She Begins My Good Girl Programming

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #induction #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnotic_language

Girlfriends begin their journey of incorporating hypnokink into their relationship. Getting programmed to become a good girl and a sex toy is a lot of fun.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey mantras and induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) exploring and establishing a hypnokinky dimension to their relationship.

A few days ago, my girlfriend told me she wanted to have an in-depth conversation about our hypno play. I was nervous she wanted to stop or maybe she decided I look unattractive when I’m hypnotized. Recently, she told me watching me get hypnotized is a turn-on, but I’m still a bit embarrassed and unsure about that.

Once we started our conversation, I realized my fears were totally off-base.

My girlfriend was interested in a thoughtful check-in and she had a lot of ideas about expanding our play. She suggested we make our hypnosis inclusive of sex and to include programming that turns me into her “good girl.” She wanted to clarify our boundaries on consent and if-and-when it is okay for her to include sexual acts while I’m experiencing hypnosis.

I was excited about the idea of us leveling up, so to speak, and thrilled to hear she hoped to incorporate sex! I let her know I had been thinking about these things too and it was amazing we were on the same page.  

Maya was fascinated as I described how hypnosis always feels sexual to me. A vanilla hypnotic trance using non-sexual imagery and language still makes me wet. I discovered this while listening to hypnosis files online before I met her. The more I explained myself the more amped up she got.

With a huge smile on her face, Maya thanked me for being detailed and honest. She told me she was very excited. Apparently, I gave her a lot of ideas for techniques she’d like us to try. And she explained her thoughts on making me her “good girl” in an ‘I am your programmable hypnotic submissive’ kind of way.

I was intrigued about the “good girl” part so we’ll be discussing that more. Ultimately, we established boundaries for both of us to follow. And perhaps most excitedly, I gave a clear invitation that anytime hypnosis is on the table, sex is on the table.

I’ve never had a relationship like this and I can’t even believe this is happening. I can’t wait to see where it takes us.


I’m on the couch watching TV and expecting my girlfriend to join me. When she enters the room she looks excited. I chuckle quietly to myself because we’re only planning to cuddle and watch some TV. After situating herself snuggled into my side, I put my arm around her shoulders.

I plant a kiss on her temple before paying attention to the show. After a while, Maya shifts around but stays cuddled against me. Eventually, I see something glinting in my peripheral vision, so I turn my head to take a quick look. Much to my surprise, I’m looking at her clear, deeply hypnotizing pendant spinning in front of me. I inhale a small gasp. The sight is so unexpected and I know how quickly her spinning pendants capture my attention. I always have to watch when I see one of them spinning. Maya taught me that.

At this stage, my girlfriend has hypnotized me with this pendant so many times that drifting into a light trance will be automatic. I just need to stare and relax and I will feel good. For the first time in my life, someone has conditioned me to get hypnotized by a visual trigger.

Hypnotic exploration with Maya is the first time I’ve had the privilege to do hypno play with a live person, and it has been a much stronger experience than I could have imagined. I’m amazed my girlfriend is so creative and powerful. She makes falling into hypnosis seem effortless.

As the spinning pendant mesmerizes, my girlfriend soothingly shares new ideas that slide easily into my mind. I’ve never heard her say this before but every repetition sounds more and more appealing. It flows together; it entrances; it makes sense.

My internal voice starts repeating her words inside my head, “I love being hypnotized by you. I love being your good girl. It feels good to obey you. I want to obey you. I need to obey you. I must obey you. I must submit to your hypnotizing control. I must be your good girl. I am your good girl.”

As Maya repeats this new mantra over and over again, she watches my eyes stare blankly at the deeply hypnotizing pendant. Eventually, my gently relaxed jaw mouths along with the mantra. This is the first time I’ve been hypnotized with the purpose of programming me with a conditioning loop. The rhythm is inescapable.

My girlfriend shifts and the movement causes my arm to slide uselessly down her back. She smiles at how passive my body becomes when I’m entranced. She places one of her hands on the top of my head to hold it in place while she raises the pendant higher. She’s forcing my eyes to strain upward. I don’t resist her hand holding me in place; my eyes just follow the pendant like she taught me. It feels good to become passive and obedient.

Maya keeps repeating the mantra and I’m mumbling along with her. “I love being hypnotized by you. I love being your good girl. It feels good to obey you. I want to obey you. I need to obey you. I must obey you. I must submit to your hypnotizing control. I must be your good girl. I am your good girl.”

Once my eyes are rolling all over the place out of my control, she knows my mind is very deep and open for absorbing the programming she’s been planning. Her hand atop my head lowers to lift my shirt above my naked breasts. I never wear a bra at home, and Maya has told me many times how happy that makes her, but she’s even happier now because it helps her carry out this plan.

