Emma's Thrall

Chapter 5

by GlassO

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female

I awoke with my hand right where I left it, gently covering my pussy.  It was strange waking up nude.  I don’t think I’d ever done it before. Thank God Mom didn’t come wake me up this morning.  Getting out of bed... it felt...natural.  I didn’t want to put clothes on.  I wanted to stay naked.  Odd feeling this.  Anyway, not going to school this way, so clothes it is.
Usually, a quick shower.  Today’s shower though....not so quick.  Again, my body felt alive, it felt new.  Again I needed to be touched.  Oh what I wouldn’t give for a detachable shower head.   Again, my fantasies wandered to the previous evening’s affairs, and I found myself getting aroused be every part of it...Rex...Bonnie...Emma...the affair in the car.  This is a mighty strange cycle...
Looking in my closet...good lord my clothes are boring!  Memo to self: convince Mom to take me shopping.
So breakfast, getting ready, then...a knock on the door?  
Look out the window.  Mercedes SUV.  Is Emma here?  
Go to the door...Emma!  I’m awash with both sexual arousal and the feeling you get when an old friend returns.  I mean, I’ve known her a day, but it feels like a lifetime.  She’s cloaked like yesterday, but this cloak is a little more Assassin's Creed.  Hooded and beautiful; subtle silver embroidery.   Tall black boots...a little skin before the skirt.  Damn she’s sexy.  I could learn a thing or two.  My mom comes to greet her.  Emma french kissed her...wait that came out wrong...she kissed her on both cheeks...you know, like a french person.  Very classy.  Told my mom how great she thought I was and how delighted she was to have met me.  Okay, that’s cool....so Emma’s come to pick me up.  Sweet. And saved my mom the trip.  It didn't even occur to ask her how she knew where I lived.
We headed out to the car.   Bonnie, Rex, and another girl are in the back seat.  They saved me the shotgun.  Cool.    I get in and get kisses from Bonnie and Rex...I guess this means everything’s cool...the new girl, Lilly, just waves shyly.  Quiet asian. Even has a violin case.  Stereotype much?  
So we leave.  Bonnie speaks up.
“So...how are we feeling today?  We were all sorry to see you leave so suddenly.”
“Yeah, well...sorry about that...I just...well...”
“No hey, no need to explain.  It’s all cool.  Emma said you just needed some head space.”
I turned to Emma.
“Did you tell them?”
Emma: “Guys do you mind if we have a private talk up front for a moment?”
They all agreed.
Emma held up her right hand.  There was a big red ruby ring on her index finger.
“You all know this ring..  Stare at intently...and deep sleep now.”
She lowered her hand and in unison, everyone in the back seat went right out!  Both girls leaned against Rex in the middle.  I seemed to be not affected, but already I felt my juices flowing from watching this display.
“That’s called a post-hypnotic suggestion.  It allows a hypnotist to place a suggestion in a person’s subconscious that activates when the person is awake.  They are deep in trance and can’t hear us.  You can speak freely.”
“Did you give me any post-hypnotic suggestions?”
Emma hesitated.
“May---be.  Let’s say for the sake of argument I have.  I will remove them if you like...”
I thought about this for a hot minute.  It was both scary and alluring at the same time.  The idea there was some secret in my head that I was blind to.  Ready to pounce on me.  I probably should have said something...but this rabbit hole I was falling into...it was so delightful and unexpected.  I didn’t want the ride to end.
“No...I...I trust you.  Of course maybe you hypnotized me to trust you, so I don’t know what to trust.”
“Does that bother you?  Is what you’ve experienced bother you?”
“Quite honestly, it’s both exciting and frightening at the same time.  It’s like I woke up as a different person today.”
“How so?” asked Emma.
“I feel...so...sexual.  Like I’m a sexual being now, and it’s a core part of my being.  I didn’t used to think about sex that much, but now it’s crawling all over my mind!”
Emma smiled, pleased at her handiwork.
“Hey, that’s what being a teenager is supposed to be about”.  She patted my leg.  And left her hand on for just a bit too long.  The intention was clear and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.  Did I have sexual feelings towards Emma herself, or was she just my conduit to my own sexual fantasies?  I made a note to think on this further.  
“So,” Emma continued, “I didn’t say anything about what happened after you left.  I don’t kiss and tell.  But these are safe people, Liz.  Whatever you say around them stays in confidence.  We’re very tight.”
“I figured.  But what about me?  I’ve earned their trust?”
“Last night you insisted that I hypnotize a guy into  having an intense orgasm right in front of you.  I think that makes you as suspect as the rest of us.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“May I awaken the car?”
She snapped her fingers twice.  “Awake! Awake!  Alert and ready!”
They came to, and seemed none surprised to have been put into trance.  I’m guessing that this was a regular occurrence.  
We pulled into the school parking lot and piled out.   Another day.
As I review this journal, I should note that I’m editing lots of stuff out.  I mean, my classes, my homework?  That shit’s boring!  I started journaling some of that stuff, but quite honestly it really paled compared to my adventures with Emma, so this is just the highlights, but I assure you, dear reader, there was more to my life than just hypnosis, sex, and all the ensuing weirdness.  Really.
Anyway, I started to acclimate to my new school.  All of Emma’s friends started to become my friends.   Besides Rex and Bonnie, there was shy shy Lily, Caroline, who was this great, intense intellectual, Therese who was absolutely boy crazy but had like, zero social skills, and Fearless Nick, who would do anything for “story value”  Part daredevil, part class clown.  He’d become friends with Emma on a bet along the lines of, “I could never be hypnotized!”  
