and she was sucking them down like they were juice, too.

Eventually everyone moved to the basement to hit Bill’s bong -- a piece that was outrageously big and impractical (and how exactly was he hiding this from his parents?). Amber was absolutely fucked at this point, and Jack wondered if maybe he was doing a bad job at being a brother -- she was definitely going to be hungover tomorrow at the very least, and she was probably going to get sick.

Jack of course thought that through his own haze of inebriation, and thought it might be a nice gesture to get her a cup of water even if it was too little, too late. He filled one of the red solo cups in the sink, and brought it back down.

A game of truth or dare had started, and Amber was smiling big and lopsided at one of the guys stripping down to his boxers.

She was still wearing her shirt, but her skirt had come off, revealing her long legs.

“Come join,” she whined, taking the water from him and gracelessly gulping some of it down.

“Maybe we should go home?” he said, trying not to slur.

Amber looked at him like he had just suggested they jump off a bridge.

“In like, an hour?” he tried.

“Playyyyy,” Amber said.

Jack sighed and sat down, wobbly.

“Truth or dare!” she said immediately, completely ignoring the order of the game and talking over everyone, but no one was paying attention.

“...Truth,” he said.

“Jaa-aack!” she whined.

“It’s called ‘truth or dare,’” Jack said. “I can pick ‘truth’ if I want.”

“Fine,” Amber pouted. “Why’d you -- hic -- why’d you pick psych?”

Jack went silent and stared at her. She looked determined, or triumphant -- but like a really drunk sort of triumph that was almost comedic.

“Why does it matter?” he asked. “Why do you care?”

I’m asking the questions!” Amber said. “Why’re you into psychology? It’s weird ‘cuz -- you didn’t answer -- and it’s weird --”

“Maybe I don’t have a good answer!” Jack said, exasperated. The room was spinning a little.

“Yes you do!” Amber insisted. “I’m literally your twin! I know!”

“Maybe there’s things about me you don’t know!” he exclaimed.

“Like what?” she pressed.

“Like --” and then the words came out too fast, “I know what was on your laptop!”

Amber shut up and looked at him, eyes widening and then narrowing, the flush from the alcohol on her cheeks growing deeper.

He knew he had fucked up -- not only was he revealing part of a weird sexual fetishism, but a breach of privacy between siblings --

“I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I just lied -- I didn’t look --”

“I want to go home now,” Amber declared, picking up her skirt.

She was playing mad -- she was trying to look mad in order to hide her real emotions, which probably was also anger.

But Jack stopped talking, and they left the party.

The rest of the semester felt muted. Amber didn’t stay mad at him for long -- she was already sending him dumb videos by the time they both had gotten back to college. Jack felt awful about the fuzzy memories of the party. He really couldn’t tell at all if he’d somehow ruined his relationship with her beyond repair -- but why did she keep pushing about this?

He was, though, enjoying the coursework. While he’d sort of settled on psychology on a sexual whim, he was finding himself more and more interested in the material. Maybe it was because of his interest in hypnosis, like a side effect of it -- but he was often learning things that he felt were translating to his burgeoning understanding of how to hypnotize people.

Jack didn’t do any more hypnosis with Anne, though. After that first time, he’d dropped the subject, and she hadn’t picked it back up either. Their hookups were slowing down, too, which was a little bit disappointing, but it wasn’t as though they were a perfect match or anything because they were both horny.

Well -- mentally, he wasn’t that disappointed. Physically, his libido was raging. He was getting more obsessive over hypnosis and mind control fantasies than ever, getting more discerning in the kinds of thoughts and porn that got him off. His favorite was still the same: meeting an unsuspecting girl somewhere, using tricky words with her to make her blank, her quiet voice admitting to him how hot it made her, asking to control her more, take her deeper --

He didn’t break his promise. He never imagined it was Amber.

But there was one day when she was texting him, and a photo popped up in their chat -- a selfie. She was staring at the camera with a neutral expression, clearly a glamor shot, eyes nice and wide and lips a little pouty, wearing a low-cut top and showing a few inches of skin between her breasts.

“OMG I’m sorry I didn’t mean to send that hahahaha don’t tell Mom and Dad I’m taking these pictures hahahaha I’m so sorry!!!!” she sent, immediately after it.

But the damage was done, because the way the light shone on her eyes made them look a little glassy and glazed, her expression almost blank, and it made Jack half-hard.

“Whatever,” he sent back.

“Lol I’m cute though right?”

Jack stared at his phone.

There was no way. There was no way, right? She wasn’t, like…

She wasn’t baiting him, was she?

She wasn’t seriously trying to --


Even if it made sense, in some way. Even if she was. Even if they had each silently figured the other one out. Even if she wanted him to.

He couldn’t.

And he must be wrong about it, anyways.

“Yep,” was all he sent back.

Finals this time were a little easier. Jack wouldn’t claim that he had a good party/study balance, but it was at least improving, and he held off on most of the drinking until the last exam had been done.