I’m definitely a breast girl and she knows exactly how to use my tits to melt me into an aroused pile of putty. She teases and manipulates while I mumble the conditioning mantra. This is the first time she’s played with my body while I’m hypnotized and I’m helpless to the pleasure. I feel fucking incredible.

It feels good to obey her…I love being her good girl.

Because of our conversation the other day, Maya knows my body is aroused simply because I’m hypnotized and now because of her mastery of my tits. She’s giddy with excitement about using this for many conditioning sessions to come.

In my mind, feelings of hypnotic pleasure and sexual stimulation from Maya’s hand join forces. The sensations combine and interlock. Maya’s hypnotic control brings pleasure. Obeying her brings pleasure.

Her hand slides lower, down into my underwear, and my legs reflexively open wider for her. She moans at how wet I am. Maya has to fight her own desires to just fuck me rather than continuing this training session. She pants her way through the mantra while I continue repeating it in my head, “I love being hypnotized by you. I love being your good girl. It feels good to obey you. I want to obey you. I need to obey you. I must obey you. I must submit to your hypnotizing control. I must be your good girl. I am your good girl.”

The pleasure from Maya’s hypnosis and her sexual stimulation of my body is intense. They blend together until I can’t tell the difference. Pleasures intertwine and work in tandem.

My pleasure is controlled by Maya. I must submit to her hypnotizing control.

Her confidence grows as she sees, hears, and feels how deeply aroused I am while clearly remaining hypnotized. The sexual stimulation is not interrupting or bringing me out of trance.

Maya begins a new lesson that gets absorbed by my open and malleable mind. “Sex can be just sex. Hypnosis can be just hypnosis. Sex can be part of hypnosis. Hypnosis can be part of sex. I control your sexual and hypnotic pleasure. I control you with pleasure. You are my good girl and my sex toy.”

I’m overwhelmed by how badly I want to obey Maya right now so her words hit me strongly. Each sentence feels powerful. Sex and hypnosis can be separate…they can overlap…she controls my sexual and hypnotic pleasure…she controls me with pleasure…I am her good girl…I am her sex toy.

Maya keeps repeating these new ideas, and at some point, she tosses the pendant so her hand can play with my tits again. She watches my eyelids flutter over the whites of my eyes while she continues to program me for our new sexual and hypnotic exploration. Our new adventures with hypnokink.

All of her programming makes me more deeply hypnotized than I’ve ever been before. Her words are a symphony. They make all the sense in the world. I feel euphoric pleasure under Maya’s hypnotic control. In fact, the mantras and pleasure have dropped me so deep I don’t even register that I am drooling freely. I have no inclination to deal with that. I can only submit and obey. I am controlled by pleasure. I am her good girl. I am her sex toy.

My girlfriend has never seen me this gone before. I don’t notice, but she is losing her shit over how well this is working, with how powerful she feels. She’s ensnared me in a blissful sea of pleasure and is successfully training me to associate it with obeying her.

I must submit and obey. She controls me with pleasure. I am her good girl. I am her sex toy.

After a while, she takes a firm grip around my torso to practically drag my limp body on top of her as she lays back on the couch. She squirms under me to get into a position where she can still comfortably play with my breasts while her other hand teases my pussy.

Her mouth is near my ear as her words quietly repeat my programming. I have a completely overwhelming desire to obey her. I want to stay within the sexual and hypnotic pleasure only she controls. Maybe she tells me to say this out loud, I’m not sure, but my voice is blank and empty. “I must submit and obey. You control me with pleasure. I am your good girl. I am your sex toy. I must submit and obey. You control me with pleasure. I am your good girl. I am your sex toy…”

Eventually, she tells me to stop and gives me a firm command to cum for her.

Commanding me to cum for her?! That’s never happened before! And, holy shit, it works! I cum on command and have a surprisingly satisfying orgasm.

As the flutters and aftershocks wane, my girlfriend wakes me from trance. I groan and mumble, “Wow, oh my god, wow.” Maya doesn’t even acknowledge it, she simply snuggles me on top of her while the TV plays.

I’m in a shocked haze with my naked breasts still exposed by my raised shirt. My underwear is totally soaked and she’s acting like she is innocent of lewdly and powerfully overloading me. How much time has passed? How is this real life?!

I could not care less about the TV so I think about the trance and orgasm…about my girlfriend’s shocking level of hypnotic power. I still feel a strong desire to obey her, which is probably why I remain passive in her arms and leave my shirt bunched above my tits. That’s where she put it, so that must be where she wants it.

I keep pondering what she said about how sex and hypnosis can be separate and they can overlap. I try not to, but I unintentionally roll my pelvis into the air when I think about the moment she made me cum on command. That was insane. My not-nearly-as-innocent-as-she’s-pretending-to-be girlfriend asks if I’m okay.

