Hidden Triggers Make Our Morning Fun

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female #hidden_trigger

A couple of girlfriends have an exciting morning with the help of some hidden triggers.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

I’m standing in the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal when Maya walks up to me. She snuggles into my side and tickles the underside of my bare butt cheeks peeking out from under my shirt. I giggle and smile at her, “Well, hello, sweetie.”

She continues fondling my ass while her other hand slides under my over-sized shirt to caress my belly. “Hi, baby. I love when you wear so little.”

I’m glad her hands are on me so my face breaks into a big smile. “And I love wearing so little around you. What do you want to do today?”

“What do I want to do today?! Hmmmm…wellllll…” Maya turns my body so that we’re facing one another and I simply allow her to move me.

She knows roughly grabbing turns me off, so she’s mastered a flawless balance of gently manhandling. In fact, she performs it so perfectly that I naturally become passive as she does it. Her fingertips lightly tease between my thighs, tracing along the very edge of my pussy lips.

I take a surprised, gasping breath and my eyes momentarily droop from the unexpected arousal. I smile at her because her hands are pretty amazing.

Her smile is much more devious before her hands slide upward beneath my shirt. As she approaches my breasts, her voice lowers, “I want this.”

In an instant, I am hypnotized by my hidden trigger. The hidden trigger I gave consent to forget. The hidden trigger I never see coming. The hidden trigger that starts forgotten trances and unconscious commands.


SNAP. “Wake.”

I open my eyes and discover I’m lying on the bed cuddled into Maya’s side. I lift my head from her shoulder and look around.

“Hi, sweetheart. How do you feel?” Maya asks as I attempt to orient myself.

I look at her and feel so confused. “We were in the kitchen. Have I been sleeping? How…?”

Maya gently turns my head so I am looking into her eyes. We quietly stare for a beat and then my eyes widen as I unconsciously open myself for her to hypnotically control. I am so used to receiving an induction or command when she stares this deeply into my eyes. Instead, she presses the tip of my nose like a button and asks, “What is always true?”

Before I can think about the question, I reply, “Mindless toy obeys.”

I don’t know where that came from and I’m stunned my voice sounds blank. I am awake, right? I feel totally awake. But…am I…am I not…awake?

Any confusion about whether my conscious mind is currently in the driver’s seat gets pushed aside by a spontaneous thought: I need to be naked for Maya. I blink at the sheer force of the thought. I look down and realize, it’s totally unacceptable I’m wearing a shirt. I really, really need to be naked for Maya.

Urgently, I sit up, ripping my shirt over my head. I toss it across the room like I can’t get it far enough away from me. I stare in shock at the discarded shirt now caught on the door knob. I’m trying to mentally catch up with what’s happening.

Maya’s hand appears from behind me and presses my nose like a button. She asks, “What is always true?” I automatically reply in a blank voice, “Mindless toy obeys.”

My next thought thrusts itself front and center: I need to offer my pussy to my dominant. Oh, god…I really, really need to offer my pussy to my dominant. She needs immediate access, like yesterday. I turn around quickly and see Maya eagerly laying back down already. I climb over her and straddle her face.

I look down to see her looking so excited! I’m surprised by how sexed-up my body feels without any foreplay. There hasn’t been any foreplay, right? Again…I swear I’m awake, but I feel deeply obedient to commands I don’t seem to remember. Is that possible? Can that happen?

Maya pinches both of my nipples hard. An idea pops in my head and I can’t help but share it with my girlfriend immediately. “The second your tongue touches my pussy, I’m going to become deliriously horny. Your mindless toy will be so horny she will only process arousal.”

I blink a couple times in confusion…what was that? A haze? I’m awake, I swear. That couldn’t have been an action controlled by trance, right? I’m not in a trance. Did I just give myself a command? In third person, no less? Am I telling her what I want to happen?

I mean…it does sound incredible.

Maya winks and says, “Good girl! You are my deeply obedient and mindless toy!” and then she tongue-kisses my vulva.

Pleasure blasts through my body like a bomb and I moan shamelessly. I’m swallowed whole into a giant mouth of indulgence. I can’t even process what is happening beyond sensations of arousal.

A drunken, dopey smile adorns my face as intoxicating pleasure radiates outward from her tongue. I am captured by the bliss of it all as she languidly licks my pussy. I feel like a passenger in my own body as my eyes are crossed and my whole body rolls and climbs higher and higher with arousal.

I’ve never felt anything like this, where a singular source, my dominant’s tongue, emits obvious trails and waves of pleasure through my body in such a way that my mind pictures the arousal flowing through me. Her tongue provides floods of horny indulgence. Nothing in the world exists beyond delirious sexiness, beyond arousal. I can’t work my brain; I’m just a network of nerve endings.

I must cum for her. I must cum for my dominant. Mindless toy will cum when her dominant commands.

Arousal is soft and wet and sexy. My body is soft and wet and sexy. My mind is soft and wet and sexy. My dominant is soft and wet and sexy. My submission is soft and wet and sexy…

Maya has me on the edge of orgasm but the intensity has trapped me in a delirium…I will lose my mind if I don’t cum for her. Her mindless toy needs to release.

How…how do I release? I incoherently babble, “Cum for you, cum for you, cum for you…” on repeat.

When Maya’s heaven-inducing tongue pulls away, I loudly gasp at the shock. I feel suspended over an edge and desperate. I frantically look down at her and she states in a calm voice, “Cum for me.”

My vision whites out as an insanely strong orgasm blasts through my body with force. My dominant laps my pulsating cunt while enjoying the show of euphoric release. She watches with pride as I cum mindlessly, just like she wanted to watch me do.


Groggily, I open my eyes. I can tell my body is draped over my girlfriend. My face is safely tucked into her neck and I groan as I try to wake. Her scent feels like home so I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with her. I could easily fall asleep in the safety of her body, but I try to take stock of our situation first. I lightly peck the skin before me and work on focusing my attention.

She’s still wearing the pajamas she slept in last night, while I’m completely naked in her arms. It feels right to be on display. I smile lazily at the pleasure of being her good girl. I’m confused about what has been happening this morning, but I am confident I’ve been a good girl.

Still in a post-orgasm haze, I focus on her arms around me and feel her tenderly fondling my ass. Her finger very lightly teases the very edges of my pussy lips. I groan and remember she was doing that earlier this morning, but I can’t remember how long ago that was. I can’t remember how we got into this position but trying to remember exhausts me further. It’s easy to know what I should know and forget what I need to forget.

My girlfriend holds me tight as I hover on the edge of dozing off. Eventually, I hear her chuckle and quietly say, presumably to herself, “Fucking incredible. Hidden triggers are awesome.”

The phrase “hidden triggers” is intriguing. I want to ask her about it but I’m already slipping toward a much-needed nap. Quietly, I murmur, “mm…hidden trigger? …could…hmm…we…”

Maya smiles wide at my hypnotically programmed forgetfulness about having a hidden trigger. A hidden trigger I came up with and asked her to give me, no less.

My girlfriend hugs me close, nuzzling my hair. She hears a soft snore and knows I’m already fast asleep.

Whispering, she says, “Yes, my perfectly programmed good girl…my sex toy…my mindless toy…you and me could.” She chuckles quietly, “We did. We do. And we will again.”

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