BlissGirls - Blissful Summer Break

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #mind_control #multiple_partners #sub:female #bimbofication #body_writing #conspiracy #degradation #hive_mind #personality_change #slutification #urban_fantasy

Tyra, Sam and Rachel reunite as very different people after their various misadventures. Will they even recognise each other?

All characters are of legal age.

If you'd like to check out more of my writing, I write live stories at

Six identical streams of water jetted out from the city square's impressive fountain. It was midday, so the buzz of individual groups, playing children and commuters was in full swing. Even with the area being populated by what was probably a hundred or more people, Rachel still found herself leaning against the fountain with some privacy, as the area really was that huge. At the very least, the square could be considered huge when compared to that of her hometown, which was much smaller and usually desolate.

The young athlete found herself checking her watch and audibly tutting to herself, tapping her foot impatiently. She wore a thin pair of reading glasses that she did not need, along with a buttoned up white blouse that was out of fashion for a girl her age.

Tyra, another of the trio of girls arrived at the meeting point next, she was five minutes late due to a delay in her train and a general lack of preparedness to take an earlier one or even check. She was chewing on a stick of strawberry bubblegum and had her hands snug in the pockets of her baseball jacket that she picked up in a vintage store a few days prior. The blonde now had streaks of pink, green and blue in her hair and wore a black tank top underneath the jacket that cut off at the belly, showing off the piercing in her navel. Her shorts were far too short and were followed by fishnet stockings all the way down to her chunky combat boots.

Rachel gave the girl a disapproving look and sighed, pointing at her watch with an expectant expression, though Tyra was not going to give her an apology.

"Rachel! It's been too long babe." Tyra gave her friend a slimy grin and leaned against the fountain beside her, throwing an arm over the other's shoulder. Tyra smelled like hairspray, strawberry and masturbation. Rachel smelled like fabric softener.

"You're late." Rachel chided, completely serious. Tyra brushed it off with a chuckle and leaned into her friend, crossing one of her fishnet covered legs over the other.

"I'm here now, hehe, so stop being such a prude and gimme a hug~"

"Tyra, are you serious? How do you expect me to hug you when you stink like... like..."

"Pussy?" The blonde whispered, clearly amused.

Rachel pushed her friend away with a shocked expression, one customarily worn by the witness of a homicide or something of that ilk. She physically pinched her nose and took a step back, creating somewhat of a scene for anybody who cared enough to pay them any mind. "Please tell me you're joking, or am I going to have to leave before the slob gets here?"

"Woah, chill Rachel, no need to take shots at Sam. Besides, you got it all wrong..." Tyra paused, wondering whether she should finish her sentence or not. " ain't my pussy scent 'nyways." The girl's nipples were stiff at this little scene, they pointed through her tank top quite noticeably, as there was no bra to sit between.

Again, Rachel recoiled predictably and wrinkled her nose, crossing her arms like a strict teacher would. "Right, that's it, college has turned you into some wanton slut... I'm calling your parents."

Tyra's smug expression dropped at this and she tried to figure out if Rachel was being serious or not, she certainly looked it but... the Rachel she knew would never drag her infamously strict family into things. "H-hey wait a sec, you're joking right? I mean, I mean, hey Rachel what the fu---"

"Oh. Em. Gee!" An overly excited girl's voice sounded from their right and the two girls turned their heads in unison to find some stranger ogling them.

The stranger had blonde hair as silky as it was long, expensive looking makeup that enhanced her radiant femininity, including eyelash extensions and contact lenses. Her eyes were as wide as her mouth and she had a simple expression on her pretty little face. She was dressed from head to toe in pink, not that a lot was being worn: a tube top and skirt, with a loose cardigan that hung off her shoulders.

"I'm so glad I found you both I got soooo lost!" She giggled, giving the two a wave, showing off her matching pink nails with the Blisscorp logo painted onto the middle nail on her left hand. "So whatchu both been up to? I got a uh, placement thingy over the summer!"

