Year of the Bunny

by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #bunnygirl #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female

Lihua, a sullen goth girl, finds her school spirit at a pep rally after meeting a bubbly bunnygirl who’s more than she initially appears

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2023, do not repost without explicit permission

Lihua looked down her nose at the tacky, plastic, bunny ear headband that was being offered to her, and sniffed dismissively as loudly as she could.

“Uh… no.” The goth girl spoke in a flat, withering monotone, letting every last bit of her disdain drip from her lips upon each word. “No way.”

Lihua knew exactly how intimidating she could look when she wanted to, with her black lipstick, her array of spiky jewelry, and her thick, dark eyeliner ringing her monolid eyes. Unfortunately, none of that had any effect whatsoever on the obnoxiously cheery girl who was currently getting in her face.

“Aw, c’mon!” The bunny girl standing before her was feigning a pout, although she seemed incapable of sounding genuinely disappointed. “It’s for the year of the rabbit! Where’s your school spirit?”

Lihua almost growled. She’d heard more than enough about ‘school spirit’ from her professor. That was the only reason she’d come to this stupid pep rally in the first place - he’d made it an extra credit assignment, and Lihua needed the grades. She’d come to college to get away from home and meet some interesting people, not to study or come to stupid parties. But she needed the grades, so here she was, moving through the pep rally like the ghost at the feast.

And for some reason, everyone was dressed up like a bunny?

Well, not everyone. But there seemed to be an ever-growing cohort of cheerleaders, all dressed identically in the uniform of the bunny girl: a skimpy black bodysuit, fishnets, heels, and one of those bunny ear headbands. The crowd around Lihua was all women - no surprise there, boys didn’t seem to want to come to a women’s football match - almost all of them were at least sporting the bunny ears. It was surreal. Sure, it was now the year of the rabbit. But what did that have to do with a college football game?

“Ugh. School spirit is so lame,” Lihua complained.

The cheery bunny girl in front of her just giggled. “If you really believed that, you wouldn’t be here now, would you?”

Lihua felt her blood pressure ratchet up a few notches.

The girl she was speaking with was clearly a little different from the others. Her outfit marked her out as some kind of ringleader; alone amongst the bunny girl cheerleaders, she was wearing a varsity jacket over her bodysuit, leggings instead of fishnets, and sneakers instead of heels. Her bunny ears were different too. They were astonishingly lifelike; there was no hint of any headband, and they even twitched with perfect, anatomical realism as the girl spoke. Lihua had no idea what kind of crazy prosthetic work it must have taken to make that possible.

“Can’t you just leave me alone?” Lihua said in a flat monotone. “ This place was bad enough already. What’s with this lame pop music? It’s like you people have never even heard of Ghost or MCR.”

“I sure can’t!” the bunny girl announced brightly. “See, I gotta get everyone to wear some bunny ears!”

She flashed a peace sign with one hand, and once again pressed the headband towards Lihua with the other.

“Ew.” Lihua folded her arms. “Like I’m gonna do that for a girl I don’t even know.”

“My name’s Chang!” Chang replied. “And you’re Lihua! See? We’re getting to know each other already.”

Lihua frowned. “Hey. How do you know my name?”

Much to her annoyance, Chang giggled, winked, and then actually bounced up and down with glee. “Call it a lucky rabbit guess!”

Lihua rolled her eyes.

“Well, I don’t care how lucky you are,” she retorted. “I’m not wearing your stupid bunny ears, and that’s that.”

“Oh yeah?” Chang’s face slipped into a smug smirk; she couldn’t have broadcast that she thought she was being crafty harder if she’d tried. “Wanna bet?”

Lihua had been about to turn away, but that comment ignited a flicker of competitive curiosity in her heart. “What does that mean?” she demanded.

Chang folded her arms and tapped her foot. It was obvious that, to her, she’d already won. Lihua immediately regretted showing interest.

“It’s simple,” the strange bunny girl replied. “I bet I can get you wearing bunny ears. Let’s make a wager out of it.”

“What do I get if I win?”

Chang shrugged. “Name it.”

Lihua’s dark eyes lit up. She looked around. She hated pep rallies, and this one was no exception. The gymnasium they were occupying was heaving with people, and all of them were being too restless and too noisy for Lihua’s liking. The display of vapidity, idiotic groupthink, and abominably poor taste in music made her sick. This obnoxious bunny girl was obviously one of the ringleaders.

And she had just handed Lihua a chance to ruin everything.

