
Chapter 17 — An interrogation

by JayInkwell

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:male #humiliation #sadomasochism #sub:female #abuse #bdsm #betrayal #blowjob #bondage #cocksucking #conditioning #conspiracy #contemporary #cruel_punishment #crying #degradation #discipline #enslavement #exhibitionism #f/m #femsub #gradual_control #human_trafficking #hypno #Hypnosis #hypnosis #hypnotized #kneeling #light_bondage #manipulation #mind_control #misogyny #modern #noncon_sexual_situations #obedience #obedience_training #oral_sex #outfits #pain #patriarchy #punishment #resistance #rules #science_fantasy #scifi #sexual_slavery #slave #slavery #Slavery #slaves #spanking #submission #Technology #technology_with_hypnosis #training #women_for_sale

It was Sunday noon. Brianna was exhausted. She hadn’t gotten much sleep. John had been quite athletic. His erection had kept returning over night. Brianna guessed he was using some powerful male potency drugs. He was also in good shape.

Brianna hadn’t been allowed to leave Tony’s house, or have her cell phone, until noon. She guessed that was part of John’s agreement with Tony. She wondered how much John had paid Tony. It didn’t matter, she wouldn’t get any of the money. At least she’d been able to shower after John had fucked her repeatedly this morning. As soon as she got her cell phone she messaged her apology to Larry. She arranged to meet him at her house at a new time. She hurriedly went back to her house.

Larry met her at her door. He seemed annoyed with her. She couldn’t blame him. She was late and hadn’t given him adequate warning. She unlocked her door. Larry followed her in.

“That’s quite an outfit for early afternoon,” he said. That wasn’t a proposition, she realized. It was an accusation. She looked down. She was wearing her outfit from yesterday. It was revealing and out of place here. Her bright red gown again fully exposed her back, from below a neckline strap to the top of her buttocks, with the top of her bare buttocks peeking out. Her front was two vertical strips that strategically covered the fronts of her breasts, while leaving her belly button, cleavage, and sideboobs completely exposed. The tight skirt ended before it got halfway down her thighs. A side slit ensured that even more leg showed. High red heels completed it.

“I know. I stayed over at Tony’s for a fancy party.”

Brianna mentally juggled how to schedule her day. It was Sunday. She was tired. She hadn’t gotten a full night’s sleep. She had implied to Larry that they’d make love again today, but she was both tired and worn. Yet she had had a terrible night and didn’t want to be alone. She also had to go out to a singles bar to get drunk tonight. Somehow she needed to get whore practice in.

Brianna said, “Look, I’m really tired. Let’s go to bed now and let me sleep. Once I’ve rested for a few hours, we’ll make love. Okay?”

Larry brightened. “Okay.”

They went inside. She switched to a short nighty and clambered into bed. She still had to show off her breasts, but her nighty was revealing and sheer, so her rules allowed her to wear it. Larry stripped and followed her into bed. Brianna felt Larry’s embrace. After the horrors and fatigue of last night his embrace felt good to her. She was asleep in seconds.

She woke up a few hours later. Larry was not in bed, but she could hear him nearby at the dresser. He seemed to be fiddling with some things on the dresser. She also felt an urgent need to go to the bathroom.

“One moment,” she said, as she slipped out of bed and made a beeline for the bathroom. After making her toilet she reapplied some basic make up. Larry wasn’t John. Larry had been kind to her. She had promises to keep. She was worn, but a few hours’ sleep had helped her feel much better. She wanted to make love to a man she liked.

She re-entered the room in her short nighty. Larry was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She turned one way, and then the other, to give him a full view. They were going to make love. She was going to make sure he was hard before they started. Larry appreciated the view.

“You asked me to help you,” said Larry. “I thought I’d tell you what I’ve learned so far, and what I haven’t learned.”

She sat down on the bed next him, suddenly excited. “Great, let’s hear it!” This was even better, she thought. He could share some information that might eventually help her. Afterwards they could make love.