Both girls just stared at the newcomer with competing expressions of shock and confusion. They were so startled that they did not notice they were face to face with their best friend, Sam. It took a few good seconds for their brains to make the connection, through the transformation the girl had undergone. Sam was characterised by her laziness, her tomboyish personality, her short hair and the lack of anything pink in her limited wardrobe of gamer tees and denim.

"Woah, what the fuck Sam you're looking... uhm, good, real good!" Tyra was blushing, despite never having looked at her friends that way before. In fact, was she trying to flirt with Rachel earlier too?

The pink princess let out another giggle and laced her fingers together. "Oh please, call me Sammi! I know right? But like, Tyra you've changed way more like... you're so stylish!"

"I am huh? I just decided not to hide who I am because my parents don't get it, y'know? Well that and my girlfriend opened my eyes to how the other side play hehe."

Rachel watched in horror as her two supposed best friends debased themselves so frivolously. She felt like she had to step in, before they started sucking on each other's tongues. "Samantha, Tyrabelle... do either of you think that is is appropriate--"

"--do you think it's appropriate to use my horrible full name when I told ya repeatedly not to? Rachel I don't remember you having such a stick up your ass, I'd be into it if it weren't so metaphorical." Tyra stuck her tongue out, winking at Sammi who didn't seem to understand what was going on but beamed. Wait, was Sammi looking her over?

"Tch... right okay, well it seems we have all changed. I thought with you coming to live in the dorms this year, we might all hang out again but... frankly, Tyra, you're dressing and acting like a whore... Sam, tell us about your placement."

Tyra went quiet, sinking back into the fountain wall and leaning into it as she chewed at the gum in her mouth, which had started to lose flavour.

"Oh um well, have you seen those new Blissfuel comersh... comer... uh, Ads?"

"Commercials?" Rachel interjected, with an incredulous look. Sam skipped class and ignored her studies, but she was never illiterate.

"Yeah that! I'm one of the Blissfuel girls hehe! It's so fun, I don't remember half the shoot but I always leave feeling great and then spot myself on the ads. So my placement is doing work stuff there I guess, they gave me a book on it but they just tell me anyway so I didn't read it."

Glad to see she still somewhat resembled her old self there, Rachel opened her mouth to inquire further before it was swiftly covered by another open mouth: Tyra's.

Suddenly and without warning, Tyra had exploited the opening made by Rachel while she was distracted with Sammi, plunging forwards and kissing her best friend. She pushed her tongue forwards and it swiped against the bottom row of Rachel's teeth, Tyra getting a good taste of her best friend before the startled and reserved athlete reacted by pushing her shoulders. Tyra was pushed back with lines of saliva momentarily stretching between them, both of their faces were red, actually Sammi was just as red too.

Tyra was red faced from the thrill and from the taboo of tasting her straight friend's spit.

Rachel was red faced from embarrassment and anger, as well as an unavoidable flush from being kissed so strongly.

Sammi was red faced from watching the unpredictable kiss between her two best friends and the way Tyra smelled like lady parts.

"What the hell, Tyra?! That's it I'm leaving, you have become a deplorable... uh... a... you're... what are you...?"

"Hmm, is there a problem hon? Kitty got your tongue?" Tyra looked smug, sadistic even, as she watched her friend's confusion with glee. In her hand was a fountain pen, the same that had been used on her months prior by her current girlfriend. As she kissed Rachel, Tyra had used her pen to write something on the other's arm. It was a tough angle, especially going in blind, so she went with something simple.

Rachel, in a state of panic, took a look at her arm where she felt something metallic roll over her skin. A very hard to make out word was written on her there. "What... what?"

"Oh, having trouble reading it? Wanna know what it says?" The flustered girl looked from Tyra to Sammi, the latter of which was just staring with undivided interest. "Obey."

Rachel shuddered.

"Like the brand? Tyra, I can get you a discount!"

"No no, silly, it means Rachel has to obey me ain't that right hon?"

Rachel furrowed her brow and twitched, as though trying to fight against an unstoppable wave crashing overhead. Then her lips began to move.