“Name it?” Lihua drawled, squaring up. “Fine. If you can get me to put on those stupid ears, you win. But if you can’t, I win. And if I win, everyone takes the ridiculous bunny outfits off. You understand me? If I win, the year of the rabbit is officially canceled.”

She had been hoping to get the satisfaction of watching Chang balk. Instead, the other girl simply smiled brightly.

“You’re on!”

Lihua was dumbfounded by her senseless optimism, but only for a moment. She folded her arms, mirroring Chang.

“Then read my lips, bimbo bunny,” she said, monotone.  “You’ve already lost. I will never, ever put those things on my head.”

Chang just giggled. “We’ll see!”

She reached into the pocket of her varsity jacket and pulled something out. At first, Lihua thought it was a necklace, but she soon realized it was a coin; a large, very antique-looking coin, marked with Chinese script around the outside. It had a circular hole in the center, and Chang had tied a thin leather cord through it so that she could dangle it like a pendulum. Lihua rolled her eyes at the cliché. She’d seen this setup a hundred times in bad manga and worse hentai.

“Ugh.” She scoffed. “Hypnosis? Really? That’s your brilliant plan?”

“That’s right!”

“This is lame,” Lihua announced. “I win, and I’m leaving. Screw the extra credit.”

She turned and made it a whole step away before the bunny girl’s infuriating laughter stopped her in her tracks.

“Y’know, I was trying to turn you into a bunny, not a chicken,” Chang giggled. “Scared?”

Lihua knew it was bait. She knew it was the oldest trick in the book. She knew Chang just wanted her to keep playing this stupid game. But in that moment, all she wanted in the world was to wipe that smug smile off the bunny girl’s face. The goth girl wheeled back around.

“Ugh. Fine,” she drawled, as sarcastically as she could. “Go ahead. Hypnotize me, then.”

Chang’s smile was undimmed by her scorn. She had been idly toying with her coin in her hands, but now she pinched the other end of the leather cord between thumb and forefinger, and suspended it in the air between herself and the goth girl.

Then, it started to swing.

Lihua stared at the coin as it traced an arc through the air, shimmering with reflected light. Of course she did. What else was she going to look at? It was hard, though, and boring. Lihua’s eyes soon started to glaze over.

“Isn’t it funny, how a pendulum moves?” Chang said. Lihua was determined to tune out her babbling, but she couldn’t, not completely. “Back, and forth, on and on. Forever. Even though that’s impossible.”

“Whatever,” Lihua muttered under her breath.

“See how it picks up speed, at the bottom of each swing?” Chang pressed. “So that it just swings and swings. It never stops. Like magic. Or maybe I’m just moving my hand.” She giggled. “Can you see it?”

Lihua rolled her eyes, but looked. Or at least, she tried. Peeling her gaze away from the coin was remarkably hard. It kept catching her eye back, somehow. Still, out of the corner of her eye, she thought she could see Chang’s hand moving, swaying… maybe. It was hard to tell.

“It’s hard to tell, right?” Chang continued, as if echoing Lihua’s own thoughts. “Too many distractions. All the people, all the music. I guess it’s a bit silly of me to do hypnosis here!”

“Seriously…” Lihua complained under her breath. She failed to notice how slow and sleepy her voice sounded. Concentrating was getting harder.

Maybe it really was all the distractions, just as Chang was saying. The gymnasium was heaving with people, and the hum and buzz of the crowd was all around her. Pop music filled the space, played at a deafening volume. The floor beneath Lihua’s feet was vibrating with the bass and the footsteps. How was she supposed to focus on anything?

“There’s a trick, actually,” Chang confided. “You’re trying to block it all out, right? Don’t! Just let it in. Let it all wash over you. Can’t feel the waves when you’re underwater!”

As soon as Chang had spoken, Lihua realized she had already begun doing just that. Why? She decided she must simply be feeling indulgent. And soon, she discovered that Chang was right. Letting the noise wash over her was disorienting, but only for a moment. It was a little like finding your balance when you were riding a bike.

Before long, Lihua found herself sinking into all the noise. It became part of her - even that obnoxious pop music. It was a strange feeling, but not an unpleasant one. Relaxing, even.

“You got it!” Chang giggled. “You’re not doing so bad, Lihua. You might really be getting hypnotized.”

It took Lihua a moment to process that, but once she did, she scoffed. “As… as if.”