As I try to come up with a sensible response, both of her hands firmly cup my naked tits and squeeze. It feels so possessive. I can’t even be embarrassed by my high-pitched moan of her name. I ask her if I can please eat her out. I’m so fucking horny for her and she made me feel incredible. Her palms lightly drag along my tight nipples while I beg to make her cum. I remind her I want to make my girlfriend feel as good as she makes me feel.

Instead of answering my request, she starts pinching and pulling on my nipples and recites my conditioning mantra again. I was so deep before that I can’t help when I drop back into trance so rapidly my eyes cross and roll upward.

My hypnotized voice starts repeating, “I love being hypnotized by you. I love being your good girl. It feels good to obey you. I want to obey you. I need to obey you. I must obey you. I must submit to your hypnotizing control. I must be your good girl. I am your good girl.”

I drift for her while absorbing the programming my dominant speaks: “Sex can be just sex. Hypnosis can be just hypnosis. Sex can be part of hypnosis. Hypnosis can be part of sex. I control your sexual and hypnotic pleasure. I control you with pleasure. You are my good girl and my sex toy.”

I don’t know how long or how many times these words repeat. But I’m a naked, foggy, submissive mess by the time she carefully leads me to her bedroom. She told me to wake from trance, and I am awake, but my head feels muddled. She checks on me dotingly and hydrates me with water. This is all so sweet. I give her a loopy smile while I assure her I’m okay. In fact, I feel amazing.

While standing in her room, we intimately hold one another and sway quietly. I want to ask if this is how good it will always feel when I become her good girl. And her sex toy. Or…am I already her good girl and her sex toy? I don’t have the energy to figure that out right now.

Maya slides her hands up my neck and into my hair. She gently massages my scalp and pecks my lips. I sigh happily, and then, she makes some simple commands. My eyes widen in surprise when I feel a desire to obey them.

Her voice becomes soothing. I feel myself slip so easily back into trance for her. It’s all so pleasurable. And then, I come back up for her. I blink and realize she’s holding my head up for me. Before I can lift my own head to relieve her hands of that weight, I slide back down into trance for her again.

I am her good girl.

Maya commands me to open my eyes. They open and I’m staring blankly at her ceiling. Fleetingly, I realize that I have no idea when I laid down on her bed. I hear my voice and it sounds far away as it repeats, “I must submit and obey. You control me with pleasure. I am your good girl. I am your sex toy. I must submit and obey. You control me with pleasure. I am your good girl. I am your sex toy…” 

SNAP. “Full of energy.” SNAP. “Awake and energetic.” SNAP. “Wake.”

I do feel energetic and awake. Finally! And I’m so happy when her wet pussy appears over my face. I lunge enthusiastically and moan in delight. I get to be her good girl! I am her sex toy and I get to make her cum!

I devotedly pleasure my dominant…huh…my dominant. She is my dominant. And I make sure she cums a few times. I am her good girl. I am her sex toy.

Once Maya has had enough, she lets me know. I smile in pure glee as she disappears to the bathroom. When she climbs back on the bed, her fingers delicately caress over my face. I watch her with affection and appreciation.

Gently, she trails her hand down over my eyes and my eyelids close. Her hand slides lower and my face relaxes under her touch. I definitely do not remember her doing that before. Did that just happen naturally? Before I can ask, she lowers her soft breasts onto mine. A small, pleasurable wave rolls through me, and that feels feels like obedience. That must be intentional.

Her voice soothes, “My good girl. Relax and calm for me. You did so well. I'm so happy with you. My good girl needs to relax for me.”

I tingle from her praise and lay calmly in a relaxed daze while she cleans me with a damp towel. I’m nearly asleep when her beautifully naked body lays against me. She presses her plump breasts into my side and I feel that small, obedient wave of pleasure roll through me again. I twitch involuntarily and now I know Maya is doing this on purpose because she giggles and smooshes her boobs into me.

My dominant is really leaning into my affinity for breasts. If I were less tired I would joke about whether she’s going to make this into a whole thing.

Instead, I feel her fingertips lightly trail down my arm. I can hear her smiling as she whispers, “Fall asleep, good girl.”

And I do.


Over the coming weeks, Maya and I do more programming and conditioning. I love it so much. I’ve always been a sexual person but I’ve never felt this comfortable before. She has given me new confidence. I feel empowered to embrace my sexuality with my girlfriend in so many more ways. And I feel emboldened to obey my dominant. It’s freeing. It’s horny. I’m less inhibited.

She has introduced so much pleasure into our lives. And compelling ideas…

I love being hypnotized by her. I must submit and obey. I am her good girl. I am her sex toy.

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