"That's... correct..." The girl looked utterly distraught, staring daggers at her former friend turned puppet master.

Tyra took a quick look around to check if the trio had amassed any curious onlookers and was pleased to find that the square, while bustling, was too preoccupied to care about three young women and their varying states of arousal and sexuality.

"Alright, alright just stay still like a good girl mkay?" The once pure girl was now in the process of controlling her once mellow friend, without so much as a second thought. She had learnt so much over the past few months, mostly about pleasure, lust and desire... less so about bookshelf maintenance and hasty handwriting skills.

Rachel looked more than unhappy, she looked positively mortified at this new inky development. The ink had sunk into her skin, no longer visible on the outside while taking root in her brain completely. There was no command Tyra could give that was within Rachel's power, that the girl would not obey, whether she liked it or not. For now, she became rigid, unable to consciously move a single muscle in her body, though she could still look around and would probably be able to speak had she not been startled into speechlessness.

"That was a little hasty, but I couldn't have you running off! I had planned this to go much smoother, much more subtly."

"You... planned?" Rachel had finally found words, speaking them through gritted teeth.

Tyra seemed startled by her reflected words, eyes rolling back as she slumped against the ever jetting fountain.

"Oh wow uhm, gosh. That's not good!" Sammi giggled, catching Tyra before she slid sideways onto the ground and propping her up. "She's right, that's not how things were s'posed to go at all! Umm, Rachel, why're you already activated?" Sammi still beams after asking the question, giving her an indecipherable aura.

"Wh-what? Activated? What the hell are you talking about Samantha, let me go!" Rachel's agitated tone finally caught the attention of a few passing pedestrians, but most just assumed the girls were all drunk given that Tyra was passed out against the wall and Sammi wore the same ditsy grin she had first approached them with.

"I can't let you go silly, this was gonna be like, a simple recall, but my boss lady found out you had both been activated prem--preemat--early! So they were like, super confused! We uh... tryced? Traced! We traced Tyra's activation back and are recalling them but we dunno what went on with you hehe. Lemme see... Rach, undo a few buttons!"

The stiff girl found herself able to move again, only for her hands to betray her and undo the top three buttons of her blouse. "Wait... why am I...? I thought..."

"Tyra is so cute but she doesn't get the product hehe, I've been to the lab where they make it! So well, just writing obey like that, you'll do just about anything anybody asks of you, not just the writer." Sammi gently lowers Tyra's jaw and plucks the gum out of her mouth to void her friend potentially swallowing it, once the gum is discarded she turns back to Rachel, leaving the zoned out Tyra with her jaw hanging open. Sammi had almost forgotten, in her 'airheadedness' (a word she insists exists) that Blissfuel had branched out into chewing gum and bubblegum now, along with lollipops.

Rachel seemed to finally understand how much trouble she was in, that her gamer best friend turned strange corporate bimbo had more control over her than she did. The girl was extremely flustered, her cleavage exposed.

Sammi turned on her high heels and bent down low, giving the helplessly obedient Rachel a view of her naked legs and tightly packaged rear. With the dropped fountain pen in hand Sammi rose back to her feet and swivelled around once more with a distant look in her eyes, a vacant gaze that told the powerless Rachel that her friend was 'not home right now' so to speak. Sammi was wearing an earpiece and whoever, or whatever was on the other side, was now essentially piloting the blonde.

Squirming was about all Rachel could achieve as Sammi slowly approached her, raised the pen up to her face and then began to write across her forehead.

It was a password of sorts, that read 'Safe Mode', it was designed by Blisscorp to reset an activation and leave the subject in a completely moldable state. Rachel's expression of wide-eyed horror soon became one of sunken relaxation. The 'Karen' programming had been unloaded and she was now a blank slate, waking her up would return her to her normal self but Sammi had other instructions.

"Rachel, who activated you? Did somebody alter you in any way, or did you have a strange encounter with another that led to lost time?" Sammi's words were monotone and spoken without any difficulty.