“Right.” Chang giggled and bounced - but through all her energetic mannerisms, the coin kept swinging in front of Lihua’s face, as regular as a metronome. “You’re not gonna get hypnotized. You? By me? No way.”

Lihua smirked at the admission of defeat, unaware that her face was slipping into a dumb smile. “Right. Duh.”

“Of course not,” Chang agreed. “I’m just a… what was it? A bimbo bunny? I like that! It’s cute. Anyway, there’s no way a bimbo bunny like me could hypnotize you.”

“Uh-huh,” Lihua agreed. She was feeling much more relaxed, now that Chang knew where things stood.

“Hypnosis probably isn’t even real, right?” Chang stepped in closer. Lihua was grateful for that. It made it easier to keep watching the coin. “Just a silly little made-up party trick?”

“Yep.” Lihua scoffed, half-laughing, utterly secure in her victory. “Totally… lame.”

“There’s no way you’re getting hypnotized,” Chang told her. “There’s no way your breathing is slowing down. There’s no way your body is starting to go weak.”

“Uh-huh,” Lihua replied, although she barely even registered Chang’s words. She was too busy staring at the coin. It seemed to be growing larger, somehow. It dominated her vision.

“There’s no way your thoughts are slowing down. There’s no way you’re following along obediently with each and every one of my words.”

“Uh… huh.” There were two coins now, the real one and its illusory double, created as her eyes unfocused. Lihua couldn’t tell which was which.

“There’s no way you keep slowing down, more and more, ready to drop into a nice, obedient trance for me the moment I snap my fingers.”

“Uhhhhhuuuhhh,” Lihua slurred. For her, time itself was slowing to a crawl.

“And there’s no way you’re gonna put these bunny ears on your head.” Chang giggled. “Right, Lihua?”

She snapped her fingers.

Lihua blinked rapidly. The world around her snapped back into focus, with all its sound and fury, but as Chang snatched her coin back into the palm of her hand, the goth girl was robbed of her anchor. Seconds passed, but clarity failed to return to her. Lihua’s head felt as bleary and foggy as it ever had. She couldn’t seem to think at all.

But when Chang offered her the bunny ear headband once more, she knew exactly what to do.

Lihua took it and placed it up on her head.

As Chang started laughing and giggling, Lihua blinked a few more times. Why? Why had she done that?

“Wow!” Chang exclaimed, bouncing with glee. “Would you look at that? Looks like I got lucky, Lihua.”

“I…” Lihua wanted to protest, but she couldn’t think of any excuse. Somehow, defeat wasn’t souring her mood very much. “I guess… so.”

“And that means I won the bet, right?”

“Yeah…” Despite herself, Lihua giggled a little in disbelief. She was too light-headed to keep it back.

Chang screwed up her face and tapped her cheek with her finger. “Hold on. I’ve just realized something. We never agreed on your end of the bet.”

“Oh.” Lihua tried to figure out if that was right or not, but soon gave up. “Yeah.”

“Well, here’s an idea!” Chang’s bright smile returned just as quickly as it had vanished. “You were gonna make everyone stop being bunny girls, right? So I think it’s only fair that, since you lost, you should be a bunny!”

“W-wha…” Lihua’s brow twitched as she struggled to frown through the pleasant mental fog filling her. Something deep inside the goth girl rebelled at the notion of wearing one of those undeniably slutty outfits. “I… uh…”

“C’mon, Lihua,” Chang chided. “Fair’s fair! You lost the bet. You have to.”

“Oh. Right.” Lihua wracked her brains, but as far as she could tell, it was undeniable. She had to. “Yeah. Right. I have to. OK.”

“Perfect!” Chang clapped her hands together excitedly. “You’re gonna look amazing. Who doesn’t love a goth bunny? Girls! We got another one.”

A happy cheer went up all around the pair, although Lihua was too entranced to notice. One of the cheerleaders pressed a bunny outfit into Chang’s hands, and she held it out towards Lihua.

“Here you go! Hurry up, get changed. I wanna see!”

“Uhhhh…” Lihua drooled that mindless vocalization until her hesitation faded. “Uh… sure.”

She took the bodysuit and fishnets and stared at them blankly for a moment before she remembered what to do. If she’d been in her right mind, Lihua would never, ever have even considered getting changed there and then, in the middle of a crowded pep rally. But now, she simply wasn’t thinking about it. She had already let the noise and the people wash over her.

There were no thoughts left in the goth girl’s head at all. All she knew was that she needed to be a bunny.

