Three Microfics

by Rajah Dodger

Tags: #f/f #f/m

Three stories collected into one post to save on bandwidth.

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     Phyllis laughed, a hearty and throaty sound that brightened the small apartment.  "Come see this, Herman!"  Her husband left the TV detective to solve a murder alone, and came over to look past her shoulder.  The computer screen showed a nondescript collection of email subjects and sidebar advertisements.
     "What am I looking at?"  He nibbled at her earlobe, and she slapped his face – but not seriously.  Instead she clicked on an email.
     "It's this one that says "Make it bigger and longer, Phyllis!"  Indeed, now the computer screen was occupied by a graphic and dubiously colored phallus, pulsing and vibrating in 3-D in ways that shouldn't have been possible.  "I know it's got my name on it, but I really think it's more for you."
     Herman's grunt was noncommittal as he rocked his crotch against his wife's back. "There ought to be an unsubscribe button for these."  He pointed at the screen, but Phyllis took his hand and put it onto her breast.  She squeezed, and he felt that sensation deep inside his cock while his hips flexed.
     Her voice flowed like honey.  "There's only one button you're going to push, dear.  Until later when you read my mail again."
/ END /
Getting a New Pet
     Sheldon waited at the front door, looking nervously up and down the street.  When the door opened, the brunette inside looked him over thoroughly before asking, "Remove your shoes and socks, please.  There's a shoe rack inside."
     Inside, he found the decorative shoe rack and wriggled his toes in the plush carpet.  It tickled.  His hostess continued, "Have a seat and relax, Sheldon, I'll have the puppies in shortly.  Would you like a drink?  You seem a little tight."  She didn't wait for a response, but handed him a glass.
     He didn't recognize the taste, but it was definitely alcoholic and relaxing.  "It's my first time looking for a pet – are they difficult to train?"  His words fell off when two busty naked women, a blonde and a redhead, bounded into the room on all fours, bouncing excitedly.  Sheldon's slacks were suddenly too tight, and the blonde climbed into his lap.
     "Awww, Sunshine likes you.  Do you have something she can play with?"  His head was spinning, his cock quickly extracted and milked by a talented throat.  The voice at his ear was amused.  "Who's a good boy?  Whoooo's a good boy?"  She tickled under Sheldon's chin as he came.
/ END /
     "Who's a Good Girl," Corinne called out, and the older woman froze in place, nipples engorging, a smear of goo slowly crawling down between her thighs.
     Corinne's friend Lucy set her glass down.  "That's a fun trigger.  You only use verbal phrases on her?"
     Corinne had invited Lucy to view her first real "acquisition" – Corinne's supervisor from work.  "Yes, there wasn't any reason to do anything complicated.  I'll have to go freshen up; lift your skirt and she'll demonstrate.  Service time, Pet!"  The older woman unfroze and crawled toward Lucy's panties.
     When Corinne returned, she saw her manager was tied into a chair, blindfolded and earmuffed.  "Lucy, what-"  A strong hand forced a wet cloth over her mouth and nose, and the room spun into darkness.  When her eyes opened, she was naked and tied into another chair, thighs open and shaking as her pet's tongue found her best spots.  Corinne called out "Quiet Time!" but her boss kept licking.
     Lucy murmured into Corinne's ear.  "She can't hear you, dear.  She must have an excellent tongue – I do believe you're about to come."  Corinne bucked and panted as the first orgasm hit.  "I prefer physical sensations to train My pets."
/ END /
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