People were beginning to take notice of the trio now, as all three girls appeared to be asleep despite two of them holding conversation. Whispers of potential drug use began to circulate across the square.

"I... yes, there was one thing."

Sammi listened to Rachel describe her encounter at the vegan chain restaurant almost a year prior in their hometown, using Rachel's deep trance state to uncover the details of her lost time. The person in her ear seemed to be pleased with the information supplied and gave Sammi updated instructions.

Sammi used the pen to write 'Safe Mode' onto Tyra's exposed tummy and the girl's empty eyes flickered open. She had one instruction now, to recall her friends, by bringing them both to Blisscorp. The task was a simple one, as her handler had arranged everything, at the end of the day Sammi was nothing but a dutiful tool. A black van pulled up in one of the taxi spaces nearby. In the centre of the city roads were only for use by public transport such as buses and taxis, however this was neither and yet awaited them in broad daylight. Sammi hooked both of her arms around each of her entranced friends and began to lead them merrily towards their annihilation.

That was, until a patrol car pulled up beside them, much closer than the waiting van which took off without them at the sign of law enforcement. A new instruction was issued to Sammi, telling her to keep her cool and follow procedure. This was why Blisscorp preferred to work in a backwater town rather than the bustling city, they still had to work on their discretion in large crowds... it turned out that multiple onlookers had ended up calling in about the 'three drugged up girls' near the fountain.

Before any of them could say a word, they found themselves being pushed into the back of a car with grated windows.

The earpiece worn by Sammi went silent, leaving her just as mindless and motionless as the other two girls in the cramped backseats of the car. Once they arrived at the station, they were split up and led into different rooms. After an undetermined period of time, each girl was awoken. A bright, sudden flash of light flooded the room in front of Tyra as a light was shone onto the table she found herself handcuffed to. Still half asleep, it took a while for her eyes to adjust to the new light and even longer to notice the woman sat in front of her. A metal table separated them, a folder and a coffee cup the only things on it other than the chain connected to Tyra's handcuffs. 

"Ughh..." The blonde moved to clutch her aching head but was stopped short by the handcuffs, letting a metal clang ring out with an echo. Her mouth tasted faintly like strawberry and she found her state of dress alarming to say the least, why was she dressed like this? Why couldn't she remember a thing? Wait, Tyra finally made the connection that she was at a police station. Was this an interrogation room, it looked like it was straight out of a procedural or a movie. 

"You're awake, miss Dayone?" The woman in front of her asked, she was sat up straight, wearing a suit. Tyra figured she must have been a detective, but was unable to spot a badge. 

Sluggishly, she nodded, eyes still adjusting to the room. 

"Good, I have some questions I'd like to ask you. Before we start can I get you anything to drink?"

"Wh-what's going on? Am... am I under arrest?"

The woman smiled reassuringly, looking down at the handcuffs. "No, nothing like that. The cuffs are just a precaution, my unit specialises in dealing with people in your situation, some are... intense, it all depends on their programming."

"Programming? What..."

The detective retrieved a fountain pen from her pocket and placed it down on the table. "This was used to rewrite the synapses in your brain, or so I am told. Our unit is tasked with investigating crimes of this unique nature, any that involve the illegal tampering of another's mind. This is not a new thing by any means, but well, it seems to have started to blow our of proportion more recently. At the moment we are investigating Blisscorp, the parent company of Blissfuel energy drinks, we have reason to believe you are familiar with their product."

"Uhmm, yeah, I mean I've tried it... I don't really drink energy drinks though, or even soda... what did you mean, the pen did what?"

A moment of silence passed in the small interrogation cell, the only sound the buzzing of the bright hanging light. 

"In essence, Tyra, this pen can alter your mind by writing on your skin, at least we believe this to be the case. If I am being entirely honest, we're not too sure, this is the first time we have found a pen... but the chemical we found in the ink has the same composition as a gas that was used to similar effect. Small traces of the same compound was discovered in a recalled line of Blissfuel energy drinks."

"Wh-why are you telling me all of this?" 