So, Lihua started changing. With Chang standing right in front of her, watching gleefully, she shucked out of her black skinny jeans and lifted her black, gothic sweater off over her head. Her tank top followed, and then her platform, knee-high boots, leaving her in just her underwear.

Despite the crowd of people milling all around her, no hint of blush touched Lihua’s cheeks. She made no effort to cover herself. She wasn’t embarrassed. She was beyond that. She was too deep.

And she had something she needed to do.

The fishnets were first. Lihua rolled them up over her thighs with relative ease. The bodysuit was next, and harder. It was a very tight fit, pinching her waist and squeezing her tits as it pushed them upwards and together. In the end, she had to turn around so Chang could help zip her up from behind. The strange bunny girl was more than happy to do so, of course - except for a strange opening that was left at the bottom.

“Oh my gosh! It’s perfect!” Change declared, as Lihua reached up to fix her bunny ears. “You’re not quite done yet, though! Here.”

Without a thought, Lihua reached out to accept her next gift: a pair of black high heels.

Lihua hated heels. She hated how lame and mainstream they were, and she hated how they made her feet hurt. She never wore them. And she put the pair of high heels on without a single protest.

Lihua almost fell over when she took her first couple of cautious steps wearing her new high heels, but Chang was there to steady her. Lihua clung to her savior gratefully.

“Is that… it?” Lihua struggled to say. “Am… I… done?”

Chang giggled. “What’s the matter? Still not enjoying yourself?”

“Duh,” Lihua replied sleepily. “S’lame.”

"Aw.” Chang pouted. “Well, that’s a big problem! Remember our bet, Lihua? You don’t just need to dress like a bunny. You need to be a bunny.”

“Oh.” It took Lihua a long moment to wrap her hypnotized head around that. “Uh… right?”

“And let me tell you!” Chang giggled, her grin returning. “Bunnies don’t trudge around looking all sour. You’re no good as a bunny unless we can get some extra spring in your step!”

“Ugh…” Lihua groaned. That sounded unbelievably annoying. Unfortunately for her, she’d lost a bet. She had to. “F… fine.”

“Great!” Chang giggled and bounced again. “Then, first of all, put a smile on that face!”

Lihua rolled her eyes - or rather tried to, leaving her with an addled, skew-eyed expression. Being told to smile was just about number one on her list of pet peeves. Smiling was lame. She was a goth. She didn’t smile.

Until now.

A smile crept automatically across her face. As much as Lihua wanted to refuse, she quickly found herself grinning from ear to ear. It was the bet, she rationalized. She had to.

“Hmm.” Chang scrutinized her thoughtfully. “That’s not bad… but you still don’t look very happy! A real smile needs to come from the heart, Lihua.”

“Tch.” Lihua’s smile drooped. “So… annoying. S’not… gonna happen.”

“We’ll see.” Chang giggled. “I taught you a trick earlier, right? There’s a trick for this too.”

“Ugh…” Lihua drooled, entranced. “C… c’mon…”

“You have to!” Chang reminded her. “And trust me, it’s easy. Just repeat after me: ‘I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny!’”

“God,” Lihua whined. It was so annoying and embarrassing, it was all but unbearable. But she had to. She had to, and that was as far as her addled mind could see. “I’m… a bright… bubbly… bouncy… bunny.”

“Good!” Chang exclaimed. “Again. But with a little more feeling.”

After another attempt to roll her eyes, Lihua obeyed. “I’m… a… bright… bubbly… bouncy… bunny.”

Reluctantly, she injected a little more energy and enthusiasm into the words.

“Good!” Chang repeated. “But keep going! Those are happy words, Lihua. They’ll make you happy too.”

“I’m a… bright, bubbly… bouncy bunny,” Lihua echoed. “I’m a… bright, bubbly, bouncy, bunny.”

She tried to make her voice drip with all the contempt she felt, but somehow that vapid, irritating mantra teased something upbeat and giddy out of her. The corners of her mouth kept turning upwards.

“I’m… a bright, bubbly, bouncy, bunny?” She tried again. It sounded the same. It sounded happy.

“See!” Chang giggled. “Happy words.”

“I’m… I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny.”

Lihua’s nose twitched. She was noticing the way that the ‘b’s at the start of all those words - bright, bubbly, bouncy, bunny - made her kiss her lips together for the plosive sound, then pull them apart. It was like a bubble popping with each word. Something about that made her want to giggle.

“I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny. I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny. I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny.”

