What's new ? From 2024-05-04 to 2024-05-11 [url=https://readonlymind.com/@scifiscribbler/APennySavedisaPennyTurned][b]A Penny Saved is a Penny Turned[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #clothing #comic_book #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #kraft-bimbeau) by [color=blue]scifiscribbler[/color] [i]Conflict erupts in D.C. as multiple mind controllers take steps to gain power in the political system. A standalone story in the Kraft-Bimbeau series.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@TheOldGuard/ArmoredHeartTamedSoul][b]Armored Heart: Tamed Soul[/b][/url] (#dom:female #f/f #fantasy #pov:bottom #sub:female) by [color=blue]TheOldGuard[/color] [i]Celia Evergleam is a mercenary warrior making her way though life the best she can in the wake of terrible tragedy. A seemingly normal guild quest sends her into a world of magic and control she may find herself unwilling to ever leave.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@sbspellbound/ASignofEvil][b]A Sign of Evil[/b][/url] (#dom:female #f/f #magic #mind_control #sub:female #supernatural) by [color=blue]S.B.[/color] [i]Lila Walters, a good witch, finds herself entangled in a fight for the minds and souls of those she loves the most.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@kiwibat/AWomaninTech][b]A Woman in Tech[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:male #hypnosis #slutification #sub:female) by [color=blue]kiwibat[/color] [i]Gabrielle, a talented computer programmer, begins adopting some strange new habits and beliefs after joining a women’s advocacy group in Silicon Valley.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Shadra/BestLaidPlansASaintMercuryStory][b]Best Laid Plans: A Saint Mercury Story[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #blowjob #D/s #dom:female #f/f #multiple_partners #sub:female) by [color=blue]Shadra[/color] [i]To Mary Tennyon, life at St Mercury’s Academy was about being at the top. But there were still some that failed to recognize her greatness. Things would change when she learned an embarrassing secret about her rival, but it seems her rival has something else in store as well.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Scalar7th/Conduit][b]Conduit[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #cultish_behaviour #cultish_recruitment #exhibitionism #sub:female) by [color=blue]Scalar7th[/color] [i]A late-night drive leads two roommates to find a new dimension to their lives. Their enthusiasm infects their work and starts to spread to others.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@nevermind/CopyLoss][b]Copy Loss[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:female #enslavement #f/f #masturbation #serial_recruitment #sub:female) by [color=blue]nevermind[/color] [i]Emily is a brainwashed slave. Now, she has been commanded to enslave her friend Eva too, and she happily obeys as best as she can. She might be a little fuzzy on how to do it, but what could go wrong?[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@mintedmink/CoreyDoctorowPleaseNameThisProbl][b]Cory Doctorow Please Name This Problem[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female) by [color=blue]mintmink[/color] [i]A grumpy programmer experiences a pattern of decreasing quality in her memory and self-control, alongside an increasing quality in her sex life.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Windwater/DesiresMostUnholy][b]Desires Most Unholy[/b][/url] (#corruption #fantasy #sub:female #transgender_characters) by [color=blue]Windwater[/color] [i]After making an error during a purification ritual an initiate priestess struggles with powerful desires.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@sammynona/ForgedInTheFoundry][b]Forged In The Foundry[/b][/url] (#brainwashing #dom:female #drones #exhibitionism #f/f #fitness) by [color=blue]sammynona[/color] [i]Sasha’s friend promises that her gym will finally help her get in shape. She doesn’t mention the special uniforms that they all wear, or the music that will turn her into a mindless fitness drone.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Lucerach/GettingPlayedataParty][b]Getting Played at a Party[/b][/url] (#dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female) by [color=blue]Lucerach[/color] [i]Hypnokinky girlfriend, Maya, plays sexy games with her hypnotically submissive girlfriend (the reader) while they attend a simple house party.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Miss_Praxis/IllayasDefunctJunkDollJeopardy][b]Illaya’s Defunct Junk Doll Jeopardy[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #bondage #clothing #Dom:AI #dom:female #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female) by [color=blue]Miss_Praxis[/color] [i]Over 200 hundred years ago the doll wars tore apart civilized space. Now the young Illaya sifts through the ashes of a once burning conflict for a doll.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Succubiome/IWasAHeroBut][b]I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #multiple_partners #pov:bottom) by [color=blue]Succubiome[/color] [i]The Hero was overpowered… but he didn’t understand the local culture. After accidentally betraying an ally, he told his slave Sasha that he’d like to switch places and live her easy life. Turns out being a slavegirl is hard– and Sasha’s not as dumb or kind as he thought.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Jukebox/NakedLiketheMoon][b]Naked Like the Moon[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #sub:male) by [color=blue]Jukebox[/color] [i]Veena confronts Korina Psyche for the first time in this flashback tale.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@mintedmink/OranandVioletteTheWedding][b]Oran and Violette: The Wedding[/b][/url] (#cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:nb #f/m #f/nb #pov:bottom #pov:top) by [color=blue]mintmink[/color] [i]An extended epilogue to the original Oran and Violette story. Hosting a wedding is a lot of hard work. Dropping two mind controllers into the middle of it can’t make the proceedings any smoother, especially when Violette is very excited to introduce Oran to her extended family.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@Anotherhypnowriter/PieEyed][b]Pie Eyed[/b][/url] (#bondage #dom:female #f/m #pov:bottom #pov:top #sub:male) by [color=blue]Hypnautical Nonsense[/color] [i]The owner of a pie shop enjoys submitting to his rival after closing.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@AlexiaRose/PopDrop][b]Pop & Drop[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #sub:female) by [color=blue]AlexiaRose[/color] [i]Trevor has a remote job transcribing audio files. He watches over his aging Mother while exploring his next moves in life.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@AllTheseRoadworks/TheObjectificationArtist][b]The Objectification Artist[/b][/url] (#cw:noncon #dom:male #exhibitionism #f/m #hypno #objectification #sub:female) by [color=blue]All These Roadworks[/color] [i]Pretty journalist Carly seeks an interview with an artist known for making art out of beautiful, naked women - but will she become his next exhibit?[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@TravisNSpud/TravisNSpudsConsensualHypnokinkC][b]Travis N. Spud’s Consensual Hypnokink Crossover of Chaos[/b][/url] (#dom:male #f/f #f/m #hypnokink_convention #pov:bottom #sub:female) by [color=blue]TravisNSpud[/color] [i]Alyssa/Danielle, Jelly Doll, Sabby and Program:Selena, along with their various hypno doms, gather at Hailee and Milo’s house for an annual hypnosis convention… and chaos ensues![/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@TravisNSpud/TurningIntoJelly][b]Turning Into Jelly[/b][/url] (#dom:male #Exploring_Together #f/f #f/m #hypnosis #sub:female) by [color=blue]TravisNSpud[/color] [i]Joining Richard and AJ in their shenanigans, Anjelica discovers a deep desire of her own, and becomes increasingly obsessed with realising it… A sequel to ‘Exploring Together’.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@TravisNSpud/UserFriendly][b]User Friendly[/b][/url] (#depersonalization #f/m #pronoun_play #robots) by [color=blue]TravisNSpud[/color] [i]Early in a new relationship, Selena considers sharing her secret - which is more complex than it first appears.[/i] [url=https://readonlymind.com/@AiyeHatesSex/WorshipRitualEtc][b]Worship // Ritual // Etc.[/b][/url] (#dom:female #pov:bottom #sub:female) by [color=blue]Aiye ♥[/color] [i]Sleepy. Sleep. Sleepy sleeping.[/i]