The detective sighed, picking the pen back up from the desk. "What month is it, Tyra?" 


"Sorry, but it's July. The lost time will return to you gradually, but I'm not sure what you'll find in those memories."

"That... makes no sense..." 

"Your personality was rewritten to suit the whim of the person that used this pen on you, memories of that persona might not surface for a while, but I assure you that we're in summer right now. I know this is a lot, but I have a favour to ask of you."

"I... how can I help?" Tyra's voice was meek, the girl still trying to make sense of everything that was happening. 

"You may have helpful information in those memories of yours, theres a way of accessing them with this pen, it is completely harmless... but not strictly allowed. This could help us prevent further cases though, so with your permission... may I?" 

Tyra noticed her restless leg under the desk, along with her nervous tapping. With a deep breath, she nodded. 

"I appreciate your bravery, Miss Dayone. Now just close your eyes, this will only take a second, for you."

With another heavy exhale, Tyra let her eyes fall shut and held out her hands, suddenly feeling the fountain pen's tip tracing over one of her palms. 

In an instant, the girl's head rolled forwards, her tapping coming to a halt. 


Sam's hand shot up to her ear where the malfunctioning earpiece started to let out a piercing high pitched tone. Without thinking, the girl pulled out the earpiece and threw it onto the holding cell floor, turning back over on the bench and trying to get some shut eye.


Wait, what? Where was she again? Sam groggily turned over and sat up on the bench, opening her eyes to a sight she had never expected to be met with. The holding cell was crammed full of pretty blonde's wearing nothing but pink, causing the tomboy to pinch herself. Well, that rules out dreaming, so she must be dead. The girls filling the cell all turned to face the now conscious Sam, who began to turn a little red and pressed her back to the cell wall. "Uhm, can I help you? Wait, what's... uh, going on? Could anybody fill me in?" 

"Oh hey there sleepyhead!" One of the girls responded with a ditsy grin. "We're just waiting for our handlers to sort this all out, for now we all need to be good girls and resist de... uhm, de-pro-gram-ming, kaaay~?"

"Deprogramming? Are you girls all high? Heh... I'm one to talk, I don't even remember how I got here I must have partied way too hard." Sam grinned, but it soon faded once she noticed every girl in the room suddenly look at her with shocked expressions.

"Oh my gosh, sisters, she's broken out of her programming!" Another one of them exclaimed, the crowded cell erupting into gasps and whispers. Two of the girls suddenly sat themselves down either side of Sam on the bench, their sides practically sandwiching her between them despite there being enough room to give her adequate space. Once again Sam blushed and looked down at her knees... only to discover she was wearing an outfit just like theirs! She then noticed her hair, much longer than usual and her perfume... she didn't usually wear.

"What the hell's..."

"Shhhh, don't worry sister, we'll make you a good girl again mkay?" 

"So you don't know any girls who fit those descriptions, then? You're sure?"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I'm sure, officer, I think I'd remember people with such colourful descriptions. I went to meet my friends but I must have gotten caught up in something with those girls you described... ugh, sorry I just can't remember. I swear I'm not taking any drugs, I'm on a track team at college we have tests done and everything..."

"I believe you, well, we have no real reason to keep you here. Besides, your mom is already here to pick you up."

"My... mom? You must be mistaken." 

"She's just outside in the carpark, we're just too busy to let her inside, so don't keep her waiting."

"Um, sure." Rachel gave up trying to explain to the officer that her mom could not be here to pick her up, instead just heading out of the police station. As she walked out into the summer sun, she suddenly became confused. While she was still learning her way around the city, the police station she knew of did not exit out into such an empty area. Were there two police stations? Her home town barely had one, she thought with a smirk. Rachel looked down at her clothes and just as her friends had, questioned why on earth she was dressed in those clothes. She pulled out her phone to check in on the friends who seemingly stood her up, but before she could text them she heard a woman's voice to her right. 