Lihua kept repeating it, over and over, slowly becoming numb to the grotesque contrast between the words and her usual demeanor. A different realization was dawning on her instead:

She had started sounding happy because she had started being happy.

Something was happening to her. The words were affecting her, just as Chang had promised. Those happy words. It was impossible to stay so dour and dreary when she kept popping those bubbles with her lips. When she kept announcing to the world that-

“I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny!”

It made it impossible, somehow, not to feel joyous. It was like every single time the mantra passed her lips, she was exhaling something, and whatever it was, she was left lighter and breezier without it. The lightness was completely foreign to Lihua, and she couldn’t resist the way it lifted her.

It made her bright.




“I’m a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny,” Lihua giggled. She was grinning - from the heart now. The feeling was irrepressible.

“You are!” Chang giggled to match her, and bounced with glee. “Well, almost. There’s just one little thing you’re missing.”

“Uh… what?” Lihua leaned in expectantly. This was important. She was supposed to be a bunny. She needed to be.

Because of… a bet? Was that right? Lihua couldn’t really remember. She just remembered the need.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Chang reached into the pocket of her jacket and plucked out another object to hand to Lihua - although not before rubbing down its surface with spray from a small bottle of lube. “You need a tail, of course!”

Lihua looked down at the object she now held in her hand. It was a long, thin, silicone cone, flared at the base, with a large, white, fluffy tuft attached to it. She recognized it at once - mostly, from the same trashy hentai she recognized the coin hypnosis trick from.

It was a tail plug.

Right away, Lihua turned bright red. Even trance couldn’t blunt her embarrassment at the thought of what she was about to do. Her bubbly happiness started to fizzle into a twisted kind of nervous excitement. She couldn’t believe this. She wasn’t a slut. She wasn’t some kind of exhibitionist.

But there was no helping it.

She was a bunny. And a bunny needed a tail.

With her cheeks flushed and her hands shaking, Lihua reached behind herself and felt for that opening at the base of her bunny bodysuit. She understood its purpose now. Keeping it pried open with a couple of fingers, she reached back with her other hand, holding the tail plug, and started to push it into her ass.

As soon as she felt the plug’s silicone tip enter her, Lihua gasped. She had never once touched herself back there. The feeling was a revelation. With just the first inch inside her, warm tingles of pleasure started to race up the former goth’s spine. Once she pushed in the next inch, she started seeing stars. Her gasps turned louder and the pleasure made her stumble, and she almost tripped up over the heels she was now wearing.

Like before, though, Chang was immediately there to steady her.

“Come on,” the bunny girl encouraged, her smile now a touch lascivious. “Almost there!”

Lihua was too embarrassed and turned on to meet her gaze. She just nodded gingerly, and kept pushing the plug into herself. With every inch, the sex toy opened her up more and more, adding to her pleasure. She could feel herself getting wet. Her knees were jelly. Lihua didn’t understand why this was turning on so much. She didn’t understand why she was doing it at all.

But she had to.

The hypnotized girl let out a weak, quivering moan as, after several agonizing seconds of pleasure, she felt the plug finally bottom out inside her. The base was left resting perfectly against her ass, snug with the tight-fitting bodysuit, and left her with a perfectly cute little bunny tail.

Anyone looking at Lihua would probably assume it was simply part of her clothes. They would never guess how unbelievably full she felt.

“Yay!” Chang exclaimed. “Now you’re perfect. Just like all my other girls!”

Lihua looked at the ever-growing throng of bunny girl cheerleaders surrounding them. She hadn’t registered it before, but all of them had bunny tails too - just like she now did. Were they all…?

Lihua’s nose twitched again. She would have been frowning, if not for the giddy smile permanently fixed on her face. All the cheerleaders were wearing tail plugs? That was completely, totally wrong… right?

That thought nagged at her for a moment. Part of her was sure there was something wrong… but they were bunnies, weren’t they?

Bunnies just like her.

And bunnies needed tails.

It was as simple as that. Right?

Lihua’s face sagged back into a lazy, dumb smile, satisfied that all was right with the world.

“OK, OK.” Chang took Lihua’s hands in hers. “You’ve totally held up your end of the bet! But there’s just one more thing I’d love to see. Would you do it? For me? Pretty please?”

Lihua giggled and nodded. She was happy to indulge her new friend. She was in a good mood. The best mood ever.

She was a bright, bouncy, bubbly bunny.

