The Round About Approach

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #sub:male #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #titnosis

After discover her hot new co-worker’s experience as a hypnotist, the buxom Andi accidentally hypnotizes one co-worker before trying to deliberately entrance the new girl.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

The Roundabout Approach 

 “You’re thinking about it aren’t you?” Ben shook his head and looked over at the source of those words, “You’re thinking about Sarafina hypnotizing you aren’t you?” 

 The person talking to him was his co-worker Andi, and she was talking about the odd discovery that their new co-worker, Sarafina, was a practicing hypnotist. It had come out over lunch, and had been met with the typical candor of people being on break and with even more attention being focused on the new girl. And, Ben could tell Andi was a little jealous. 

 “You’re thinking about looking into those mysterious brown eyes of hers, and her telling you how you’re getting so sleepy now aren’t you?” Andi was what anyone would call the pretty one in the office. She was average height, about average size, she had average curly brown hair, deep blue eyes, and above average breasts to go with her above average face. What made her the pretty one was the combination of all of those things, plus her uncanny ability after years of practice, to accentuate every positive quality she had.  Ben and Andi had never really been a thing, but they’d come close more than once, and by close more than once, it meant that after they’d slept together they’d almost wanted to have made it a habit, but neither one ever did. So, they would occasionally hook up, and then not, usually if they were both on a dry spell, and never really anything more. 

 “You’re thinking of those deep dusky eyes of hers looking into yours, and her telling you how you’re feeling soooooo sleepy aren’t you? Looking deeper into her eyes, those soft brown eyes, filling your vision. You’re thinking about her telling you that your eyelids are getting so very sleepy aren’t you Ben? You’ve been thinking about it since lunch haven’t you?” Andi’s tone was a little chiding and playful, and also a little theatrically soothing too. 

 Sarafina was the sort of exotic opposite of Andi. She had long straight black hair, honey brown eyes, a dark Mediterranean complexion, and while she wasn’t as curvy as Andi, she still filled out everything she wore just right. 

It was hard not to spend a second or a third glance looking at her, just like it was hard not to notice Andi, especially when she was standing in front of him like she was now, leaning in a little to let her boobs fill up his vision just a little more like they were doing now. 

 “You want her to hypnotize you don’t you Ben? You want to be hypnotized by her soft, soothing voice, whispering for you to stare deeper, to feel so heavy as you stare deeper and deeper into her eyes, until they’re all you can see don’t you? You can imagine it Ben, imagine the sound of her voice telling you to close your eyes, and sleep, your poor sleepy eyes that are starting to blink now.” 

 Andi hadn’t been too far off actually, and now that she was talking about it, he did blink his eyes a couple of times as a soft heavy feeling started to descend across his mind. She had thought she was just fucking with him, teasing him, bus soon enough she would see that there was much more happening than that.  “You’re thinking about how nice it would feel to start to lose yourself in her voice, floating away as she told you to just relax, to just feel so sleepy and calm, to let yourself just be captivated by her soft dark eyes and

her sweet soothing voice aren’t you?” 

 Andi had moved even closer and as he felt her words starting to pile up, weighing him down in so much warm and relaxing heaviness while he stared with more and more vacant and hollow eyes at her perfect cleavage, he couldn’t see the truly bemused smile on her face, or the way her eyes were sparkling with busy thoughts. 

 She’d been joking a moment ago, and she didn’t know anything about hypnosis except for TV and what she’d heard her new coworker and frenemy talking about, but it looked like that was, somehow, more than enough. 

 “Sarafina does have very pretty, very soft eyes, and they are very hypnotic, but I’m sure you can see that my breasts are twice as hypnotic as her eyes are Ben. My breasts have always been able to entrance you and make you so suggestible, and now that you know they are truly hypnotic, you’re realizing that I can hypnotize you much better than Sarafina ever could, and so much easier too, don’t you?” 