(Of course, that night, he got so drunk that he threw up.)

The next day, he was mostly functional enough to go see the admin staff at the student center, and he told them he’d like to formally declare for psychology. He filled out the paperwork and got a list of classes he’d need to take over the next few years, and then he finally went home -- this time, hopefully for a couple blissful months off.

Their parents had ordered an outrageous amount of Chinese food to celebrate, and Jack and Amber stuffed themselves until they were far too full. Everyone went to bed a little early that night.

But as Jack was laying down, he heard a quiet knock on the door.

It was Amber, and she was smiling and holding her bowl.

They sneaked into her room and opened the window, blocked the door, taped the smoke detector.

“We made it,” Jack said, taking a hit.

“I’m so tired,” Amber whispered. “I hate numbers. And also letters.”

“Well,” he said. “We’re free for a few months, at least.”

She nodded and took the last hit of the cherry. “Congrats on declaring, by the way. I have a friend who still hasn’t, so you’re in pretty good shape.”

“Thanks,” Jack said, feeling a little awkward about the subject of his major coming up again.

“I actually got you a present,” Amber said, a little sheepish, and then rummaged around under her bed to produce a book and hand it to him.

…Jack knew this book. It was a book by Milton Erickson -- famous hypnotist, Milton Erickson.

Jack had read this book.

He was quiet for too long, because Amber started babbling a little: “Y’know -- since you’re doing psychology -- he was like, really important in therapy or something.”

“Uh huh,” Jack said slowly.

“And if you wanna learn, like, hypnosis --” she said, “You could, like -- practice on me…”

His heart was hammering hard. He felt equally dazed from the weed as well as so inappropriately turned on -- and somehow so angry at her.

“Amber,” he said, maybe too irritatedly.

“What?” she asked quietly.

“...We can’t,” was all he could say, helpless.

“What do you mean?” she said softly, feigning ignorance.

“Stop,” he said. “Just stop. It’s wrong. You know it’s wrong.”

“You don’t want to?” she asked. His cock throbbed.

“...Fuck you,” he whispered. “We can’t.

“We could just say the hypnosis went wrong,” she said quietly. “Like -- something about it -- made us --”

“You were planning on what would happen if we got caught?” Jack said in disbelief. “How long, Amber… How long…”

“Not planning --” Her thin veil was fading. “Just -- that’s --”

Jack’s head was spinning as she fell silent, looking equally desperate as she was dejected. The desire that he had suppressed for so long, so painfully -- about mind control and hypnosis, about her --

“That’s what?” he said, and he said it with a fierceness he didn’t intend, a harsh tone that somehow made his cock twitch, made him keep talking. “That’s what’s in the stories? The sister gets mind controlled by her brother, so she doesn’t have to own up to wanting to fuck him?”

Jack,” she whispered. Her eyes were wide in shock at his brash words, her body stiff.

Maybe it was the weed -- but she looked -- she looked so good -- it was happening too fast --

“You don’t get that,” he grated out. “You don’t get to give up responsibility.”

“I’m sorry,” Amber said, and she looked like she was being pushed close to tears, but unmistakably aroused -- a completely alien look to him on her. “I’m sorry --”

“You have to ask,” Jack said, frustrated. “You have to admit it. You have to say it out loud. I won’t let you hide from it -- I’m not gonna just do it.

“...Why did you want to be a psych major?” Amber asked softly.

Heady with drugs, anger, and lust, Jack rolled his eyes. He was done. He was just done.

He stood up and walked towards her where she sat on the bed.

He pressed his hand against the crotch of his loose pajama pants, outlining his straining cock.

“Because mind control makes me hard,” he hissed.

Amber’s eyes -- eyes that mirrored his own in so many ways -- were open so wide, and he could see in the moonlight that her pupils were blown open, lips parted, a beautiful breaking happening on her face --

“Please,” she whispered suddenly. “Please -- God, I’m sorry, please --”

“Please what?” he said.

He wanted to be mean to her. He was so frustrated with her -- with the things he’d felt about her, and now it was all coming out.

She was so pretty. Her lips were trembling with humiliation. Jack loved it. He was going to hell.

“I -- I want you -- to --” Amber was breathing hard. “H-hypnotize… m-me --”

His cock ached at her confession, better than any fantasy to see his sister -- his sister -- wrestling with desire like this.

There was so much shame in him, but no more caution, now just an inescapable thrill. They had already crossed over the line. He was pushing further --

He reached his hand out to touch her, to cup her cheek, such an un-brotherly touch, and she whimpered. She was staring into his eyes and they were already glazing --

“Were you listening to files?” he wondered aloud, quietly. “God, have you already done this?”

“I’m s-sorry,” she whispered, a little slurred.

Jack was so hard. He was so hard. He brought a hand up in front of her face and immediately her eyes fixated on it. He moved it back and forth and just watched as she followed it -- first with her eyes, and then with her whole head, her neck getting wobbly; she was moaning…

“Oh my God,” he breathed, just watching her. “I don’t even have to do anything. You’re already in trance.”