Chang took a step back and struck a pose. She held her hands up to her chest, wrists bent, miming paws, and then began to swing her hips from side to side rhythmically, bouncing up and down as she did by bending and straightening her legs. Lihua realized she was demonstrating something that she wanted her to do.

“Show me a little bunny dance?” Chang asked hopefully.

Lihua paused and thought. She didn’t have to do this. She just needed to be a bunny, and she was already a bunny. She’d held up her end of the bargain. Chang had already said so.

And yet…

Energy was bubbling up within her, and that energy needed an outlet. She felt so bright and bouncy. Having a plug inside her ass already made it difficult not to squirm. And… something about the dance Chang was demonstrating was hypnotic. The way her hips were swinging reminded Lihua of the coin.

“Uh… uh-huh.” The agreement slipped out of Lihua’s lips before she could think about what she was agreeing to.

“Yay!” Chang clapped her hands together and bounced more energetically than ever before, then stepped back. “Go ahead!”

Nervously, Lihua took a step forward into the small open space Chang had left before her. Her cheeks went from hot to scorching as she took up the pose Chang had demonstrated for her, miming like her hands were bunny paws.

It was desperately embarrassing. Before tonight, Lihua would never ever have considered doing something so humiliating.

But she was a bunny now.

Blushing uncertainly, Lihua started to swing her hips, imitating Chang. The rhythm of the motion was surprisingly easy to find. It was already inside her head. She just had to think about that swinging coin. Once she started to get used to the cutesy, silly dance, her embarrassment started to fade, replaced by the joy that came with being a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny. There was just one unexpected problem, and it became even more pronounced as Lihua started bending her knees and bouncing her body up and down.

The tail plug in her ass.

With each swaying, bouncing motion, the sex toy seemed to work its way deeper and deeper into Lihua’s body. On each beat of the dance, it pressed insistently on hitherto unknown pleasure centers within her, bringing a moan to her lips and turning her legs to jelly. It was bliss, but it was torture.

But she couldn’t stop. She was a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny.

As she danced, Lihua soon became aware of just how wet she was. With the plug bringing her insistent bursts of pleasure, she was starting to soak through her panties and soil her new bunny outfit with proof of her arousal. That thought made her blush even deeper with shame, but she could sense that Chang didn’t mind. There was nothing but happiness on the bunny girl’s face as she watched Lihua dance.

“Look at you!” Chang exclaimed gleefully. “You’re a bright, bouncy, bubbly bunny.”

Just hearing that made Lihua giggle. “I’m a bright, bouncy, bubbly bunny!” she echoed, her voice an aroused pant from the exertion and the pleasure.

Lihua’s dancing was becoming more and more energetic and more and more sexual, but she didn’t care. She was bouncing her hips fervently, bouncing and grinding against the air and pushing back her ass every time she sank down. It wasn’t embarrassing anymore. Lihua had already moved past that. She just wanted to feel even better. To work her tail plug even deeper into her ass. To fully experience the pleasure that was swelling within her.

Suddenly, Lihua looked around. The cheerleaders she had been internally scorning earlier were all around her - and nobody who was looking would be able to tell Lihua apart from the rest. She was dressed exactly like them, and they were dressed exactly like her. The only remaining trace of her individuality was the goth makeup on her face, and even that was now little more than a small, easily-overlooked detail. An accent that merely underscored their similarities.

And they were all dancing, just like her.

All of them were doing that bunny dance - hands up as paws, hips swaying, legs bouncing. Somehow, they acted in perfect coordination, like they were all moving to the rhythm of Chang’s swinging coin.

Lihua didn’t need to check to know that they were all wearing tail plugs too. She could tell from the lewd, needy way they moved, and the small gasps of pleasure on each of their lips.

She was one of them. And that made her happy.

Why wouldn’t it?

They were all bright, bouncy, bubbly bunnies. It was such a happy thing to be.

Lihua instinctively stepped back to dance in formation with her fellow bunnies. They eagerly parted to accept her into their ranks, and within no time they were all dancing together. And Chang was right there in front of them, surveying her handiwork with a broad smile.

“You turned out so great!” she said to Lihua, ears twitching. “I’d love to stay and watch, honestly. But I think some new people have just arrived. I need to go and give them exactly the kind of warm welcome I gave you.”

Lihua nodded, her dumb grin widening. Chang was going to make more bunnies, and more bunnies were a good thing. Soon, they would all be bunnies together, dancing in the gymnasium at this pep rally.

Lihua had finally found her school spirit.

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