"Ah, there you are." It was not a voice she recognised and yet, it was strangely familiar at the same time. She turned to face the woman, who was stood by a bright blue pickup truck. "Get in, dear."

Sam shuddered, these girls were on something else. "I ain't your sister, okay? I-I, hey what are you doing?"

The girl to Sam's left placed an earpiece into the girl's ear with a playful giggle, ignoring whatever Sam had been saying, too focused on making her sister one of them again. With her fingertip, the girl then pressed onto the earpiece. A soft hum began to play in Sam's left ear, when she reached to take out the strange device the girl directly in front of her seized both of her arms and held them above her head, against the wall with her wrists pressed together. 

"H-hold on a second-"

The girl to her right leaned into her, Sam catching a glimpse of her generous cleavage from the angle and clamming up again, noticing that the group of girls had surrounded her. Their perfume was all the same, the same as hers, creating a sickeningly sweet, heady scent that made the girl feel a little light headed. Then, the girl to her right pressed a kiss to her cheek, all of them giggling in unison as she transferred some of her pink lipstick onto Sam's cheek. Sam squirmed to no effect, the girl questioning how it was possible for no guards to notice this behaviour and break things up.

"Refresh request acknowledged, playing reorientation audio, please sit still and relax."

"Who said... oh, what..." Sam realised that the voice she just heard had come from the earpiece, the voice in question that of a monotone female, far less expressive than the giggly bunch pinning her down.

A low, rhythmic pulsing sound began to flood her ear, freaking her out more than it relaxed her, she was really confused.

"Shhh, don't worry sis, you'll remember that you're a blissgirl like us, just you wait." The girl to her left said with a sweet smile, her hand stroking Sam's upper thigh. Sam pressed her thighs together and pulled her legs back under the bench.

Why did her face feel so hot, she wondered, before noticing that it felt the hottest where that girl had planted her lips. It was similar to the sensation of rubbing a hot pepper on your skin, but instead of spice she felt a different kind of heat... the kind of heat that led to one area in particular.

The giggling was starting to creep her out and Sam decided to yell out for a guard to help her, but just as she did, several of the girls in front of her stuffed her open mouth with multiple pink scraps of fabric. It took Sam a few seconds of muffled protest until she realised that they were not just scraps of fabric, but in fact the girls' underwear. The girl gagged, her face turning bright red as she tried to spit them out but her tormentors stopped every attempt with their heavily manicured hands.

The heat continued to spread from her right, like the traces of lipstick were some sort of pleasure drug infiltrating her body via the skin. The pulsing noise continued to assault her from the left, the combination of effects disorientating the girl far too much for her to try and break out of the hold on her arms, or to notice the words being whispered softly into her other ear. 

Sam's breathing began to slow down as she grew calmer again, starting to breathe in more of the overpowering scent of her sist-- the girls around her. She felt hot all over, so much so that she was squirming on the bench, her legs parting slightly as she started to lose control.

The girl snapped back into the room when she felt a tongue in her right ear, warm, wet and soft... teasing her already overheating head. She could hear the sounds of the slick appendage sluttily attacking her from the right begin to merge with the pulsing from her left, until the noise of the outside world all but faded away. 

Sam was being overstimulated, her mind playing catch up everytime a new sensation would be added to the mix, more hands were all over her and she was too out of it to even care. A girl moved directly in front of her, swapping with the girl who held her arms... Sam was too overwhelmed to realise this meant her arms were free again, so she simply held them in place anyway. 

A finger was thrust in front of her, the finger of the girl in front of her. Sam was not sure why, but she knew she had to stare at it, to follow it as it sways in front of her. The pink painted nail captivated her, Sam could no longer look anywhere else. More and more, the other sensations slipped out of her mind as she watched the finger with growing focus, maybe even a little awe and adoration. Sam's dress was pulled up, a girl on her knees burying her head underneath it and pressing her mouth to the dazed girl's panties. Sam could feel the vibrations from the girl's giggling, jerking her hips at the sensation. Even still, she kept her gaze on the finger.