She was lucky Ben had a private office, and that people were used to the two of them talking all the time. She was also lucky that no one could hear them from the hall, or really see the look on his face. Ben, instead of answering, just stared forward, still plunging the depths of accidental trance faster and deeper than either of them realized, too overwhelmed by the wholly unexpected experience of being hypnotized by not even a pair of breasts, but just his on-again-off-again hookup’s cleavage. Andi was at a loss though, in her mind she’d assumed he’d say yes or do something to let her know her plan was working, or whatever sort of ‘plan’ it was she was putting together as she went. So, instead of having something to say, she just leaned in a little closer and hoped the sight of her creamy, luscious cleavage would be enough to tide him over until she could improvise a follow up. “It’s okay Ben, you can just silently agree, and I’ll know you’re agreeing with me because you’re still staring deeper into my cleavage, still staring at my doubly hypnotic breasts, and that means you’re so suggestible that you’ll agree with anything I say, especially the things that just make sense. And I know you agree with this because you’re still staring deeper into my cleavage now.” 

While he still didn’t answer, she noticed that he had started to drool a little. 

“Very good Ben, the sight of my cleavage makes you so suggestible and agreeable to me, and yes Sarafina does have a very sweet, very hypnotic voice, but it’s not nearly as nice and comforting as mine, her voice isn’t nearly as familiar as mine, my voice that you’re so used to listening to, that you’re so used to agreeing with and obeying. So clearly my voice is twice as hypnotic and twice as compelling as hers could ever be. My voice is so powerful that when I tell you to do something, anything at all, you’ll always do it won’t you, especially when you see my cleavage that makes you so hypnotically suggestible.” 

Ben was still unable to respond, and unknown to Andi, he was also in possession of a surprisingly intense erection under his desk. 

“Ben, you’re very deeply hypnotized by me now and it’s impossible for you not to answer me. Tell me you are very deeply hypnotized by me.” 

She couldn’t believe the words she was saying out loud, couldn’t believe that this was happening, and she had to stop herself from laughing when Ben said, “I am very deeply hypnotized by you Andi.” “Good Ben, that’s very good. Now listen to me very carefully. You know you have to do what your hypnotist commands, and you know my voice is so persuasive and so compelling you have to do whatever I

tell you don’t you? Tell me you have to obey me now.” 

His eyes were still locked or her breasts, so they didn’t see the smirk that was spread across her face, “I must obey you Andi.” 

“That’s right Ben, you must obey me. Now listen to me, listen very carefully and do what I tell you to. I want you to remember all the times we had sex Ben, and as you do, I want you to realize that sex with me is the best sex you have ever had. You will do this for me now, just stare deeper into my cleavage, listen and obey, and realize that sex with me was the best sex you have ever had.” 

She watched him as he sat there, the journey into his memory visible behind his eyes, and she watched as he started to gasp slightly, then let out a sharp short moan after a sudden pointed inhale. His shoulders slumped and his eyes closed. 

“Ben, what just happened?” She had to ask, but Andi thought she knew. 

“Had the best sex ever with you.” He said that with the same warm, sleepy, post coital bliss she’d heard from him before. 

“Just now?” This time the shock made it into her voice. 

“Yes.” He had a dopey smile spread across his face. 

“Ben, did you just cum?” Andi was seconds away from laughing. 

“Yes.” That one sounded like it was harder for him to say. 

She covered her mouth, “Stand up for a second Ben.” 

He did, and she saw the prominent damp spot on his khakis. 

“Ben,” Andi had to bite her knuckle for a second to choke back her shock and laughter. “Ben, this is very important. You need to go home now. You need to take off your jacket, carry it in front of your groin until you get to your car, and you need to go home now. I’ll take care of everything here, just go home, take a shower, and after you get out of the shower you’ll feel like everything has gone back to normal okay?” 

Instead of answering, he took his jacket from the hanger on his door, carried it in front of his crotch, and walked out of the office. 

 “Well, that was a big fucking surprise,” Andi thought to herself as she started walking towards Sarafina’s cubical. 

