4 users suggested Spiral-Crossed

by sleepingirl

Suggestion by BrainSwitch

This is very well done. I’m not into incest kink and it still got to me.

Suggestion by suggestivesurrender

Other than on an intellectual level that people are often aroused by the combination of fear and physical arousal when treading around a taboo, I never really found an erotic charge in erotica with incest themes. This makes me get it, but primarily because it also deals with another fearful thing: someone you’re close to finding out about your hypnosis kink. Combined with the disbelief that anyone else you know could be into something so weird, there’s a really powerful charge here to this story.

Suggestion by Mars

Rings all the incest kink bells I have <3

Suggestion by jmcclure

This was hot to read… and not just because of the “forbidden” nature of the main story. Honestly, it’s a fun read even for people who have never “shipped” a sibling (raises hand). There’s just something “extra” about thinking and reading about “forbidden” things. The two main characters have such a strong connection. MUST READ!!

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