So Tuesday afternoon after school found me with Emma and Therese...doing girl stuff...namely shopping.  Not that I really had money to spend...but that wasn’t really a problem with Emma.  She liked to spend money...and not on herself.  She bought Therese some slutty shoes she could barely walk in.  And she insisted...INSISTED she buy me these super risque leather pants.  I mean...these were tight and super low-rise.  I was embarrassed to even come out of the dressing room.  I poked my head out and told her, with as much conviction I could muster: “No.”
Of course she would have none of that.
Emma forced her way into the dressing room.  I had a big button down shirt which hung over the pants.  Emma handed me a tight tank top.
“Here try them with this.”
A moment of hesitation, a moment of modesty.  This was bigger than your average dressing room, but it was still pretty small...especially with someone as towering as Emma.  
“Fine.  I’ll dress you.”
Emma reached up and put her hands on either side of my neck and started to squeeze gently.
“Deep relaxation...deep...deep....deep...reee-laxxxx....Liz...becoming limp and complacent”  She began to sway me forwards and back slightly...I began to feel a little dizzy.  I tried to raise my arms to remove her hands but they wouldn’t raise up, they just hung there.  I think she sensed  my struggle.  She ran her hand down my right arm. 
“Feel the sensations running down your left arm Liz, so relaxed and limp...”
Wait my left arm? She was caressing my right arm....
She switched positions with her hands, now she was gliding down my left arm.
“Now feel the sensations along your right arm...loose and limp and so heavy...”
Now I was totally confused and she sensed that, she brought her hand from her neck up to my eyes and snapped her fingers.
I remember this overwhelming sense of relief when my eyes closed and I could just stop trying to think through this.  My next memory was hearing Emma counting up to ‘5’ and my eyes opening.  I was looking at myself in the mirror.  I was wearing the top she’d picked out along with those tight, tight pants.  I nearly blushed.  I looked hot.  I would have never worn this in a million years.  All this midriff.  Mom would kill me.  I tried to turn around to see my butt, for truly that is the measure of any pair of killer pants.
I could not turn.  I could not move a single muscle for that matter.  In the mirror I saw Emma leering behind me, grinning like a Cheshire cat at my futile efforts.
“Mannequins can’t move silly.”  
Oh.  I’m a mannequin.  Of course I can’t move.  It made perfect sense.
“Here, let me adjust you.”
Emma began to pose me in front.  Lifted my arm just so.  Put my hand on a hip.  Just like a mannequin.  Then she turned me to face her.  She held up a pocket mirror so I could see my butt in the big mirror now behind me.  Small and round.  Damn these pants were low.  I tried to speak.  I couldn’t.   Mannequins can’t speak.  Emma saw my struggle and smiled.  She put her palm on my face.
“You can speak, mannequin.”
“Are you having fun, Emma?”
“I am.  How does it feel to be a mannequin?”
“Oddly comfortable.  I know I should be alarmed and worried, but I’m not.”  
Emma walked around me.  She put hands on me again and gave me another pose.  Both arms up, reaching for something.  Her hands on me give internal shivers.
“You’ve got a tight, little bod, Liz.  Maybe if I had an ass like yours I wouldn’t wear capes all the time.”
Emma’s hand slid down my back while her other hand went around my waist, leaning me forward, thrusting my butt out.  Her hand on my back traveled further south. A soft caress on my butt.  Fingers sliding between my legs...it felt so delicious.  I wanted to press back into it, but I couldn’t move...I was helpless...I let loose a soft moan...and gained immediate awareness of where I was.
“Yes, Liz.”
“Not here....and not yet....please....”
I felt the hand slide up and out....lingering on the contact.
 Emma walked around to face me.  She brought her fingers up and snapped in front of me.
“Awake and alert Liz!  Wake up!  Control returning to your body!  Feeling rested and alert.!”
I could move again.  But I felt immediate regret...and I also felt like I’d hurt her.
“Get changed and we’ll get a bite.”
She turned and left abruptly.  I felt kinda bad...ruining a moment...but quite honestly I had some pretty mixed feelings about both getting fucked in a dressing room and the whole Sappho thing.  I mean, I wanted a say in the matter.  Also:  what am I?  Some sort of fuck toy?  And how the fuck did this tank top get on me?  Did Emma put this on me or did she make me do it?  I got angry for a moment.  I felt violated.  I mean, some of me felt flattered for the attention, but this was kinda rapey...wasn’t it?  Wasn’t it?  Or was I playing along because I wanted it.  What’s that they say...you can’t be made to do anything in hypnosis you wouldn’t do out of hypnosis....Is that true or bullshit?  
I looked at myself in the mirror again.  It was a hot outfit.  Not that I could afford it.  I changed back into my jeans and baggy shirt.  I was almost afraid to step out.  Not sure what I was going to say to Emma.
I stepped out and Emma wasn’t there.  Just Therese.
“Where’s Emma?”
“Went to powder her nose.  She said she’d meet us at the food court....”
“Okay.  Let me put these back and we’ll go.”
“She already paid for that.  They’re yours.”
“She shouldn't have done that.  This stuff is pretty pricey.”
Therese smiled.  “Not for her.  She likes shopping and dressing her friends.  Wait til she starts making you clothes.  Just roll with it.”
 Therese sensed my discomfort.  “Are you okay?  Emma....can be kind of intense.”
“Yeah... true.”
We found Emma at the food court.  She watched me walk over.  Evaluating.
“Emma,”I said, “Thank you so, so much for the clothes...it’s really extravagant of you.”
Emma smiled cautiously.
“You’re welcome Liz.  It was my pleasure.”
There was a pause.  A painful pause.  I took her hand.
“No, seriously...it was really wonderful...I mean everything.  Thank you...truly.  I'm sorry I'm so shy.  I don't want to be.  Believe me when I say it's not you...it's me.”
She met my eye.  I think she accepted my apology in her silent way.

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