 “I know it’s weird, but I do need to talk to you in private. Ben’s gone home and he doesn’t mind us using his office. You don’t mind if we shut the door do you?” 

 Sarafina smiled, but there was nervousness behind the honey brown eyes, “Sure.”  “Okay, great. Listen, this isn’t your fault, nothing bad happened, this isn’t even a work thing and I’m not your boss. This is just a personal thing that happened.” 

 Andi was trying to keep a somewhat serious tone, but deep down inside she wanted to start laughing.  “What is it?” They were both sitting in chairs across from each other in front of Ben’s desk.  “I think I accidently hypnotized Ben.” Now she had to smile. 

 “You… really? How?” Sarafina’s eyes lit up. 

 “Well,” Andi’s cleavage was still fully on display as she spoke. “I came up to him and started teasing him about you, because he thinks you’re cute, and I started teasing him about how he wanted you to hypnotize him. I just guessed because of the way he was paying attention to you talking about it, and I started talking to him

about how he was thinking about your eyes, and getting sleepy, and I was sort of putting my boobs in his face as I did, and he started to sort of slip, I guess.” 

 Now it was the dark haired woman’s turn to laugh, “Yeah, that’s, that’s totally possible. You don’t have to say a certain thing to hypnotize someone or anything really, you just have to believe it, and you kind of, I guess you must have caught him and helped him to actualize going into trance.” 

 “What do you mean?” Andi absentmindedly brushed a finger across the tops of her breasts.  “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis is the easy way to explain it, but basically people have to choose to go into trance, or be unaware of the trance process beginning in them and then going along with the sensation. So if I say look into my eyes, you’re beginning to find them irresistibly relaxing, and you think that’s all it takes, you’ll begin to start entering trance in a way.” 

 As she spoke, Sarafina didn’t make eye contact with Andi, instead she found herself following the too casual and too constant movement of Andi’s hand across her cleavage. 

 “So what you’re saying is, it was the idea of hypnosis that hypnotized him, and since I told him that my breasts were twice as hypnotic as your eyes were, and you’re a real hypnotist, then since he was in trance, and wanted to go into trance, he’d believe it and become hypnotized by them, just because he knew?”  “Yeah,” a thought seemed to hang on the beautiful dark haired woman’s lips as she found herself accidently more compelled by the sight of the creamy white cleavage before her, “Uh, yeah, he…”  Andi smiled, “He was staring at my chest, because people always just naturally stare at my chest, as I told him about how you have very hypnotic eyes and a very hypnotic voice, and I told him as he found himself staring deeper into my cleavage, that he was imagining you, a real hypnotist hypnotizing him, and he was really falling into a trance, thinking about real hypnosis and really feeling so sleepy. That’s what you’re saying, that’s how it worked on him right? That’s how it works?” 

 Question by question Sarafina found herself saying yes in her head as the sight of Andi’s cleavage became softer and more inviting. It was so natural for her, after all her training, to recognize the experience of trance and feel it, and it was all happening so quickly and unexpectedly that it took her a moment to blink herself out of it with a very soft, sedated “Yes.” 

 Then a much more aware and awake, “Yes, that’s it. That’s right.” 

 Sarafina looked up into Andi’s eyes and smiled. Whatever was just happening there was clearly an accident, an occupational hazard of this conversation, and not intentional. 

 Andi’s smile had a wicked curl to it. 

 “So now I could re-hypnotize him with my breasts, and the sound of my voice, because I told him that since he was so comfortable with my voice it was twice as hypnotic as yours was, and since he was thinking about you and real hypnosis, since he was thinking about being deeply hypnotized by my breasts and hearing my voice, staring deep into my cleavage and listening to everything I said, as I talked to him like this, in the same soft way, seducing him almost to just keep staring at my breasts, staring down into my cleavage, just like you would have someone stare deep into your eyes to really hypnotize him, and my breasts were really hypnotizing him just like your pretty soft eyes, soft and pretty just like my breasts, the sound of my voice compelled him to be very suggestible as he fell, just fell so easily into deep trance.” 