“So my friend and I did some more clandestine research. Several women went to the psych evaluation place on the same day, including you. The renting organization showed up a few days before, accepted clients on one day, and disappeared. We tried to track the organization back and the trail went cold instantly, even with a lot of tricks my friend knows. Disappearing so thoroughly takes a lot of money and impressive expertise. Something strange is going on.”

Brianna nodded in agreement. She was disappointed he hadn’t traced things further, but she was glad he believed her.

He ogled her body. Her short sheer nighty hid little. There was lots to look at. Larry grew visibly hard.

“Brianna, strip. Lie on the bed face down. Get spread eagled.”

Brianna obeyed. She was expecting sex. She had told him earlier they would make love. She was looking forward to sex with him. She normally liked getting tied up, too, though her nightmare had caused some issues recently. Face down was strange, but she would gladly try it out. Even if she wasn’t willing, her rule about obeying sexual propositions made any alternative worse. Larry tightly handcuffed each of her limbs to a bed corner. He put a ball gag in her mouth. He set the ball gag loose, so she could talk if she concentrated. She wouldn’t be able to scream loudly. She was in no position to resist whatever he did.

She gratefully realized that she didn’t have a sudden fear remembering her nightmare. More time had passed. Now the nightmare was mainly a memory. Instead of fear, getting tied down was causing a wetness between her legs, her normal aroused feeling from being restrained. She intellectually felt that she wasn’t supposed to like being tied down, but she liked it. Being thoroughly controlled by him felt really hot to her.

She guessed that he had decided to fuck her hard in the ass. Getting fucked in the ass wasn’t something she wanted. Even worse, V had given her a sore butt. On the other hand, she had been diligently practicing to get good at anal sex. For example, she had learned how to relax and squeeze her muscles there, so that she could please a man who penetrated her anally. She decided to do her best to make sure Larry had a great time fucking her in the ass. She figured she may as well apply her hard-earned knowledge, if he decided to take her there. Her wetness grew.

Larry sat on the side of the bed and started talking. “You begged me to help you. You want me to figure out what’s wrong with you and how to make it better. You admitted that you know what the problem is. You also said you can’t tell me. Some mysterious psych evaluation seems to be the key, but they did a great job disappearing. You also don’t want me to talk to your agent.”

Brianna nodded. Every statement was correct. She thought to herself, “Less talking, more fucking, please.”

“You seem to be my main source of information but you won’t talk. So I was thinking. You earlier told me you liked being tied up. Today I saw a box under your bed. It appears to have been intentionally badly hidden. Almost like you were trying to give some hints. Let’s take a look, shall we?”

Brianna turned her head to the side and tried to see Larry. She wondered when the fucking would start. Anal wasn’t really her thing, but she wanted sex with Larry instead of sex with a stranger. She was ready for it. More than ready, she kept getting more wet for him.

Larry went to her dresser. On her dresser were the deliveries she’d gotten yesterday. There were lots of sex toys, including butt plugs, anal beads, a cooling dildo, an anal expander, a realistic cock, various samples, and an expansive BDSM catalog.

“I didn’t know you were into this stuff so much,” said Larry.

Brianna concentrated to speak in spite of the gag. “Umm, not exactly.”

“Oh? Did you buy this for someone else?”

“No, I bought it to use on myself…”

“I think you’re hinting to me how to get information from you. If not, I think you fantasize about being a sub but you can’t admit it. Either way, I think it’s time to use some of the things you bought to be applied on you. You bought them for a reason.”

Brianna thought. She decided that this was sex-related and thus this was a sexual proposition. Objecting would give her a rule. She stayed silent. Larry decided her silence was consent.

She felt him apply some lube in her anus. He pressed plastic and metal into her anus. It went deeply in. She heard a few soft metallic clicks. Nothing else seemed to happen.

“Let’s have some answers,” said Larry. “Do you like Tony?”

She heard a few clicks. She felt her anus getting stretched out. It hurt.

“Oh, ow, that hurts. No, I don’t like Tony. I hate him.”

“Oh? Then why go to Tony’s? Why are you doing what you’re doing?”

“Owww, um, I have to.”

“Tell me more. In particular, there seems to be a lot connected to this psych eval. Tell me what happened there.”