She gave a little noise, and her eyelids started fluttering. It was so different from Anne. It was so different from what he imagined. He was going to do it.

“Did you read the stories?” he said softly. “Did you imagine this happening, over and over? Deeper and deeper?”

Her body was sagging, barely able to keep her head up, so he brought his hand to press against her forehead and watched as her eyes rolled back and she slumped fully with a gasp. Carefully, he laid her motionless form back on the bed and sat next to her.

“I should have done this ages ago,” he said. “I shouldn’t have waited.”

Jack let himself gently brush his fingers down Amber’s neck and shoulder, aroused just by the lack of muscle tone, just by the way her eyebrows twitched up in pleasure at his touch.

They had already gone too far. Too far, because they had crossed a boundary, because he didn’t want to stop.

Fuck it.

“Amber,” Jack said. “You’re my sister, and that means you’re going to go very deep for me.”

His guess that she had been reading incest stories was spot-on; she shuddered and then went even more still, eyes flickering and rolling.

“You can’t take this back,” he said. “I know sometimes they write about the sister being made to forget it all, but if I can’t forget this, neither can you. I won’t let you. You have to focus. You have to remember.”

Amber moaned softly, her body making little twitches.

“I thought about it too,” Jack confessed, stroking her forehead, drawing little spirals with his finger on her soft skin. “I only let myself think about it as much as I could handle. Hypnotizing you -- when it was completely inappropriate -- around other people --”

A raw whimpering noise escaped her -- she wanted that --

“Do you like that?” Jack wasn’t even sure if this was hypnosis anymore, but he didn’t care. “When we’re having dinner -- snapping my fingers and you just lose it --”

He snapped his fingers now, and her eyes rolled exaggeratedly as she gasped, like the trance was physically gripping her.

“Fuck.” There was too much; it was too dangerous. “That’s fucked up, Amber. I could take advantage of it -- of you --”

Her little hand was twitching, almost reaching for him.

“I can’t believe you want to fuck your brother,” he breathed, and the fully-spoken taboo made him harder; it made her limp body try to squirm. “Can you imagine it? Can you imagine my cock inside of you while I make you blank out your brain?”

He was sure she already had; she was moaning. Jack felt like he was almost going blind with how good this mistake felt.

“Blanker,” he hissed, and her body started to still all the way down to her eyelids. “Blanker than you can imagine. Blanker than your fantasies.”

Amber was completely and utterly unmoving now except for her breaths coming in quick, shallow bursts. He wanted to fuck her -- oh God, he wanted to fuck her, to seal the illicitness of it; his cock was aching for it --

But not yet. Not yet.

Part of him was hesitating -- because of the absolutely unspeakable line that would be crossed -- but there was also a horrible little part of him that wanted to keep her interested, past this. Keep her wanting. The idea that he had someone who wanted this --

He leaned down to her ear, lips dangerously close.

“All you’ll be able to think about,” he whispered, “dim, distant thoughts -- of how it’s me, of the wrongness of it making you cum.”

He could imagine it in exquisite detail, and the way that her body tensed up right now made him wonder how much physical detail she was imagining in that orgasm, right now -- high-pitched, strained noises escaping her.

Jack let her tremble for a few moments.

“I’m gonna wake you up, Amber,” Jack said. “I’m gonna wake you up, now.”

He counted to five, and watched her body stir.

Even when she was fully awake, she had her eyes completely squeezed shut for a few long moments. His cock was still rock hard, and her body was soft and flushed.

“...I’m so sorry,” she whispered finally, opening her eyes. “I made you --”

“No.” Jack interrupted her, but he didn’t know what else to say. “No. You didn’t.”

Amber pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked at him.

“Do you hate me?” she asked, more vulnerable than he had ever seen her before.

“Do you hate me?” he countered.

She shook her head.

“Then I guess we’re OK.”

Jack reached out to touch her -- as he had touched her so many times before, a comforting hand on her shoulder. Now, it was laced with a hidden secret, something forbidden.

She looked at him, and for a moment he worried, but then she smiled.

I'm obviously a noncon fetishist, but for whatever reason, I really kink on consensual incest -- probably because the taboo of characters wanting it gives the same "wrong" feelings (and IMO, more than noncon incest).

This was a wild experience for me to write and it made me literally dissociate and trigger a horrific migraine, and I hope I never do it again! 

Thanks for reading. I'd love to know if you liked it!<3

Shadowqueer 2023-09-09 at 06:24 (UTC+00)

“I really kink on consensual incest” Same, and this is an amazingly written example of it. To be fair, I kink on consensual stuff in general, but clear, consensual, both sides want it so bad incest is such a wonderfully hot thing for me.

downdeeppup 2023-03-01 at 17:07 (UTC+00)

I’ve read a lot of your work but this is the first time I’ve ever commented. This is fantastic. I hope you rested so much from that migraine because your brain put out something so amazing. TY for the food

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