 This time, as Sarafina found her eyes falling down into Andi’s cleavage, hearing the barrage of soft words, it didn’t feel like an accidental attempt. But since she was fully engaged in the conversation, the dark

haired woman found herself recognizing the trap, and in recognizing it fell under the effect of her own knowledge based self-suggestion that what Andi was doing to her would in fact work.  “Sarafina, I want to ask you something? If it’s okay, just close your eyes and sink back into your chair and say yes.” 

Andi watched as the beautiful woman’s eyes closed, her shoulders slumped back, and her soft lips parted in a warm, encouraging, “Yes.” 

“Are you hypnotized now? Did I hypnotize you with my breasts?” it was surprising when she accidently did it to Ben, and it was surprisingly hot doing it to the woman that actually knew what she was doing. “Yes, no.” Being trained and understanding trance, Sarafina defaulted to being an agreeable subject and letting the natural inclination towards simplicity and being unguarded inform her answers.  “You’re saying my breasts didn’t hypnotize you, but I did?” Andi, as a student of character and of people, put together the flaw in her two-part question immediately. 

“Yes. Your words hypnotized me, your breasts were just a distraction.” 

“I see,” looking at her dark haired frenemy in this sedated and compliant state sent a charge through Andi’s pussy that she never would have expected. It hadn’t made her wet to put the whammy on Ben, well not that wet compared to how she felt now. “Are you distracted by my breasts Sarafina?” 

Again, the sense of obligation to be a good subject, the experience of being one simply won out over her inhibitions, “Yes, they are very pretty.” 

“Are you deeply hypnotized now Sarafina?” 

“No,” she let out a little sigh, “I’m in a light trance.” 

“I see.” 

Sarafina heard the sounds of movement, and felt herself starting to float towards the surface ever so slightly, not wanting to, not pushing it, but naturally progressing, as Andi’s hold was predicated on constant interaction. 

“If I told you to open your eyes and stay in trance, could you do that under hypnosis, like you are now?” Andi’s voice had become smoother, softer than before, truly compelling to her frenemy’s ears. “Yes.” 

“Good. Now Sarafina, open your eyes and stay in trance for me, okay.” 

Those deep honey brown eyes opened to the sight of Andi’s full perky naked breasts and her little erect nipples. 

“Let my breasts distract you now, let yourself become so distracted by my hypnotic breasts that your eyes will remain stuck to them as you fall down into a very deep trance. You know what a deep trance is and feels like, fall into it now as my breasts distract you so much you just can’t stop yourself, okay.” Sarafina let out a deep sight and her body shifted ever so slightly. 

“Are you in a very deep trance for me now?” Andi was standing right in front of her, and had started to play with her tits like she was a stripper. 


“Good. And that means you’re very suggestible doesn’t it?” 

Part of Andi wanted to reach out and touch her beautiful subject’s face, or run her fingers through her hair, but she didn’t dare risk it.

“Yes, I will respond to suggestions I agree with in powerful ways.” 

The prompt to go deeper, the prompt to be more compelled by the events that had so surprised and captivated her wove together with Sarafina’s interest in hypnosis, and she had both willingly and surprisingly allowed herself and encouraged herself to become more fully caught up in Andi’s game. 

Volunteering the nature of suggestion and response was an inherent desire in her to encourage a fellow hypnotist, and to explain her craft. 

“If I told you that the sight of my naked breasts was irresistibly arousing, how easy would it be for my breasts to make you hot and wet Sarafina?” 

Andi, having worked in sales, understood open ended questions and the basic communication tools of effective persuasion, and the more she experimented with what was happening, the more quickly those tools came to the front of her mind. 

And, in answer to her question, Sarafina let out a moan and shifted in her seat. 

“Good girl, that’s right my naked breasts can be the most arousing thing you have ever experienced now, and as you stare at them, and I tell you about what my hypnosis did to Ben, it’s going to be easy for you to feel the power of my suggestions the way he did, isn’t it?” 