"You want to be a good girl, like the rest of us, right?" A cute voice asked, Sam was not sure from where. The makeshift gag was pulled out of her mouth and she nodded, yawning. 

"You want to be a bubbly, obedient, pretty girl."

"Yeah... hehe...~"

"Awhh, look girls she's so close, so floaty and spacey!"

"Like putty~"

"Empty and horny!"

"Our sister~!"

The finger moved forwards, Sam staring at it with crossed eyes as it pressed against her forehead, tilting the girl's head back for a brief moment before letting go.

Sam's head rolled down into her chest. The next time she opened her eyes, she was happily reprogrammed. 

"Hey lady, wait a sec, do I know you? Or do you have me confused? Wait, you're not the woman claiming to be my mother are you?" Rachel stood in the mostly empty carpark, her eyes trained on the woman calling out to her. Something about her was so familiar and yet, Rachel also swore that she did not know this woman.

The middle aged woman frowned, moving her shapely hips as she sauntered over to Rachel impatiently and grabbed the girl's arm. "I wasn't asking, dear. Hmm, you've been out in the sun all day have you? I bet you reek." 

Rachel gave the woman an incredulous stare as she was grabbed, the young athlete never having been so shocked and insulted in her life. Just who did this bitch think she was? She moved to pull herself away but stopped when the woman opened her mouth again. 

"Oh that's right, why don't you just empty and refuel for me dear? I don't need this fighting spirit from my pets, I get enough trouble at home. You're my stress toy~" 

Rachel stopped fighting as she had to mentally reboot for a moment, like someone had just hit the restart button on her mind. Her eyes fluttered and her body spasmed lightly, before she shook her head and stumbled on her feet, muttering. "No... that's not, rriiight." The girl looked like she was drunk, having to lean against the woman who was holding her arm. 

"I swear that today's youth are all such bratty little thugs, but... there's fun to be had there. I made an arrangement with the kind people in this facility, so I don't have to look over my shoulder now when I'm playing with you. Let's go get lunch after, my treat."

"Hnnnhhgh, y-yes... no... no. I'm not a toy." Rachel pried away the controlling woman's arm and stumbled back, almost falling back onto the asphalt. 

The woman let out a tut of legendary scope, signalling just how inconvenient this whole situation was turning out for her. She had other things to do with her day, after all. "Look, young lady. I'm telling you to empty and refuel, empty and refuel and do as I fucking tell you." 

Again Rachel had the mental equivalent of tripping over, while very nearly having the literal equivalent of tripping over follow close behind. She just barely managed to stay on her feet, but now looked like she was going to fall asleep where she stood. Her eyes were unfocused and half closed, while she grit her teeth through heavy breaths. Whatever the woman was saying, it had an incredible effect on both her mind and body, but she had to fight it. If she got into that car, she had no idea what would happen.

"Oh, I see... wait there." The woman walked away, opening one of the backseat doors in the pickup truck and bending over to retrieve something. Rachel knew that this was her best opportunity to get away, this was the opening she needed to get some significant distance between herself and the woman whose words had such an effect on her, but... she felt her own mind and body betraying her, not only standing still but checking out the curvaceous older woman's plump rear as she bent down... she almost thought she could remember that ass eclipsing her vision once before, but she must have been mistaken. This curiosity took up all the time she should have spent escaping and by the time Rachel could string together a rebellious thought again, she was... drinking?

A bottle of Blissfuel Sport was being pressed to her lips and tilted back, the uncarbonated, sweet drink pouring straight down her gullet or else spilling down her chin and blouse. Once the drink had been messily consumed, Rachel felt much weaker, but also calmer. She felt still, even a little happy. An overpowering will seemed to overtake her own, the compulsion to serve starting to infect her judgement and reasoning. Willpower was being sapped at the same rate as physical strength, two things Rachel prided herself on the most. 

The woman grabbed Rachel's chin and forced it up, inspecting the girl's conflicted expression, half of her still fighting, while half eager to submit. 

"Now, empty and refuel, you dumb slut." She squeezed Rachels slack face and the girl's tongue lolled out, her eyes rolling. "The youth today..."