“I can’t.”

A few more clicks. Her anus stretched further. It hurt like hell.

“OW! OW! OW!”

“You’re going to tell me everything.”

“No! I can’t!”

“Do you want me to know?”

Brianna knew she needed an ally. Larry might exploit the rules, but everyone else who did know her situation was exploiting them.

“Yes, I want you to know, but I can’t tell you.”

“I’ve figured a little out. A ‘psych eval’ is involved, suggesting that your mind was somehow messed with. It appears that Tony knows or is involved. You know more, you want me to know more, and you want my help, but you can’t tell me.”

Brianna carefully said nothing. She couldn’t reveal anything related to the psych eval. This was all related.

Larry said, “You want me to know so I can help you, right?”

Brianna nodded in agreement. His statement was dangerously close to forbidden topics, but she could agree to it.

“You say you want me to know, but you can’t tell me. You bought this gear to use on yourself even though you claim you don’t like it. I think you’re hoping someone will force the truth out of you, but you can’t say it. So I’m going to do it. I hope you’ll forgive me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s what you want and can’t say.”

Click, click, click.

“OWWW! Oh god, please stop.”

“Tell me what I want to know, or I’m going to switch to more persuasive techniques.”

This wasn’t what Brianna had had in mind. She had wanted Larry to figure out her problem from clues. She had never wanted him to torture the information out of her. She understood why Larry might think that this was what she wanted. She hadn’t been allowed to give him many hints, so her hints had been necessarily ambiguous. She didn’t dare ask him to stop, that would give her a rule. She realized this night could become even more painful. She wasn’t even sure if what Larry was doing would work. So far it hurt but it wasn’t working.

“I can’t tell you anything. I won’t tell you anything.”

“I’m going to give you ten minutes to think it over. After that I’ll switch to something more persuasive.”

Brianna’s anus was stretched in great pain. She mused that at least she was getting some good whore practice. She’d be able to take giant cocks into her butt after this. She silently begged for relief. Larry walked out and waited. Brianna stayed in pain. The pain didn’t seem to subside. He eventually walked back in.

“Are you going to tell me anything now?”

“No, I can’t.”

Larry tightened the ball gag to ensure she wouldn’t be able to make any significant sounds at all.

“Shake your head ‘yes’ when you’re ready to talk. Are you going to talk?”

Brianna shook her head no.

“Suit yourself.”

Brianna braced herself for worse. She was surprised when she felt Larry undoing and removing the anal stretcher. That was a relief, but she suspected something worse was coming. She heard some plastic sounds. She felt a cream getting rubbed on her bare butt and the backs of her upper thighs. There was an immediate heat, like a muscle relaxant. The rubbing of her buttocks, along the slight warming, felt nice at first. The heat kept building. Within 30 seconds it was no longer nice, it was like a mild sunburn. After a minute it had gone deep. Her butt and thighs felt like they were being burned on a hot stove top.

“Mmm!”, protested Brianna.

“Will you tell me everything?”

Brianna wanted to tell him. She had wanted to before. The feeling of burning on a hot stove gave her a strong additional incentive. The rules inside her brain held strong. She knew she couldn’t reveal anything. Brianna shook her head no.

By two minutes Brianna felt as if her butt and thighs were literally on fire, all the way down to her bones. She tried to cry out, but the gag prevented any real sounds. She struggled uselessly with the handcuffs. She heard more plastic sounds. She guessed Larry was taking off latex gloves.

“Switches hurt. The cream intensifies pain. Tell me everything or you’ll find out how much.”

Brianna shook her head no. She silently begged for Larry to stop.

“Suit yourself.”

She heard a quick swish. The switch landed hard on her bare buttocks. She cried out as much as she could, but the gag prevented any real sound from escaping. She pulled on the restraints, but there was little give. Larry repeatedly whipped her hard with the switch. He covered her butt with lashes from top to bottom. Brianna tried to move to protect herself, but she couldn’t move at all. When the first switch broke, he tossed it aside and grabbed another. Larry whipped her again with the new switch. Brianna uselessly screamed and begged through her muzzling gag. She remembered that she was a stupid bitch who needed to learn to say yes.