The hypnotized woman let out another moan as the suggestion immediately hit home, and as she did, she started to rub her thighs together. 

“As I hypnotized Ben more and more deeply with my voice, he started to get really worked up I guess when I told him to remember that sex with me was the best sex he ever had, and then he came in his pants without me touching him. And Ben was even more attracted to my breasts than you are now, but he couldn’t see them naked like you, and since you’re starting to remember that you’ve never seen or felt anything more erotic than my naked breasts, you’re starting to realize you’re right on the edge of cumming too aren’t you Sarafina?” 

The entranced woman’s pussy had gone from zero to sixty and she was biting her lip as her mesmerized eyes stared at those gorgeously distracting and truly compelling large breasts. She knew she’d been asked a direct question too, and knew she was supposed to answer. “Yuh… mmm…. Uh… yes” escaped her lips at the same time her pussy lips pressed against the suddenly soaked fabric of her panties. 

“And you want to cum don’t you Sarafina, if you want to cum, if you really want to cum, say please Andi let me cum.” 

“Please,” she gasped, “Andi, let me cum.” 

The accidental hypnotist’s skirt and panties hit the floor before she planted herself on the edge of Ben’s desk. 

“Only if you make me cum first Sarafina. Have you ever made a girl cum before?” 

Is she hadn’t been so drunk on her own arousal, maybe the dark haired beauty would have thought twice about what she was going to do. She’d never been sexually attracted to women, not like she was in this moment, but that didn’t matter to her as her own pussy was humming with desperation, and her own mind had locked itself into being too good of a subject by creating and explain its own parameters to Andi, validating the most extreme responses she could have. 

“No, but, but I need to cum.”

 Andi didn’t say a word, she just beckoned with a single finger. 

As Sarafina’s soft lips kissed Andi’s clit like they were the blonde’s own fingers, she gasped, “Just do it the way you’ve always wanted it, and when you taste my cum you’ll cum all by yourself.” Sitting there on the edge of the desk of the man she’d accidently hypnotically mind fucked, Andi felt like a goddess. This mysterious, beautiful new girl, with her sweet smile and fascinating talk about hypnotism had gone from the expert to the subject, caught, dominated, and seduced into eating Andi’s pussy. That thought made her gush even more than the stimulation. 

“That’s it Sarafina, good girl, cum now.” 

She did. 

The elation of her own orgasm was a jolt to her mind, the reality of being sexually satisfied without being touched, of being seduced, lured, and led in such a way by this beautiful blonde woman who just accidently mastered her didn’t simply end the trance, it sparked a fire in Sarafina’s eyes. 

“Andi,” she looked up from the blonde’s shaved slit and into her deeply satisfied and devious eyes. “Yes?” 

“Isn’t it time to sleep now? Aren’t you feeling so tired and spent as you stare into my eyes, feeling so drained from cumming so hard, feeling so drained from my lips pulling your pleasure out, draining you, making you so sleepy now. Look into my eyes Andi, deep into my eyes, you know you can’t look away now, you know you can’t help but stare.” 

In Andi’s own mind she thought all she had to do was not listen, or close her eyes, or do anything she thought Sarafina might have done early on to stop all of this. But just like her former subject, seeing the power of hypnosis at play only set her up to fall harder and faster. 

Andi opened her mouth once to protest, but only let out a satisfied and sleepy sigh of her own. “Good girl. You understand now what my eyes can do. Just like your breasts, just like your voice, look deeper and let yourself start to sink down into deep sleep. You want this to happen don’t you? You saw how happy I was to fall under your spell, you want to feel that way, You want to feel that relaxed as you just let go of everything. Loose yourself in my eyes and tell me what’s in the back of your mind, tell me what you really want now.” 

Andi surprised herself, “I want to be hypnotized and controlled by you, just like you were for me.” Sarafina’s smile widened. What people so often did was what they so often craved would be done to them, “I know you do, now be my good girl and sleep.” 

She did.

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