Tyra's empty eyes fell onto the writing on her palm, which simply read 'Safe mode'. Familiar words. 

"Miss Dayone, are you there?" The detective asked with a smile, still holding the pen in her hand. 

"Yeaah." The girl responded, her voice distant and emotionless. 

"That's good to hear, now, do you know who I am?"


"That's right, very good!" 

The encouragement made the blank Tyra start to smile happily, content that she was doing well.

"In this state, you're deeply entranced, able to follow or adapt to any command I give you and tell me whatever I want to know, is that right?"


"Excellent. I have some questions for you, will you continue to be good and answer me as fully and honestly as you can?"

"Yeahh, I'll be good."

The detective smiled. "Who do you belong to?"

"I... can't answer that."

"Oh? Why is that, Tyra?"

Tyra frowned, looking upset that she cannot be a good girl for the detective. "Not allowed."

"Even in safe mode?" 

She paused, before continuing. "I... need a password, you should know it."

The detective nods. "I see, well I'm afraid I don't. So without that, there's no way I can get you to tell me anything about the people who've controlled you, or where this pen came from?"

"That's... right."

"How unfortunate for me. Perhaps I can brute force it, however." The woman began to write more words onto Tyra's palm, this time spelling out: Tell me who you belong to. 

"I... can't, sorry." Tyra gave the detective pleading eyes, clearly not wanting to disappoint the woman any more than she already had. 

The detective moved down to Tyra's forearm and wrote: Tell me if Coca-Cola is your owner. 

"It's not." She stated blankly.

Tell me if Blisscorp is your owner.

"It's not." She stated blankly, no difference in response to the last question.

"Hmm, I think we're done here." The woman said, though she directed her sentence to the two way mirror behind her. 

The detective then started talking into her earpiece, which looked strikingly similar to Sam's.

"Her programming is complete, despite the product being stolen, she's not a threat. The others go alright? That's good, so, we're letting that woman off? Awfully generous, oh right, so its blackmail. Mutual agreements seem a bit pointless, if you don't mind me saying. No sir, I won't say so again. Okay. I understand. What about her? The bookstore clerk skipped town? Fine, whatever, I'll just cut this one loose then, she might be a good fit for the partner program though so I'll keep her on the list. Okay, yeah, I'll be out in a second. Hmm, I get to pick today? In that case, let's get sushi."

The woman finished up her call and then turned her attention back to Tyra, who had started drooling after being left unattended with her jaw hanging open. She ordered Tyra to clean herself up before uncuffing her and writing on her palm one last time, keeping the pen for herself. 

Tyra blinked a few times and let her eyes flick around in confusion. "Oh uhm, hey... sorry."

"Nonsense, you were very helpful Miss Dayone, that's all we wanted. Your friends have already gone home, but we have a taxi waiting to take you back to the city."

"Back to the city? I thought the police station was..."

The woman snapped her fingers in front of Tyra's face. "Don't think too hard about where you are, just take the taxi and go back to the fountain square."

"I understand." Tyra responded with a slow nod, standing up and leaving the room, escorted by the guard that brought her in. 

Sammi giggled when the guard came to let her and her sisters go, none of them even knew or cared why they had been locked up, they just wanted to go shoot some commercials together at the Blissfuel office before it got dark! That was their favourite part of the day, they always looked so sexy and had so much fun, then they got to see each other on tv, it was like... soooo crazy. 

Then came the sad part, when they had to pretend to be Sam, playing video games until 3AM and not tidying their dorm room. 

Rachel was so spaced out in the back of her owner's stuffy car, her bare back sinking into the seat cushion as the woman beside her held up the girl's athletic leg and dragged her tongue up the back of it, from her firm butt cheek to her heel. "Ffffuck, you're so moreish, you little whore. I prefer you like this, you're much prettier when you're behaving yourself~"

Tyra sat on the fountain wall, noticing that the sun would soon go down. She wondered what her friends were up to. 


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