“Will you tell me everything now?”

Brianna shook her head no.

Larry tossed the latest switch. It had also broken. He brought out his trusty paddle. He repeatedly walloped her butt as hard as he could. The fire cream and welts from the switches intensified Brianna’s pain. Brianna again screamed and begged through her muzzling gag.


Brianna shook her head no.

More plastic sounds. Larry lifted her torso up slightly. He applied the fire cream to each of her breasts, concentrating on her nipples. He penetrated her anus with his finger and spread the fire cream inside. Finally, he took a glob of fire cream and thickly coated her cunt with it, inside and out. He took extra care to ensure her clit was thoroughly coated.

Brianna was on fire in her most sensitive places. She screamed into the gag as the pain grew worse. She would do anything to relieve it, yet she couldn’t tell him what he wanted to know.

“Will you tell me something now?”

Brianna shook her head no.

“Suit yourself. I’m going to sit over here and relax.”

Brianna wept and screamed uselessly into the gag. She shook her head no, repeatedly. Again and again she remembered that she was a stupid bitch who needed to learn to say yes. Larry sat.

After what seemed like an eternity, Larry returned. “Will you tell me anything?”

Brianna shook her head no.

“I’m sorry, but I felt I had to do that. I can’t believe you haven’t told me anything, even though you say you want to. I can give you the relief cream and let you free. I know it hurts. I’m trying to help you. I hope that you won’t hold this against me. Can you forgive me?”

She would do anything for relief. She couldn’t penalize anyone for sexual assault anyway. This whole thing felt sexual. She vigorously shook her head yes.

Larry applied the relief cream everywhere. It worked quickly. Brianna cried tears of joy when the fire ended. He removed the gag and released her limbs.

Brianna gasped. She still hurt from the switching and paddling. She was sure she had many welts from the switches. She also knew he had been trying to help her. What’s more, she was ecstatic that he’d applied the relief cream. He was the one who had hurt her, but he was also the one who had healed her. She felt irrationally grateful to the hero who had rescued her from pain. Even though he was the author of the pain. She also could not penalize anyone for sexual assault.

“Hold me,” she begged.

They snuggled on the bed. Brianna was overwhelmed with fatigue. She fell asleep in his arms.

Brianna awoke with confused feelings. Larry was her tormentor, yet he was trying to help her. She felt strange feelings of respect and gratitude. She decided that it was better for her to stay with him and to let him try to help her. She would be lost without him. She wanted to please him. Larry looked into her eyes. She smiled.

Larry said, “I’m sorry that I had to put you through that. I’m sad it didn’t work.”

Brianna spoke. “I understand. I wish it had worked too. There are ways you can help me though. I need to go to a singles bar and get drunk tonight. I’ll need to do that tomorrow night too. Would you please be my bodyguard again both times?”

Larry nodded. There was much he still didn’t know, but it was clear there were some things she had to do.

They made some plans. She had to wear a short skirt and reveal her breasts when she went out. She could at least skip the makeup and try to look less nice. She wouldn’t bring her phone at all, so Tony wouldn’t be able to track her location. Sunday and Monday would not be busy nights. Larry would do his best to prevent anyone from propositioning her. They planned to sit far away from anyone else while she drank.

Sunday night’s bar visit was uneventful. The bar visit was followed by a thorough world-class blowjob in her bedroom given by a drunk Brianna to a grateful Larry. Monday morning Larry fucked Brianna. After the fucking, Brianna made them breakfast wearing only her apron. Larry went out to try to learn more about this psych eval, while she spent time in whore practice. Monday night they again went out so she could get drunk. It was again uneventful. Brianna spent the rest of Monday night in her apartment getting fucked by Larry. Tuesday morning Brianna made breakfast for them both, while providing a good show for Larry by wearing only an apron.

Brianna was satisfied how the bar visits had worked out. She’d have to go out drinking again on Saturday and Sunday night, if not sooner, but things had not gotten any worse. Yet.

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